SE / SURC / T- 11 / 2007-08


Supply of

Polycarbonate Tool less Roto Seals for Barshi Division

Sale of Tender Form / 27.08.2007 to 4.09.2007
11.00 am to 4.00 p.m.
Due Date for Tender submission / 05.09.2007 upto 13.00 Hrs.
Tender Opening Date / 05.09.2007 @ 16.00 Hrs. (if possible)
Estimated Tender Cost. / Rs. 4.50 Lakhs

Tender issued to M/S ______


Accounts Officer. Superintending Engineer.


Page No

·  List of Documents------2

·  Annexure – A------3

·  Tender Form------4




·  SCHEDULE A------13


List of Documents to be enclosed

Envelop I

1. Proof regarding the payment of E.M.D. – Xerox Copy

[if paid in cash] M.R.No.______Date. / /

[if paid by DD] D.D. No.______Date / /

2. S.S.I. Registration if any. – Xeorx Copy

3. Income Tax PAN Card. - Xeorx Copy

4. Sales Tax /Works Tax Registration Xeorx Copy

5. Additional information if any Xeorx Copy.

Envelop II

Duly filled Tender offer.

Name of Firm:- .

Address :- .


Land Line / Cell

Date:- Signature of Tenderer

Note :- 1) Please Tick which is enclosed.

2)Also please note that the tender with above document is necessary as in Envelop I & II.

Tender No. :- SE/SURC/T- 10 / 07-08

Name of Work :- Supply of Polycarbonate Tool less Roto Seals for Barshi Dn.


Estimated Cost :- Rs. 4.50 Lakh

Earnest Money Deposit :- Rs. 4,500/-

Sale of Tender Form :- 27.08.2007 to 04.09.2007 (11.0 Hrs. to 16.0 Hrs.]

Due Date of Submission :- 05.09.2007 upto 13.00 Hrs.

Tender opening Date :- 05.09.2007 at 16.00 Hrs. (if possible)

2 / 0 / 0 / 7

TENDER FROM PRICE : Rs. 1000.00 (in cash) Receipt No. Date :-

Envelop No.1 containing all documents except tender form & Envelop No. 2 containing duly filled Tender form are separately to be submitted to:-



Telephone : 0217 – 2727124, 25, 26 Fax :- 0217-2624161

e-mail :-



The Superintending Engineer,

M. S. E. D.C.L.

O & M Circle, Solapur

Dear Sir,

Having gone through the Tender documents, I / We offer my / our lowest rates for Supply of Polycarbonate Tool less Roto Seals for Barshi Division as quoted in the attached Schedule A.

I / We hereby undertake to carry out the work as mentioned in Tender documents & will complete the work as per the specifications and instructions given by authorise person.

I/We enclose herewith D.D. or Receipt No. ______Dated ______for Rs.______(Rs. In words)______against Earnest Money Deposit. of Tender No SE/SURC/T- 11/ 2007-08

Thanking You,

Yours Faithfully,

Signature of Tenderer/ Contractor

Place :-

Date :-

Name and Address of the Tenderer / Contractor.




Seal and Signature of Tenderer / Contractor.



1. This tender is invited for the material specified in Annexure - A read with attached specification and drawing enclosed with Tender. Supply of material is required strictly as per the same.

2. The rates should be quoted in SCHEDULE- A, only on F .O. R. Destination basis in figures and in words. In case of discrepancy in figure and words, the rates favourable to the Company will be considered and the same will be binding on the supplier. There should not be any over writing while quoting the rates. If at all over-writing happens, it should be signed by the Tenderer.

3. All the tender documents issued by the Company should be submitted duly filled in and signed by the Tenderer including cover page in envelope .Suppliers printed terms and conditions will not be considered as forming a part of the tender. However, information like test certificates, past performance or any other additional information to be submitted may be attached separately in the tender documents. Tenders received in any other form/on letter -heads etc. will not be acceptable and likely to be rejected even though lowest.

4. Tenders received after due date and time will not be accepted. Company will not be responsible for postal delay if any.

5. Tenders received without payment of E. M .D. unless exempted on account of S S I unit shall not be considered.

6. To judge the capacity and capability of the tenderer to effect the supply of material satisfactorily the tenderer should furnish the list of orders executed in respect of the similar material. Order copy should be enclosed Details of pending orders with them should also be given.

7. Offers in the form of Telegram/Telex Message/in any other form than the purchased tender documents will not be considered.

8. Whenever Company’s drawings are not attached with the tender document, the tenderer should submit two copies of the drawing confirming to the Company’s specification.

9. Tenderer should mention “Make” of the material offered.

10. Tenderer should submit required Test Report for the material offered from any approved Laboratory. In case of I. S .I. Mark copy of the I .S .I . License should be submitted.

11.Please note that the Company is registered under all Sales Tax Acts/Ordinance of Maharashtra and also under Central S. T .Act 1956. Company’s registered NO. is BOM-1.A-521 dt. 10.6.67. As such concessional S.T. against AA / E /C form is applicable.

12. Taxes as per provisions of newly introduced VAT may be quoted while submitting the offer.


1. Tenders will be opened on the date, time prescribed on the first page of the Tender documents as far as possible.

2. In case due date happens to be holiday, tenders will be opened on the next day.

3. The representative of the tenderer is expected to be present at the time of opening.

4. No correspondence shall be considered/entertained after due date and time of submission of tender unless other-wise sought by the Company.

5. Company reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tender without assigning any reason. Also Company reserves right to order the full or partial quantity of tender.


1. Tenderers should pay interest free E .M. D. @ 1% of tender amount before the due date of acceptance of tender by cash. Cheque will not be accepted. Exemption from payment E. M. D. is only in the cases of tenderer holding S. S .I. registration on permanent basis in respect of items of supply under this tender. Copy of S S . I certificate should be enclosed.

