We will be retelling some stories associated with celebrations.
We will be learning and performing poems, and we will write some of our own. / Mathematics
We will be looking at halving and doubling objects and numbers.
We will be thinking about describing the position of items using the correct words. / Science
In Science we will be watching the weather and seeing how the change of season affects the trees.
P.S.H.E /R.E.
In R.E. we will be learning about different faith celebrations and festivals, including Diwali and Christmas. We will also think about the significance of Remembrance day.
In P.S.H.E. we will be looking at ‘Friendships’ from the SEAL programme. Children will also take part in the annual Anti-Bullyingand Inter-faith week during 16th-20th November 2015. / / Art/Design and Technology
We will be making Bonfire night crafts, fire pictures using fire colours and creating firework models and artwork. We will create a Christmas themed hoop for the school hall and make some Christmas crafts.
Children will be using computers to create an e-card for a celebration. / History
We will be looking at story of Guy Fawkes and the Great Fire of London.
/ Music
In Music this term we willbe learning nativity songs/Christmas carols and creating sounds and sound tracks.
Lavender class are doing Outdoor Learning on Mondays – please have coat and suitable shoes in school.
Violet class P.E. lessons will be on Tuesdays – please ensure your child has named t shirt and shorts in school. / How parents / carers can help:
Please spend 15 minutes reading with your child every day. Talk to your child about their learning, and suggest ways to develop and extend their ideas.
Please see separate sheet for home learning ideas. / Events
- 5th November -Year 1 family assembly – all welcome
- 10th November - Diwali craft fair after school
- Key Stage 1 Christmas performance on 16th17thDecember