Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA 93308

Born Sept 13th 1939 Long Beach CA, 4:03 AM

The following written Jan 13th 2013. On pages 702 and 703 of his history of Western Philosophy, Bertrand Russell points out that a complete solipsism is the natural conclusion of the works of Berkeley, Hume, Locke and Leibnitz. My awareness is a windowless monad. I believe in the world and interact with it as a construct of my windowless monad. I have no reason to give up my monad. The solution is in the complementarity shown in Kant and its later development in Hegel. My inability to handle the antimony between the simple and the complex and the infinite and the finite and the contingent and the necessary, the open and the determinate, as shown in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, suggests no need for a window in my monad, but rather as Leibnitz, to allow for another world complementary to my internal world, not because any rational principle suggests it, but for practical reason because it gives me pleasure to do so. Like any child, I allow for things happening beyond my private world because it helps me experience what satisfies my longings. The world of ordinary language is such a world. I have no need to follow the rules of this world of ordinary language except to gain things that I want, and as Julius Kovesi points out, in his work Moral Notions, this ordinary language world, the youngest daughter yin complementary to my youngest son yang monad, is able to satisfy my notions associated with human needs fulfillment, but this system of needs fulfillment carries with it a language community based system of moral rules.

Suppose I accept a Hegel and Kant based metaphysics to complement my private rational world because of the needs fulfilling satisfaction it can give me. Suppose I use the framework of the I Ching, suggested in my previous writings, with the Finite as Earth Trigram complementary to the Infinite as Heaven, the simple impression as Mountain complementary to the complex as Lake, the necessary ideal as Wind complementary to the contingent as Thunder, the open as Flame complementary to systems order and the determinate as Water Pit.

This order begins with an infinite flux in the Heaven Trigram of eldest son yang energy and the middle son yang boundless infinite whole that generates the improbable in youngest son yang. The smallest amount of the improbable possible is the most probable improbable, hence youngest son yang begins with the infinitesimal isolated almost nothing that is so tiny that it turns upon itself and reverts within itself turning energy into passion and system into information, turning integration into pleasure and disintegration into pain. Isolated it is the infinitesimal moment of here and now time, associated with other moments it become time and space and ultimately relativistic space time as youngest son yang converts to youngest daughter yin and the integration of all things in middle son yang becomes the disintegration of all things in middle daughter yin as the quantum particular of the atomic world.

Thus, I accept the world of science and its associated areas of technology, evolution, and social science in order to satisfy my private needs, but the magical private world of the isolated self, its existential freedom in Flame Trigram, its ideals and purpose in Wind, its impressions and notions in Mountain, and its romantic hopes and inspirations in Heaven Trigram, these are all necessarily prior to the rational world of Water Pit Trigram, the scientific world of Earth Trigram, the practical world of Thunder Trigram, and the mythological realm of Lake. A healthy metaphysics is a balance between all of these which avoids an excess of any temper, realistic in Earth and romantic in Heaven, radical in Flame and traditional in Water Pit, classical in Wind and expressionist in Thunder, impressionist in Mountain and post-impressionist in Lake. Not because any of these are true or false, but because any excess traps the participant in the unhealthy histrionic places we see Protestants take up, Buddhist schizoid practice, Hindu schizotypal, Daoist avoidant, Orthodox Christian and Shiite masochism and Zen Buddhist and Shinto sadism, borderline Catholic Christianity, dependent Islam, compulsive Jewish religion, paranoid Jainism, narcissistic New Age, antisocial cults like the old Thuggi of India, the skeptic is trapped in a negativistic passive aggressive mode and the believer in a dogmatic depression. The public world is ruled by utilitarian and pragmatic practice, we do what we do not because of theoretical reason, but because of practical necessity.

This system is ruled by Whitehead’s God out of a Heaven Trigram where Shiva is flux, Vishnu is its infinite extension, and Brahma is the improbable emerging through the cognitive system associated with the anthropic monad of the creative observer, calling up an improbable Eternal Object in Wind Trigram out of contrast in Flame and prehensions in Mountain, generated out of actual occasions in Earth and events in Thunder associated with propositions in Water Pit and nexi in Lake. Middle son yang is Vishnu is the Hen One of Plotinus and the Nous it creates is the eldest daughter yin information system dialed up by the energy of eldest son yang. Together these are the Nous and the mother father aspect of the Hen One Elohim Dao Brahman Nirvana Allah God. But these are not in doubt. Even the atheist does not doubt the scientist’s ability to apply the Nous of mathematics to the Hen One of the cosmos. It is the nature of the psyche pneuma, the youngest son yang creative infinitesimal existential inexistence that is in doubt.

