Religion – Final Exam Review

The Rosary

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Religion – Final Exam Review

1)List the five Joyful mysteries, in order.

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______

2)List the five Luminousmysteries, in order.

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______

3)List the five Sorrowfulmysteries, in order.

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______

4)List the five Gloriousmysteries, in order.

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______

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Religion – Final Exam Review

5)Begin each Rosary with:

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. 3______
  5. ______
  6. ______

6)Begin each decade of the Rosary with:

  1. Announce the mystery
  2. ______
  3. 10 ______
  4. ______
  5. ______

7)Conclude each Rosary with:

  1. ______
  1. (optional)


  1. ______

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Religion – Final Exam Review

Chapters 11-12: Commandments

8)How did the Hebrews feel when they first received the Ten Commandments?

  1. [Overjoyed/j
  2. oyful/relieved]

9)Why did God have Moses and Aaron lead the people by an indirect route?

10)Explain what happened at Marah:

11)Explain the two things God sent his people in the Desert of Sin:

12)How long were the people wandering in the wilderness and what does this period of time represent?

13)When Moses was on Mt. Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments, what did Aaron do and why was Moses mad?

14)How do superstitions, good luck charms, fortune tellers, etc show a lack of trust in God?

15)List the Ten Commandments, from Scripture:

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Religion – Final Exam Review

Concerning our relationship with God:

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

Concerning our relationships with Others;

4. ______

5. ______

6. ______

7. ______

8. ______

9. ______

10. ______

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Religion – Final Exam Review


Chapters 13 and 14: Sin and Forgiveness

16)When the Hebrews heard what the Promised Land was like, how did they feel?

17)Describe the people who were already living in Canaan:

18)Who were the two men who defended Moses and Aaron? What did they tell the people?

19)When the people didn’t march on Canaan, what did God do?

20)Describe the land of Canaan:

21)Why was Moses banned from entering the Promised Land?

22)In making decisions, what must we consider?

23)Explain the role our conscience plays in helping us make decisions, or deal with a decision once it’s been made:

24)What were the people’s punishment for complaining? When they realized this was punishment, what did they ask of Moses?

25)What did God tell Moses about how the people would be healed?

26)Describe the 4 ways to be reconciled with God when we have sinned:

Moses was banned because he lacked faith (str

uck the rock twice—didn’t think it would happen the first time)

27)What are the three conditions for a mortal sin?

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Religion – Final Exam Review

1.Must be seriously wrong

2.Know it’s seriously wrong

3.Freely choose to do it

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Religion – Final Exam Review

28)What is a venial sin? Lesser sin; does not fulfill the 3 conditions for mortal sin (stealing a pencil)

Vocabulary, Part I (Chapters 11-14)

Directions: Match up the key terms with their definitions below.

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Religion – Final Exam Review

  1. Golden Rule
  2. natural law
  3. perjury
  4. social justice
  5. New Commandment
  6. blessing
  7. cursing
  8. blasphemy
  9. intercession
  10. mortal sin
  11. venial sin
  12. crucifix
  13. grace
  14. bronze serpent
  15. virtue
  16. idolatry
  17. Tent of Meeting
  18. Ark of the Covenant
  19. Manna
  20. oasis

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Religion – Final Exam Review

1)______the moral law that is written in the human heart

2)______The fair and equal treatment of every member of society

3)______Mocking or hateful speech concerning God; can also include insulting or making fun of sacred

people or things

4)______A prayer that calls for God's power and care upon some person, place, thing, or activity

5)______lying under oath

6)______A container holding the Ten Commandment tablets given to Moses on Mt. Sinai

7)______calling on God to bring evil to someone or something

8)______treat others as you would like to be treated

9)______food that God sent the Israelites during their journey in the desert

10)______the sanctuary that God instructed Moses to build to house of the Ark of the Covenant

11)______see Jn 13:34

12)______prayer or petition on behalf of another. Through prayers of intercession, we pray as

Christ, our intercessor, prayed for us.

