2016 Call for Proposals: CIRTL TAR Fellows Program
CIRTL@TAMU Sponsored “Teaching-as-Research” Opportunity
Application Packet

The Texas A&M Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL @TAMU),invites past Academy of Future Faculty (previously known as Graduate Teaching Academy) Fellows., students who have completed college classroom teaching courses, those who have served as Instructor of Record for UG courses (or completed formal teaching internships), and other eligible candidates to participate in a “Teaching-as-Research” (TAR) opportunity. The CIRTL TAR Fellows program is designed to aid participants in integrating their background knowledge on college teaching and learning within their disciplinary context using the process of Teaching-as-Research, which is “the deliberate, systematic, and reflective use of research methods to develop and implement teaching practices that advance the learning experiences and outcomes of students and teachers” (http://www.cirtl.net/pillars). The goal of the CIRTL TAR Fellows program is to provide participants with a platform to design, implement, assess and report on innovative teaching methods in the classroom using the Teaching-as-Research process. Participants who complete all requirements will attain either CIRTL Practitioner or CIRTL Scholar certifications, depending on level of participation.

Eligibility Requirements: Prospective applicants must be an AFF Fellow, a Graduate Teaching Consultant, or must have previously completed a course in college classroom teaching (e.g., the course College Classroom Teaching (formerly ENGR/GEOS/SCEN 677 STEM Teaching Professional Development) OR the CIRTL MOOC on college classroom teaching offered fall of 2014 and 2015). In addition, we will also consider other evidence of experience in college classroom teaching, such as formal teaching internships or serving as Instructor of Record for an A&M UG course, university awards for teaching and completion of CIRTL online courses, in judging eligibility for this TAMU-CIRTL funded opportunity. Finally, if an applicant has accrued none of these experiences but is willing to commit to participating in our local learning community discussions of this summer’s CIRTL MOOC (“Advancing Learning through Evidence-Based STEM Teaching”) starting June 1, we will offer conditional acceptance. Continuance in the TAR Fellow program beyond 7/31/2016 will be conditional on completing this MOOC course.

Application Submission Requirements: Each prospective applicant must submit the 1) CIRTL TAR Fellows program application, 2) Curriculum Vitae, and 3) outline of a project proposal idea, and 4) (optional at time of application) CIRTL TAR Applicant & Faculty Partner Contract to qualify for participation in the CIRTL TAR Fellows program.

Application and Selection Deadlines: The application packet must be sent to the CIRTL@ TAMU program via e-mail to by May 25, 2016, 5:00pm. Applicants will be informed of their selection to the CIRTL TAR Fellows program no later than June 1, 2016. We anticipate having at least 15 positions available; if eligible applications exceed capacity, we will select applicants in order of application receipt date.

Participation Requirements: All participants will be expected to complete Level 1 activities; it is each student’s choice as to whether he/she will advance to Level 2 activities.

Level 1: Selected applicants must 1) actively participate in hour-long TAR learning community (LC) sessions from June 2016-Dec 2016 (twice/month in summer; once/month in fall); 2) develop 4 or more PowerPoint Slides summarizing their TAR project by 9/1/2016, 3) complete a small TAR project (hypothesis, testing the alternate teaching approach, collect data, evaluate results) and submit a final reflection and summative report and/or PowerPoint slides upon completion of data analysis, and 4) complete the pre- and post- surveys in order to be eligible for Level 1 participation benefits. Satisfactory completion of these requirements will earn a CIRTL@TAMU Practitioner Certificate.

Level 2 (optional): Should a participant decide at any point before 9/30/2016 to advance to Level 2, he/she must 1) continue participating in the hour-long monthly TAR LC through May 2017, 2) develop 4 or more PowerPoint Slides summarizing their TAR project; 3) submit a copy of an Institutional Review Board (IRB) protocol approval before collecting data for a reportable TAR project; 4) complete a TAR project (hypothesis, testing the alternate teaching approach, collect data, evaluate results); 5) submit a final summary report on your TAR project, and 6) present TAR project results in a university-wide or (preferably) national venue and/or publish project results in an appropriate pedagogical journal, and 7) complete pre- and post-surveys in order to be eligible for Level 2 participation benefits. Satisfactory completion of these requirements will earn a CIRTL@TAMU Scholar Certificate.