I see a gradual evolution in which the expanding monads of the hidden private world of the isolated infinitesimal gradually become public and expand their attachments to associate with the evolution of new systems and new worlds in the progressive expansion of universal intelligence and life. These attachments develop in systems of internal development not unlike the suggestions made in Daoist, Buddhist, and Hindu metaphysics. In general, North America and Europe appear to be more sophisticated in their approach to the finite realm of science and Earth Trigram and East and South Asia to the infinite realm of the romantic and the possible in Heaven Trigram. The aboriginal areas of the world appear to be more sophisticated in their understanding, both of the radical possibility in the world and its complex implications. The sophisticated cultures have a finer awareness, however, of the need for skepticism and careful reason in the consideration of the above. So in the end, all are right and none are right, because the whole issue is too complex for any simple or final resolution. It is an elephant that is too large to swallow, one culture getting a bite at its head and another at its tail, but none coming up with much that is very satisfying in explaining what it really is after all.

Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA.

Now this fits the infinite flux hypothesis. What do I wake up as but as a human, a species with the only significant cultural development on the planet, in a family where my cousins have made significant cultural contributions to that planet, but nowhere is there a species with the accomplishments of a human, a planet with human like beings on it. I am isolated and alone, which is what you except if I am the infinitesimal monad of the improbable called up out of the improbable in order to attach to the probable.

Why can’t I remember my past lives, because my body is a boat of souls with various past lives and their memories conflict with mine. All are fighting to gain control of the ship that gives them pleasure. Why does this body give pleasure, because any kind of integration yields harmony and pleasure, thus souls bringing their unique immortalimprobables together in the probable will generate joy and pleasure that pushes against the pain and displeasure that is the entropic mortal fate of the probable. Yet the complex attachment prevents resolution and clarity, my self knowledge is an improbable that is drowned in the sea of the probable, the noise of entropy that is the source of the evolutionary complexity to which the soul has attached in pursuit of pleasure.

The genetic knowledge and cultural information in the body is knowledge of the practical world of the probable, not of the magical world of the infinite flux out of which my infinitesimal improbable has come. I am attracted to the world because of its difference, because it is the complementary objective practical opposite to my imaginary subjective impractical excessiveness.

Futhermore, in dreams I return to the dreamships from which my souls came, skeletal souls to the earths center, cerebral executive area souls to the Sun and medulla and autonomic souls to the Moon, or sympathetic nervous system to Uranus and parasympathetic to Neptune, Left Brain notions to Jupiter and Right Hemisphere depression to Saturn, along with the souls of Kidney and eliminative structures. My subjectivity is a integration of an infinitely diverse smoke of infinitesimal bits that returns in dreams to the Dreamtime timeless void of possibility from which they came.

I am immortal because the infinitesimal cannot be broken or destroyed by the contingency and brokenness of the probable, my monad source is all ready too refined, it passes through the probable without significant effect. Besides, my monad memory is from the infinite and cannot be effectively related to the finite. What I attached to, and where I attach, is a reflection of its immortal character forged in the infinity of time.

This monad of passion and awareness is the aristocracy of existence. It is the isolated elite that generates the world. But the world is its reflection in time and space, its associations, the community of its attachments. It relives its past lives in these attachments and associations. In its dreams it returns to its boundless origins in the cosmic becoming, in its awakening, it repeats previous awakenings in the forms with which it associates and in which it dissolves. The Moon may contribute the souls of the circulatory system and medulla, the Sun may contribute the souls of the assimilatory system and the higher souls that rule the executive areas of the cerebrum. Mars contributes motor souls and Neptune souls of the parasympathetic nervous system and lymphatic ducts. Uranus gives the souls of the sense organs and the immune system, Jupiter the pleasure centers, the left hemisphere of the cerebrum, the mouth and respiratory system, Saturn, the right hemisphere, pain, the anus and excretory system. Mercury contributes souls of the nerves and Venus, souls of the hypothalamus, pituitary, and endocrine glands. Eris is the female reproductive system and Pluto is the male. The souls of the skeleton come from deep within the Earth itself.

Allan Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, Jan 13, 2013

Confucianism correctly points out the importance of ancestry in dealing with Heaven Trigram origins because souls tend to attach to families and ancestral lineages. Daoism correctly points out the importance of rebirth in various systems of lineages. It correctly points to the souls present everywhere in everything, so that passion indwells energy and primitive mind indwells information structures, pleasure indwells harmonious construction and pain and suffering indwell the particular and disharmonious deconstruction. It correctly looks to a compassionate hierarchy of these souls paralleling the hierarchy of organization in the natural world. Buddhism correctly looks to practices that emphasize mindfulness and detachment as a way to emphasize the transcendent and the harmonious relationship of the Buddha infinitesimal sattva with the Nirvana One ultimate beyond. Hinduism correctly identifies the karma to dharma relationships that rule Heaven and Wind Trigrams and the birth and rebirth cycles of the Jiva souls described in Jainism. Christianity correctly speaks of the Pneuma, Psyche, Soma order that rules the Mountain Trigram as a reflection of the Father Hen One, Holy Spirit Wisdom Nous and local Psyche, Pneuma that enters the Mountain Trigram out of the Wind Trigram Form of the Good. Wind Trigram enters the Water Pit Trigram as the Buddhism One in middle son yang, the Dharma law in eldest daughter yin and the space time world of the Sanga, the congregation of believers in youngest daughter yin. The soma, body, particular is the middle daughter yin of quantum mechanics that generates the visible world through the evolutionary thermodynamics of Shiva a eldest son yang in the Thunder and Flame and Lake Trigrams.

