Participant Guide / Working With Your LCIF District Coordinator

Working with Your LCIF District Coordinator

Session Background

Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) plays a critical role in helping Lions provide service to the global community. Within a district, the LCIF district coordinator serves as an ambassador of the Foundation, educating Lions about Foundation initiatives, while also promoting LCIF’s fundraising initiatives and working collaboratively with the LCIF multiple district coordinator and the district governor team.

The second vice district governor works with the LCIF district coordinator, supporting the coordinator in his/her efforts to further the mission of the Foundation. This session will focus on identifying specific ways for the second vice district governor to support the coordinator in his/her endeavors.

Session Objectives

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the significance of the relationship between districts and LCIF
  • Identify responsibilities and activities of the LCIF district coordinator
  • Support the efforts of the LCIF district coordinator

Lions Clubs International

Participant Guide / Working With Your LCIF District Coordinator

LCIF Volunteer Structure

Position Description

The LCIF district coordinator is:

-The ambassador for LCIF at the district level

-Appointed by the LCIF multiple district coordinator in consultation with the district governor and approved by the LCIF Chairperson

-Serves a 3 year term (may vary by region)

Roles and Responsibilities

The LCIF district coordinator:

-Facilitates LCIF education and promotes the Foundation whenever possible

-Promotes LCIF fundraising efforts by identifying potential donors and assisting Lions in submitting funds and recognition applications

-Works collaboratively with the LCIF multiple district coordinator, the district governor team, and other local Lions leaders to further the goals and mission of the Foundation

Working with the LCIF District Coordinator


  1. Review the handout, LCIF District Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities.
  2. Review the items on the ‘To Do’ list of an LCIF district coordinator below. Cross out the items that are not included inthe roles and responsibilities of an LCIF district coordinator.

To Do
  • Attend upcoming district cabinet meeting to provide updates on LCIF fundraising progress.
  • Conduct a seminar about planning service projects at a zone meeting.
  • Submit photos and an article about a recent LCIF-funded project to the district governor for next month’s newsletter.
  • Conduct training for newly appointed LCIF district coordinators in the area.
  • Review reports from LCIF to identify clubs with the highest potential to continue financial support of LCIF.
  • Contact the chairperson of the district convention committee and arrange for an LCIF booth at the upcoming convention.
  • Send an email to the LCIF multiple district coordinator (send a copy of the email to the district governor) to provide updates on the challenges and progress within the district.
  • Contact the district marketing communications chairperson to provide her with details about next month’s district-wide LCIF fundraising event.
  • Visit clubs within the district to conduct presentations about LCIF initiatives and grant programs.
  • Fill out and submit a grant application for the district governor.

Ways to Support Your LCIF Coordinator

Brainstorm and list several specific ways that you can support the efforts of the LCIF coordinator in your district.

Example 1: Contact club presidents and suggest they invite the LCIF district coordinator to a club meeting to present LCIF programs and answer questions about grants and fundraising.

Example 2: Offer to help the LCIF district coordinator organize a district-wide LCIF fundraising event.

Resources for More Information

The following LCI and LCIF resources and publications may be useful as you work with your LCIF district coordinator:

  • District e-Book
  • District Goal-Setting Guide for LCIF Coordinators (LCIF620) (available via the LCIF website)

You can also learn more about LCIF programs and initiatives by visiting the Foundation’s websiteat

  • The LCIF websiteincludes a Coordinator Center, which provides resources and publications specifically geared to LCIF multiple district and district coordinators. In the Coordinator Center, you will find:
  • Fundraising Materials including information about grants and donor recognition programs
  • Promotional Materials such as a materials order form, LCIF overview publications, sample press releases, and photos to use in promotions
  • Club Visit Materials including a guide for making club visits, a club visit report form, information to use for formal and informal speaking engagements, and various multimedia tools

*To access the Coordinator Center:

  • Go to
  • Click on ‘Resources’
  • Click on ‘Coordinator Center’


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