• www.SuperchargedScience.com • (805) 617-1789
Summary of Tips for making great money as an affiliate:
1. Always be sure to insert your affiliate links from http://www.sciencelearningspace.com/members/aff.php?action=links (you MUST be logged in before clicking this link or you'll get an error). Find what you want from affiliate resources page, then look for an affiliate link with the same number and title in the Links area at http://www.sciencelearningspace.com/members/aff.php?action=links
2. Note that each of these resources requires prospects to opt-in in order to get them. This is so we can follow up with them and offer them enrollment in e-science, if it's right for them. Even though we close the sale, you still get paid as an affiliate as long as they clicked your link to get the free stuff.
3. Put banners from http://www.superchargedscience.com/affiliate/affiliate_home.htm#banners on your website.
4. Send emails to your email list based on the sample emails on the affiliate resources page
5. Use articles from the affiliate resources page (http://www.superchargedscience.com/affiliate/affiliate_home.htm) to attract prospects. You can post them on your website, on homeschool sites, on general education sites (even parents who don't homeschool but want more science education for their kids use our program). And you can put them on article directory sites (BUT, don't submit them to ezinearticles.com, hubpages.com or squidoo.com as many of them are already on these sites and they'll be rejected as duplicate content).
6. Offer free science experiments (links to them are on the affiliate resources page) as free resources on your website, or send out in periodic emails to your email list.
7. Offer free copies of our e-book & video series products (links to them are on the affiliate resources page) as free resources on your website, or send out in periodic emails to your email list. Remember, these are real products that people can buy - you get to give them away for free.
8. Encourage people to participate in our live free tele-classes.
9. Use text and images from our websites (SuperchargedScience.com and ScienceLearningSpace.com) however you like to honestly encourage people to try our free stuff or enroll in e-Science itself.
10. Offer content for free using social media sites like Facebook and Myspace.
11. Write in forums and blogs about the cool free stuff that homeschool parents can get from Supercharged Science. Be sure to keep your posts relevant and on-topic (we don't want to annoy people) Be sure to use the words "Supercharged Science" and "e-science" in your post to help with search engine traffic after someone has clicked your link. Also, since you're putting your affiliate link in, be sure that the forum or blog allows links in their posts/comments (look at what other people have been writing to get an idea of this).
12. Put a video on youtube.com giving some tips for homeschoolers who teach science and encouraging them to click the link below the video.
13. Send people directly to our e-Science sales page (using your affiliate links and banners)
14. Use the testimonials from the affiliate resources page in your sales copy.
If you have a list you can email...
If you're worried about overloading your email list by sending them too much stuff, I totally understand. There are certainly limits. BUT, I learned something really important about this a while back. There's a HUGE difference between emailing people to ask them to buy stuff, and emailing people to give away stuff that they want for free. Huge difference. For most lists in the homeschool market, sending out emails once every 1-2 weeks is pretty safe. Less often than once a month, and people will forget that they opted in, and are actually more likely to unsubscribe and report your emails as spam. More often than once a week is okay if you have a great relationship with your email subscribers, but may be too much for some lists on a regular basis (the exception is if you're doing a promotional product launch - in this case, every day is in fact fine).
Remember, your goal is not just to have a lot of people on your email list. What you really want is people who are deeply interested in what you're offering, AND are likely to buy something at some point. People who unsubscribe after 2 emails that are giving away genuinely valuable stuff for free are probably not going to use any of the stuff you send them in the future and are also pretty unlikely to ever buy anything. It's okay if people like this leave your list - it lets you focus on the people who really value all you're offering to them, AND are more likely to buy stuff from your links.
Okay, so the bottom line is:
Send out an email offering useful, free stuff every 1-2 weeks (this is a general guideline for all the stuff you send out - not only affiliate links for Supercharged Science stuff.)
©2007 Supercharged Science,
a part of Destiny: Success, LLC www.SuperchargedScience.com