Salem School PTO Minutes
May 17, 2011
Salem School Library
200 Hartford Road
Salem, CT 06420
1. Call to Order - President Mona Miller, 7:05PM
In attendance: Mona Miller, Tammy Petersen, Michelle Guertin, Denise Orsini, Pam Berardino, Cynthia Ritchie, Susan Baier, Steve Buck, Margaret Caron, Allyson Geida, Barbara James, Chris LaRose, Linda Robson, Athena Sartori, Susan Weber
2. Officers’ Reports
a. Secretary’s Report–Michelle Guertin
Minutes from the 4/26/11 PTO meeting were reviewed and approved unanimously.
Motion: Susan Baier; Second: Pam Berardino.
b. Liaison’s Report–Pam Berardino
All expenditures for the year have been approved, and with field trip season upon us, spending will commence in earnest.
c. Treasurer’s Report –Denise Orsini
Treasurer’s report as of 5/17/11 was reviewed and unanimously accepted.
Motion: Margaret Caron; Second: Sue Weber.
Steve Buck and Linda Robson of the Salem Board of Education sought input and answered questions regarding the search for an interim superintendent for Salem School.
3. New Business
a. Gift Cards
Sue Bennett will offer one last round in June.
ACTION: Michelle Guertin will publish a list of cards that we have on hand in the newsletter.
ACTION: Mona Miller will post a list of cards that are on hand on the bulletin board.
b. Teacher Luncheon
Mona Miller reported that the luncheon was well received.
c. Spring Book Fair
The book fair is in progress and Mona Miller reported that the first few days have gone well. The fair will be open tomorrow night from 6-8.
d. 8th Grade Fundraising Subcommittee Policy
Chris LaRose reported that the 8th Grade end of year formal dance was scheduled for June 11 at the Gardner Lake Firehouse from 6:30-10:00. Denise Orsini stated that she needed to get together with the Berniers to do a final account summary to make sure that there was complete agreement and understanding of monies in that line item.
f. 2011-12 Officers
Michelle Guertin presented a draft of a letter to go out in the Wednesday folder explaining the pressing need to find willing volunteers if there is to be a PTO next year and listing the activities and services that will be impacted if the PTO becomes inactive. The liaison and president slots on the slate are vacant. Margaret Caron stated that she would be willing to be either president or treasurer so the letter will be edited to reflect that flexibility. A few other small items were suggested for editing.
g. 2011-12 Budget
Michelle Guertin and Mona Miller presented two budgets: one in which elections are held in June, as scheduled, and the other for if no volunteers step forward to become officers and the elections can’t be held until the fall. The first budget shows a reduction of $7,000 in income and expenditures compared to this year. This reflects the reality of recent fundraising efforts. The second budget assumes that the basket raffle can’t be held and shows a further reduction of $2,250.
h. Family Event
Susan Baier reported on which movies were available which weekends for a Morning at the Movies. With the end of the year approaching fast, timing is not working out well, so this may not be doable. Mrs. Ritchie proposed an outdoor movie, but it gets dark a bit late now, so that may not be feasible.
ACTION: Denise Orsini will investigate ice or roller skating while Tammy Petersen further reviews movie options.
i. By-Laws
ACTION: Michelle Guertin will hang a copy of the version that will be voted on in June in the school lobby. Pam Berardino has already posted them on the PTO website.
j. Administration Update
Principal Ritchie reported that 6/10 is the Spirit Assembly. The Principal’s Problem Solver Hot Air Balloon ride is coming up, too. Class size and staffing for next year are a big focus.
k. Other Discussion
An open discussion commenced regarding whether the PTO should continue to carry the 8th Grade Fundraising Subcommittee in future years. A motion was made to draft a letter explaining the PTO’s position on this matter and requesting that Principal Moran help next year’s 8th Grade class explore other options for their fundraising efforts. The motion carried unanimously. Margaret Caron offered to create a first draft of the letter which the current officers could then edit as desired.
Motion: Denise Orsini; Second: Sue Weber.
4. Next Meeting – Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Adjournment – 9:59PM
Motion: Mona Miller; Second: Michelle Guertin.
Salem School PTO Minutes for May 17, 2011
Submitted by Michelle Guertin, Secretary Page 1 of 2