13)______a cross with the figure of Christ on it

14)______a fertile or green area in a dry region

15)______an object that God had Moses make and raise up on a pole in order to heal the people who had

been bitten by a snake; prefigured Jesus being raised on the cross to save all people

16)______the gift of God, given to use without our meriting it

17)______choice we make that weakens our relationship with God or with other people; wounds

and lessens the divine life in us. A “lesser” sin.

18)______a serious decision to turn away from God by doing something that we know is wrong.

Must follow three criteria: 1) it must be a serious matter; 2) we must know it is wrong;

and 3) we must choose to do it of our own free will. Mortal sin will prevent one from entering heaven.

19)______an attitude or way of acting that helps us do good; a habit of doing good.

20)______the worship of false gods in place of worshipping God; worshipping a creature, person, or thing, such as power, pleasure, or money, in place of the Creator. A sin against the First Commandment.

Chapter 15: God’s Chosen People Enter the Promised Land

21)Why does God call Moses to Mount Nebo?

22)What did Moses tell the people before he died?

23)Why was Joshua a good leader?

24)Describe the importance of the “Laying on of Hands”:

25)Explain what happened as the people crossed the Jordan:

26)Describe the Battle of Jericho:

27)Who were the Levites? What happened to them and why?

28)What happened in Shechem?

29)What happens in Purgatory?

30)What is Hell?

Vocabulary, Part II (Chapter 15)

Directions: Match up the key terms with their definitions below.

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Religion – Final Exam Review

  1. authority
  2. purgatory
  3. Vicar of Christ
  4. hell
  5. justice
  6. chastity
  7. temperance
  8. fortitude
  9. humility
  10. faith
  11. heaven
  12. generosity

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Religion – Final Exam Review

1)______the right to command, to require obedience, to take action, and to make decisions

2)______union with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in life and love that never ends. A state

of complete happiness and the goal of the deepest wishes of the human heart

3)______total separation from God, forever. The result of free choice of a person to reject God’s

love and forgiveness once and for all

4)______a state of final cleansing after death of all our human imperfections, to prepare us to

enter into the joy of God’s presence in heaven

5)______the pope, Christ’s representative, who is the visible leader of the church

6)______courage and strength of mind that enable a person to do difficult things; a gift from the


7)______virtue that obliges us to give everyone his or her rightful due; fair treatment of everyone

8)______gift of control, especially of one’s eating and drinking habits

9)______to not think too much of oneself; to think of others first

10)______believing in our Creator, and showing that belief with our words and actions

11)______the spirit of poverty, of giving one’s material goods freely to others

12)______showing restraint and modesty in one’s appearance, words, and actions; purity


Chapter 17: Period of Judges

  1. What were some changes the people had to get used to now that they were in the Promised Land?
  1. Explain what the Biblical “judges” are – what did they do?
  1. What did Deborah advise Barak to do?
  1. What type of family did Gideon come from?
  1. When he was called by God, what did Gideon ask God to do? Explain.
  1. What agreement did Samson’s parents make with God?
  1. Tell a couple examples of Samson’s rage:
  1. What did Delilah do to Samson?
  1. Despite his failures, why is Samson considered a great judge?
  1. How does Ruth’s story show loyalty and commitment?

Chapters 18 and 19: The Kings

  1. Who was the last and greatest judge?
  1. What happened in the battle with the Philistines shortly after Samuel was called by God?
  1. Why did Samuel object at first to the idea of a king?
  1. Who was anointed as the first king? How was he anointed?
  1. Describe Saul’s rule:
  1. How did David come into Saul’s life?
  1. What does “Christ” mean?
  1. What happens at the Chrism Mass?
  1. What did David make as the capital of his newly united kingdom? What was brought to the capital?
  1. What was David’s sin involving Bathsheba?
  1. What was David’s sin involving Uriah?
  1. What did the prophet Nathan explain to David?
  1. What was David’s punishment for his sins?
  1. What type of writing is David known for?
  1. Who became king after David?
  1. What did Solomon ask for God to give him?
  1. What was perhaps the greatest accomplishment of Solomon’s reign?
  1. What did Solomon do to keep peace with neighboring countries and how did this lead him into sin?