Higher levels of refinement allow the soul to attach to higher more refined worlds of quantum mechanics that operate at higher levels of vibration and smaller more refined quanta that pass through our quantum world unseen, reacting with this world only through the glue provided by the relationship of the jiva soul infinitesimals with the physical events to which they attached. Buddhism and Hinduism provide methods of meditation that allow the body to help its attached souls find more refined systems to attach to in their sleep, pulling this crude world toward a hidden harmony with higher more refined systems that exist unseen to us in the dreamtime beyond beyond.

Allan Ralph Andrews, Jan 13th 2013

Chinese philosophy handles the complex synthesis symbolized by the Lake Trigram effectively, in the interplay between youngest daughter yin Confucianism, eldest son yang Daoism and middle son yang Chinese Buddhism. So with South Asia and the Heaven Trigram with youngest son yang Jainism, eldest son yang Hinduism, and middle son yang South Asian Buddhism. Christian and Neoplatonic philosophy approach the Wind Trigram with the God of Plato and Spinoza dominating the Hen One middle son yang, the rationalism of Descartes and Aristotle in the rational wisdom of the Nous, or Cosmic Mind of the eldest daughter yin, and the phenomenology of the monad of Leibniz and the monitor of Socrates in the Pneuma, Psyche of the Jiva youngest son yang infinitesimal here and now subjective. In the Mountain Trigram, the youngest son yang is the phenomenological subjective of Berkeley, the eldest daughter yin is the empirical rationalism of Locke, and the middle daughter yin is the rational deconstruction that is the logical conclusion of the philosophy of Hume. All of this is broken to pieces in the radical opening that is Flame Trigram. Here crude atoms and quantum events form the basis of hells in the tamasguna that is the fear and hate supported by middle daughter yin, the purgatory of karma and dharma that is the reincarnation systems of rajas guna and eldest son yang and the salvation into the most refined systems that is the sattvaguna of the highest heavens in youngest son yang. These heavens are ruled by true religions in the Budhisattvas of middle son yang and the Water Pit Trigram. The purgatory systems are ruled by the Dharma of the law of eldest daughter yin, and the hells are ruled by the deconstruction of the time and space of youngest daughter yin by attachment to the fragmentation of all things in the Maya that is middle daughter yin tamasguna fear and hate.

Heaven Trigram is the infinite flux that generates these systems. Wind Trigram is the improbable that is formed out of the probable through evolution in endless time and space. Water Pit Trigram is the astrological order that results. Lake Trigram is the complex system of reincarnation that results from this collective order. Earth Trigram is the manifestation of this order in the finite world and Thunder Trigram is the evolution as entropy that causes it to gradually emerge from the expansion of the void. Mountain Trigram and Flame Trigram are the interaction of the subjective realm of dreamtime possibility from Heaven Trigram in Earth Trigram through the emergence of individual organisms of various kinds associating an infinity of infinitesimal souls with finite systems of measurable parts that allow the unseen to attach to and to experience the seen. Flame Trigram is the dynamic aspect of this emergence and Mountain Trigram is its analytic result.

Heaven Trigram is the realm of the magic and the romantic possibility that is God in Alfred North Whiteheads process philosophy and Wind Trigram is the classical idealism and metaphysics that is the Form of the Good and the Eternal Objects that it generates. Flame Trigram is the unseen freedom that it endlessly opens up that is expressed through Art and Mountain Trigram is the simple analysis and empiricism that results (the realm of Whitehead’s prehensions) that is expressed through Philosophy. Earth is the measurable effects seen as Actual Occasions and understood through Science. Thunder is the practical expression in events and developed in business and the practical arts. Water Pit is the resulting order and government of all things, the rational propositions, the set theory that is used to order the resulting social structures. Lake Trigram is the resulting mythology and literature, the symbolism and dogma that generates various complex social associations, as the resulting systems recombine and develop various dialectical progressions. The interaction of the finite visible and the unseen invisible generate the higher Water Pit order that is the dharma and karma of Astrology and the recombination of Lake Trigram in cycles of association of monad jives in purgative systems of birth and rebirth. The result of this complex interactions is the metaphysical systems described by Dr. Zhi Gang Sha in his book “The Power of Soul.”