University of the Witwatersrand

Library Computer Services

Minutes of the meeting held on the 11 February 2014

Chair: Charl Roberts (CR)

Present: Simon Mofokeng (SM)

Senzo Nkosi (SN)

Suzanne Saunders (SS)

Lewatle Phaladi (LP)

Deborah Staples (DS)

Khulisa Sithole (KS)

Sherperd Dube (SD)

Apologies: Shaseelan Govender (SG)

Minutes: Senzo Nkosi (SN)

Agenda points / Discussions / Decisions / Attention / Deadline
Welcome and introductions / CR
Meetings Report back
SMT Report back / ·  NOTED: client service meeting is on the 19th of February 2014.
·  CHELSA stats _ feedback from Janet was that our 2012 stat was uploaded.
·  Janet has been tasked to update the Library policy documents _ once done they would be uploaded to intranet.
·  FYI: Kgomotso post has been advertised.
·  FYI: Lihle in on Maternity leave.
·  CAPEX budget spend can only start 1 April
·  Cullen basement project _ PIMD to pay for upgrades / CR
CAB Report back
CAB Attendance:
LP _Jan and Sept
SD _Mar and Dec
SN _Feb and Aug
KS _Apr and Oct
SG _ May and Jul
DS _Jun and Nov / ·  NB: SN – has swapped with SD for CAB attendance in February, SD will attend in March.
·  Zimbra _ Students email downtime, system maintenance from 5pm (1hour) on February 12, 2014. / SN / Next Meeting
Client Services / No issues / CR
Primo / ·  ExLibris has provided feedback that all services will be taken down in the next couple of days. / CR
Disabled Student Unit / ·  No issues. / SM, SN, CR
LIBGUIDES / ·  Beta version is online for testing
o  DS – to send URL
·  Possible subscription will only be discussed once the version is out of Beta / CR,DS / Ongoing
P4P / ·  Alumni printing is working with a card supplied to ground floor staff – Ricoh is working on a permanent solution: SM_ to follow up.
·  Printers that are switched off causes the stats reporting to fail on Equitrac – example ARCH
·  1st Floor Ricoh 3 has a problem:
o  Settings were in correct, SM has fixed it. We are monitoring it. / SM,CR,SN,SG,SD
SN / Next meeting
Wireless / ·  LCS investigating AP for historical papers
o  SM awaiting quotation considering purchase of extra AP next year_ Quotes received
o  SM – William Cullen Library basement requesting wireless AP
·  NOTED: Poor quality on this new AP’s.
·  SS _ proxy logon issue, it doesn’t login possible it is down. / SM
SM / Next meeting
WIREDSPACE / See Web team minutes / LP,CR,DS / Ongoing
OJS / No Issues / LP
New Image Rollout / ·  Left with 21 computer in KC1 (Compaq 6200)
o  Need new image for it.
·  Will do the electronic classrooms after completing the KC1 – SN to follow up with dates for ECR / SN / Next Meeting
Self-check / ·  Training completed – Suren to monitor if staff are actually using the machine
·  Archt. Library self-check computer need to being replace _ quotes have been received; have to confirm with 3M if we are buying the correct hard drive (spec) – waiting on quote for labor from CSX / SM, SS, CR,SD
Wits Digitization Center / ·  Michele requested a new bigger monitor – 22 inch
·  OS 1400 install – Awaiting PIMD for contractor to work on photographic room – CR _ waiting payment to come through.
·  Atom instance has been set up (there is however an access problem) ; the archive backup is not up yet.
·  ETD external hard drive was given to Gabby. / SM
CR, SM / Admin
Exam Site / ·  Migrating to Ubuntu
o  LP dates for migration to be confirmed – pending CNS and VAC dates
o  LP to discuss with Charl regarding migration dates / LP / 2014
World Cat Local / ·  Link resolver on google scholar to be tested - CR / SS/CR / Ongoing
CIBECS review / ·  SG working on this – has a list of all outstanding staff members needing the install – LCS may install if it is a new PC roll out but if it is a re-install CNS (Ephraim) should be contacted, they will remote to PC while you install
o  SG – has done report on people who has CIBECS installed on their PC’s _ completed. / SG / Next meeting
Law Library Student Computers Project / ·  The machines at law library will be put into registry
·  The thin clients will be removed
o  Waiting the new date in terms of moving away from the thin clients.
Science Library / 2016 project / CR,SM / 2016
Workgroups / Committees LCS participates in
Wits Digital Library & Archives Committee / ·  Next meeting 13 Feb / CR / Ongoing
CLE Workgroup / ·  Next meeting 13 Feb / CR / Ongoing
Managed Print Services / ·  CR attending meetings on behalf of Library – waiting tender document / CR
MILL – no feedback
Library Platform / LMS / ·  RFI will be done in 2014 _ Pending.
·  All info sent to UKS as requested _ haven’t had feedback from them.
·  Meeting with Graham Woodruff / III on the 18th of February 2014. / SS / KS / CR,SS / ?
General / ·  Mill scheduler is not working so SS is updating every morning: A Ticket has been logged with III – will be corrected in upgrade Jun / Jul
·  SS to write email to Janet Zambri about the people who are not on WITS payroll and they complain about access problem and they have to go to HR to request to be added to HR system as zero percent _ On going / KS&SS / Next meeting
Branches / WCL
·  Data point request for Semakaleng, will be moving to ground floor
o  Waiting for quotation_ Received quote and the order has been created.
·  No issues / CR&SM / Next meeting
·  No issues / SM
SD / Next meeting
·  No issues / SN / Next meeting
·  FYI: Nelao requested a laptop for personal use _ we only loan laptop for work related issues. / SD / Next meeting
·  Bizhub had no hard drive - Users will be connected directly for printing. / SN / Next meeting
·  Front desk CRTs need to be replaced; only to be done once the renovations are completed.
·  Waiting to swap the smart board. / SN, SM, CR
SD / Next meeting
·  Shelves to be moved, space created will be used to setup more pcs for the library_ visited area with admin and Biziwe wants KC issue taken to SMT. SMT only agreed on wireless area.(2014) / SN
SG / 2014
·  No issues. / SN / ASAP
·  Received quotation for Margaret laptop _ was forwarded to SMT for a decision.
o  It would be purchased end March once the CAPEX is available. / SM, CR
·  SM _ Zeta Company requested the serial number for the scan and it was given to them – SM setting up scan to mail and statistics functionality / SM
SN / Next meeting
General Issues / ·  LCS leave
o  LP: leave 17th Feb.
·  SN will take responsible for storeroom and workshop from Feb to end April 2014 – SN will check the air-con in the workshop and make sure it is switched off after work each day
·  Team building – will be taken when there is a suitable date (end teaching block)
·  Tri-Annual Review – deadline is the end of February.
·  Tickets has to be updated on the Help Desk, if you are awaiting information move the ticket to hold
·  E-tag for the LCS van needs to be collected from the fleet manager. / ALL / Next meeting
Staff Report backs
CR / 06 Tickets
SS / 22 Tickets
LP / 13 Tickets
KS / 33 Tickets
SM / 05 Tickets
SN / 15 Tickets
DS / 17 Tickets
SG / __ Tickets
SD / __ Tickets
Next Meeting
LCS minutes scribes: / 18 February 2014
LP _Jan and Sept
SD _Mar and Dec
SN _Feb and Aug
KS _Apr and Oct
SG _ May and Jul
DS _Jun and Nov