Vocabulary, Part III (Chapters 17-19)

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Religion – Final Exam Review

  1. Charism
  2. Abstain
  3. Ritual
  4. Anoint
  5. Chrism
  6. Anointing of the Sick
  7. Holy Orders
  8. Repentance
  9. Psalms
  10. Holy of Holies
  11. proverbs

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Religion – Final Exam Review

  1. ______a special room in the Temple
  2. ______returning to God after having sinned
  3. ______the practice of denying oneself food, drink, or other pleasures
  4. ______through this sacrament, Jesus brings spiritual healing and forgiveness of sins to someone who is sick
  5. ______perfumed oil, consecrated by a bishop, that is used in certain sacraments
  6. ______a prayer in the form of a poem, written to be sun in public worship
  7. ______through the laying on of hands in this sacrament, men receive a permanent sacramental mark that calls them to minister to the Church
  8. ______to put oil on things or people to dedicate them to the service of God
  9. ______a special gift of God given to a person for the good of others
  10. ______words and actions used in a religious ceremony
  11. ______wise sayings

Chapters 21, 22, and 23: The Prophets

  1. What are the prophets’ main roles?
  1. Who are the major prophets?
  1. Who were the king and queen during Elijah’s time as prophet?
  1. Why did the king kill his neighbor, Naboth?
  1. What happened when Elijah’s work was finished?
  1. What was Amos’ main message and what happened to him because of all the “trouble” he caused?
  1. What is the goal of social justice?
  1. Describe Isaiah’s first encounter with the Lord:
  1. While Isaiah was a prophet, what was happening with the Assyrians and what did Isaiah tell the king?
  1. How many authors do we attribute to the book of Isaiah?
  1. What does Isaiah tell us about the suffering servant?
  1. What was Jeremiah’s reaction when God first called him?
  1. Who was king during Jeremiah’s role as prophet?
  1. What warnings did Jeremiah give the people, and how did they respond?
  1. Describe the fall of Jerusalem:
  1. What was Ezekiel called to do when he first encountered God?
  1. How did Ezekiel’s message change over time?
  1. Describe the famous vision of dry bones that Ezekiel saw. What does it represent?

Chapter 24: The Savior is Jesus

  1. Why was it unexpected that Zechariah and Elizabeth would have a baby?
  1. Why was Zechariah unable to speak, and what caused him to speak again?
  1. Describe what John the Baptist did to prepare himself for Christ’s coming:
  1. What message did John give to the people after he left the desert?
  1. Why did John at first object to baptizing Jesus? What ended up happening?
  1. How did John the Baptist die?
  1. What did Christ’s coming mark?
  1. Why do we believe Mary is so important?

Vocabulary, Part IV (Chapters 21, 22, 23, 24)

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Religion – Final Exam Review

  1. Prophets
  2. Baal
  3. Spiritual Works of Mercy
  4. Corporal Works of Mercy
  5. Amen
  6. Holy
  7. Exile
  8. Synagogues
  9. Jews
  10. Self-discipline
  11. Incarnation
  12. Magnificat

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Religion – Final Exam Review

  1. ______one called to speak for God
  1. ______Kind acts by which we help our neighbors with t heir everyday material needs
  1. ______A Hebrew word meaning “it is so” or “let it be done”
  1. ______the name given to the Hebrew people, from the time of the Exile to the present
  1. ______Mary’s song of praise to God for the great things he has done for her
  1. ______the Jewish place of assembly for prayer, instruction, and study of the Law
  1. ______the Son of God, Jesus, being born as a full human being in order to save us
  1. ______the kind of life we live when we share in the life of God
  1. ______the kind acts through which we help our neighbors meet the needs that are more than material
  1. ______a false god, whom Elijah proved to be false
  1. ______the period in the history of Israel between the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 B.C. and the return to Jerusalem in 537 B.C.
  1. ______planned control and training of oneself in order to improve

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