Participation Benefits

Participation in a TAR Learning Community: This begins in June 2016 and will meet twice monthly in the summer and once/month starting in September, at times TBD. The chief goal in summer is to complete a full Teaching-as-Research proposal with the guidance of staff and faculty TAR facilitators, which includes coordination with a faculty partner to implement the TAR project (if not already achieved at the time of application).

Earning TAR Fellow stipend payments:

Participants completing Level 1 projects will be eligible for 1) a $250 award upon submission of final reflection AND summative report and 2) a congratulatory letter (cc: Chair, Department Head, and Dean) documenting completion of a TAR Fellow project and 3) a certificate verifying achievement of CIRTL Practitioner* level.

Participants completing Level 2 projects will be eligible for 1) a $300 award once documentation of IRB approval AND 4-6 slides outlining project in detail are submitted and 2) a second $200 award upon presentation/publication of results (confirmed with slide set/slide of poster/copy of manuscript accepted for publication); 2) a congratulatory letter (cc: Chair, Department Head, and Dean) documenting completion of a TAR Fellow project;3) a certificate verifying achievement of CIRTL Scholar* level, and 4) eligibility to participate in an all-costs paid CIRTL Network exchange with other CIRTL institutions to present their disciplinary research and TAR project at the host institution.

Any questions related to the CIRTL TAR Fellows program or this application packet contact Dr. Robert Webb at or Dr. Sheedah Richardson of the Center for Teaching Excellence at .

CIRTL-GTA TAR Fellows Program
(Material adapted with permission from DELTA Program at UW-Madison)

Please type your response in the fields below and e-mail the completed application and requested materials (i.e., Outline of Project Concept and [optional] CIRTL TAR Applicant & Faculty Partner Contract) to by 5:00pm on May 25, 2016.

Applicant Contact Information

Name: Click here to enter text.

Email: Click here to enter text.

UIN: Click here to enter text.

Citizenship Status: Click here to enter text.

Department: Click here to enter text.

Classification: Choose an item.

Expected Date of Degree Completion: Click here to enter a date.

Home Address: Click here to enter text.

Home Phone: Click here to enter text.

Campus Address: Click here to enter text.

Campus Phone: Click here to enter text.

Degree Research Advisor(s) or Faculty Supervisor(s)

Name: Click here to enter text.

Email: Click here to enter text.

Department: Click here to enter text.

Campus Address: Click here to enter text.

Campus Phone: Click here to enter text.

(If more than one degree advisor or faculty supervisor, add below)

Name: Click here to enter text.

Email: Click here to enter text.

Department: Click here to enter text.

Campus Address: Click here to enter text.

Campus Phone: Click here to enter text.

Proposed CIRTL TAR Fellows Faculty Partner (optional at time of application; a faculty partner must be identified no later than 9/1/2016)

Name: Click here to enter text.

Email: Click here to enter text.

Department: Click here to enter text.

Campus Address: Click here to enter text.

Campus Phone: Click here to enter text.

List CIRTL or Office of Graduate and Professional Studies (OGAPS) programs you have participated in AND/OR other relevant experience: (Post-Doctoral Professional Development Program, STEM Teaching Learning Community (ENGR/GEOS/ or SCEN 677), Academy for Future Faculty (AFF)/GTA, Graduate Teaching Consultant (GTC), etc.)

Please specify program(s) and year of participation: Click here to enter text.

Have you completed the AFF Fellows Program: Choose an item.
List other relevant training/experience in college classroom teaching:

Alternative: I have registered for CIRTL MOOC beginning June 1, 2016: [give date of registration]

List CIRTL Network (online) Courses you have participated in:

Please specify course name and year of participation: Click here to enter text.

