How to Set Up Your English Binder

Stuff you Need to Know:

1. You can put other subjects in with your English notes in the same binder ( in a different section).

2. You will be required to keep a detailed & accurate table of contents for your binder.

3. Binders are always due the same day of major tests (about once a month). You’ll always get your binder back before you leave that class.

4. You must have five different sections within your English binder (see below).

Your Binder / Notebook MUST have these five sections:

1. Themes: / This is where “Everyday English” stuff goes. When we start mythology, everything to do with mythology goes in here, but anything that is not mythology will be somewhere else. Each new theme or unit must have an artistic title page which separates it from the other units. This should be colourful and on white paper.
2. Writing Skills: / More or less, grammar. One period per cycle (your writing period) we will look at grammar, or writing techniques. Usually a short board note, or hand-out and then you write. Only sheets you get on your “writing skills” day goes in here.
3. Vocabulary: / This section holds your vocabulary assignments, in order 1 thru 18. After every 6 vocab assignments, you will have a quiz. Vocab will also show up on Term tests and Exams. All vocab stuff goes in here.
4. Reading: / All sheets received during reading classes go in here. Each month you will receive a novel assignment. You read a book all month, then do the required report. Some are short, some are long, some are art-based. Don’t put these off ‘till the last minute!
5. Calendar / This section will hold a class-completed calendar for each month of the school year. Make sure not to lose your calendars!

The Dreaded Table of Contents:

EVERY page in your English binder MUST be entered onto your table of contents.

Keys to Success:

1. As soon as you take notes on looseleaf, or get a hand-out sheet, fill it out on your table of contents.

2. Make sure you date each sheet you get as soon as you get it. If you fall behind, it is easier to organize when you have dates.

3. Put your sheets in the right sections as soon as you get them.

4. There will always be blank table of content sheets available for you to use.

5. I have a binder which is what yours should look like on my desk. If you are confused, absent, trying to get organized, ask to grab mine and compare it to yours.

** If your table of contents sheet is not filled out when you pass in your binders in to be checked, you get a zero.