2. Tender without payment of E. M. D. before due date of opening will not be considered even though the same stands lowest.

3. E. M.D. will be refunded to the un-successful tenderer after the tender has been decided by the Company for which tenderer has to submit his application along with the original receipt.

E .M .D. can also be refunded after expiry of validity period of the tender, provided validity is not extended by the tenderer or Company has not asked for the extension of validity period irrespective of finalization of the tenders.

4. E. M. D. will be forfeited by the Company if :-

a. Tenderer withdraws the tender /offer during validity period.

b. In case contract is awarded and the tenderer fails to pay Security Deposit.

5. In case of successful tenderer E .M.D. will be refunded after payment of S.D. how-ever, Company may consider the application in writing from the tenderer to convert the amount of E.M.D. into Security Deposit after completion necessary formalities for book adjustments.


1. Successful Tenderer will have to pay interest free Security Deposit at the rate of 10% value of the order subject to statutory provision for S. S I. Units, within 10 days from the date of receipt of the order.

2. In case of failure of supplier to execute the order S.D. will be forfeited.

3. Security Deposit will be refunded after expiry of Guarantee Period in the supply order.


Unless stated other-wise, destination for supply of material is:-

The Stores Officer,

M. S. Electricity Dist.Co.Ltd.

Stores Centre, Chincholikati, Solapur

Destination:-Stores beyond Municipal limits, question of octroi charges does not arise. Material is to be door delivered at stores mentioned above & as per dispatch Instructions in order.

VI) Quality & Quantity of the material:-

1. All the material supplied against particular supply order should be strictly as per Company’s specifications, approved drawing; and approved make.

2. Tenderer should keep this office informed about the progress of manufacturing of the ordered material.

3. Company reserves the right to order the quantity of material in excess or less than specified in the tender.

4. The supplier will have to supply exact quantity of material. In excess or less than specified in the order in convincing cases 5% tolerance in quantity may be accepted at the Company’s discretion.

5. The decision of the Company, regarding acceptability of material shall be final and binding upon the supplier.

6. The material and components not specifically stated in the specifications but which are necessary for satisfactory operation of the equipment items specified, shall be deemed to be included without any extra cost.

7. Guarantee:- Goods offered shall be guaranteed for period of 18 months from the date of supply or 12 months from the date of commissioning whichever is earlier. The material found defective within the above guarantee period shall be replaced/repaired by the supplier free of cost within one month from such intimation. Failure to do same the Company will recover equivalent amount plus 15% supervision charges from any of his bills., pending in M. S. E. D. CO. LTD.


1. You will have to offer the sample for inspection as and when required and as per directives given by this office.

2. The sample should strictly confirm to the Company’s/Company’s specifications, read with the drawing if any.

3. In case of successful tenderer if the sample is as per Board‘s / Company’s specification, the same will be sent to the store as an approved sample. The material will be accepted as per “approved sample”.

4. In case of successful tenderer after finalization of tender, the tenderer should collect the sample from this office at their cost within 30 days from the date of notification to that effect failing which the sample will be treated as Company’s property without any payment and without any further notice.

5. Sample should have label showing the name of tenderer tender no., etc.


1. The tenderer has to submit required test report for the material offered.

2. In case of I S. I marks, the certificate to that effect should be submitted along-with the offer.

3. The type test for the material should be produced before the supply of material.

4. Testing facility available at the tenderer’s factory should be mentioned. Company’s Engineer may visit the factory for observation of manufacturing activities and testing. You are requested to give necessary co-operation to him.

5. M. S. E. D. CO. LTD may get tested the sample taken at random put of the lot supplied from any laboratory at the Company’s discretion and at the suppliers cost to ensure that the lot supplied is as per Company’s specifications.

In case the sample is found to be defective notice; will be given to the supplier about testing of sample at random from lot again in presence of supplier’s representative. Testing will be carried-out accordingly even if suppliers representative fails to attend testing. Testing charges together with incidental charges are to be borne by the supplier.

6. Defective material should be collected by the supplier at his cost and replace the material as per specifications within 7 days from the date of such intimation without prejudice to our clause of the delivery period.

7. The amount received if any, against the said defective/rejected lot should be refunded to the Company immediately but not later than 7 days failing which the cost involved will be deducted from any of outstanding bills of supplier either in this office or any of the Company’s offices.


1. Not withstanding anything contained herein it is responsibility of the supplier for safe arrival of material at destination. In case of transit damages/shortages payment will be made for material received in acceptable good condition.

2. Consignee shall lodge the claim with the carrier and transfer the same to supplier for further settlement.

3. Transit damages/shortages reported by our consignee shall be made good by supplier at their cost irrespective of settlement of claim within 7 days from the date of such intimation.


1. The material shall have to be supplied strictly per Company’s specifications within scheduled delivery period given by the Company.

2. In case of failure to do so, supplier will be liable to pay to the Company penalty 1/2% per delayed week subject to maximum of 10% of the value of the order. The amount of penalty so chargeable will be recovered from supplier’s bill.

3. Force Measure - Company will not be any way liable for non-performance either in whole or in part of any contract or for any delay in performance thereof in consequence of any strike ,shortage combination of labour or workmen or lock-out breakdown or accident to machinery or accident of whatever nature, failure on the part of railways to supply sufficient wagons to carry essential raw materials etc. and finished products from stores ,subject to provision and stipulation as stated above regarding liquidated damages for late delivery.


100% payment will be made after acceptance of material and receipt of your bill along-with valued S. R. Note. No part payment will be made unless other- wise mentioned in the purchase order. Payment will be made by A/C payee Cheque only.


Any amount becomes payable by supplier to Company shall be deducted from pending bills of supplier either in respect of this contract from any of Company’s offices.