Please also submit the following items with your CIRTL TAR Program Application in a separate WORD document:

a)  Project Concept/Personal Info/CIRTL Pillars – This should be attached as a separate document and include the following (< 2 pages total)

a.  Section I – Project CONCEPT

i.  what new/alternative teaching approach or Question about Assessment or Classroom Learning Environments do you want to test and in what class(es)?

ii.  What would be your strategy to test this?

iii.  What information would you collect to provide evidence of improved learning?

b.  Section II – Personal

i.  What are your current career aspirations?

ii. What do you hope to gain from the CIRTL TAR Fellows experience that will advance you toward your career goal(s)?

c.  Section III – Conceptual Understanding OF CIRTL PILLARS (200-300 words). What is your understanding of each of the three terms below AND how would you use each concept to improve student learning? (see http://www.cirtl.net if this is your first introduction to these terms)

i.  Teaching-as-Research

ii.  Learning Communities

iii.  Learning through Diversity (include here an example of how you have developed your understanding of diversity in learning contexts)

d.  CIRTL-GTA TAR Applicant & Faculty Partner Contract (optional) – Ideally, applicants will identify a faculty partner before applying to the TAR Fellow program. This faculty partner agrees to provide access for the TAR Fellow to one or more sections of his/her classes in order to carry out this TAR project, in addition to regularly meeting with the TAR applicant. [See the contract for more complete details.] The applicant and his/her faculty partner must agree to sign this form; if not submitted with application, a signed faculty partner contract must be attained no later than 9/1/2016 and before any data collection can begin.
CIRTL TAR Applicant & Faculty Partner Contract

While not required to apply, applications that include this Applicant and Faculty Partner Contract will be considered more competitive. Please read, print out, and have both applicant and faculty partner sign. Scan form into a PDF format and attach this form along with other documents for e-mail submission with your application to by 5:00pm May 25, 2016.

Faculty Partner Expectations of the TAR applicant:

·  Be actively engaged in defining the problem and creating a solution (through ideas, constructive feedback, etc.)

·  Maintain regular meetings (once in two weeks) to discuss progress on the project and any difficulties encountered

·  Respect advice given

·  Be independent, self-motivated and responsible in managing her/his teaching and research obligations.

CIRTL TAR Applicant Expectations of the Faculty Partner:

·  Supportive and available

·  Actively engaged in defining the problem and creating a solution (through ideas, constructive feedback, etc.)

·  Engaged and able to provide constructive criticism

·  Provide access for student to a classroom session(s) for which faculty member is instructor of record in order for applicant to conduct TAR Project.

Advice for Faculty Partners:

·  Think broadly about what you have to offer TAR applicant.

·  How can you help the student develop her/his teaching skills? As a professional and future faculty member?

·  Treat TAR applicants as junior colleagues

·  Encourage TAR applicants to ask questions and provide feedback about your teaching

·  Set up regular meetings

·  Discuss different topics in teaching and learning

·  Work toward open communication between you and the TAR applicant

·  Discuss expectations and responsibilities; this includes the amount of time you have available and the amount of guidance you can offer the TAR applicant.

·  Discuss the amount of time TAR applicants are expected to devote to their experience

·  Be actively engaged in defining the problem and creating a solution.

·  Offer: ideas; constructive criticism and praise with specific suggestions for improvement

·  Mention what support will be available (access to computers, copiers, etc.)

·  Review campus/department policies and resources available for students

·  Review standards for professional behavior

·  Inform TAR applicants about campus resources for teaching and learning

I have read the CIRTL TAR Fellows Applicant & Faculty Partner Contract and understand my role and responsibilities as a Faculty Partner towards the CIRTL TAR Fellows Applicant.

Faculty Partner’s Signature Date

Print Faculty Partner’s Name

I have read the CIRTL TAR Fellows Applicant & Faculty Partner Contract and understand my role and responsibilities as a CIRTL TAR Applicant towards my Faculty Partner.

CIRTL TAR Applicant’s Signature Date

Print CIRTL TAR Applicant’s Name