Health Promotion Innovation Fund (Closing 4pm 15 February 2016)

1.  About the Health Promotion Innovation Fund

The Health Promotion Innovation Fund invites applications for grants of up to $15,000, for health promotion projects of up to 12 months that support the ACT Government’s funding priorities (outlined below).

A key element of this funding is innovation: we encourage applications which may test or pilot new and innovative approaches to health promotion.

We provide three funding opportunities a year (see section six for more details).

2.  Our funding priorities

We seek applications for innovative projects which will:

·  Help to reduce overweight and obesity in our population;

·  Improve children's health and wellbeing related to overweight and obesity, including improving eating habits and increasing physical activity;

·  Reduce smoking-related harm;

·  Reduce alcohol-related harm;

·  Support healthy active ageing through appropriate physical activity opportunities.

Our funding priorities are informed by the health status of the ACT community. For more information about health in the ACT, see the ACT Chief Health Officer's Report.

ACT Health’s Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan 2015–18 gives support for initiatives that contribute to reconciliation and ‘closing the gap’- improving local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ health. Applications that address Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health in relation to the funding priorities are strongly encouraged.

More detail about our funding priorities:

Reducing overweight and obesity in our population

We seek applications for innovative projects that support healthy eating and physical activity. They should be consistent with the Australian Dietary Guidelines and Australia's Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines. Projects that support the goals of ACT Health’s Towards Zero Growth Healthy Weight Action Plan and Physical Activity Strategic Framework 2012-2015 are also encouraged.

Project proposals may include (but are not limited to):

·  Projects that support improved healthy food and drink choices and improved eating habits. This includes projects that support positive changes in the food environment and encouraging people to choose tap water as the drink of choice. The ACT Government brand for this message is ‘Water on Tap’.

·  Projects that use innovative approaches to help improve physical activity outcomes at a population level.

Improving children's health and wellbeing in relation to overweight and obesity

Applications for innovative projects that enable children and families to adopt and maintain healthy lifestyles through increased physical activity and healthy eating habits are encouraged. Applications that align with the Good Habits for Life campaign and the Healthy Children’s supporting programs (details below) are encouraged.

Good Habits for Life behaviour change campaign
Focusing on families with children aged 8 and under, the locally developed behaviour change campaign, Good Habits for Life, aims to increase Canberra families’ engagement in healthy lifestyles by:

1.  Increasing awareness of the importance of role modelling healthy habits

2.  Increasing understanding of the need for healthy eating, physical activity and social connectedness

3.  Activating parents/carers in making these changes

4.  Advising parents/carers where they can go for help.

The campaign website provides credible information and links to supporting programs for families that encourage healthy lifestyle behaviour around the three core messages of eat well, move more sit less, and get into life.

Programs currently being promoted through the campaign include the Healthy Children’s programs (see listed below), Connect up 4 Kids (Capital Health Network) and Fussy Eaters drop-in groups. Applications which propose a new and innovative approach to extending the Good Habits for Life campaign messages and programs are encouraged and potential applicants are encouraged to contact XYZ to discuss potential linkages.

Healthy Children’s programs
Healthy Children’s programs support the Good Habits for Life campaign and aim to embed a culture of healthy lifestyles in relevant settings. These programs include:

The programs work with all ACT government and non-government early childhood schools, primary and high schools.

Kids at Play Active Play

Kids at Play Active Play has been designed to assist early childhood educators to feel confident to promote active play and teach fundamental movement skills to children in Early Childhood Education and Care services. Applicants working in this sector are encouraged to contact or phone
(02) 6207 9525 to discuss potential linkages with the program.

Fresh Tastes

Fresh Tastes provides a free and optional service that supports all ACT schools to improve children’s access to, knowledge of, and uptake of healthy food and drink choices. It provides curriculum inputs, professional learning, healthy lunchbox, cooking and gardening interventions and aims to enhance healthy food service provision in schools. Fresh Tastes supports public schools to implement the ACT Public School Food and Drink Policy 2015.

Healthy food provision in schools leads to healthier children who are better placed to learn, participate and attend school.

Schools interested in undertaking healthy eating projects are encouraged to become a Fresh Tastes school and are encouraged to contact or phone (02) 6205 1452 to discuss.

Ride or Walk to School

Ride or Walk to School (RWTS) supports schools to encourage students and families to use active travel modes to get to and from school. RWTS provides resources, workshops and other activities to schools and works across ACT Government to address barriers to active travel within school communities. ACT Health supports the Physical Activity Foundation to deliver the program in schools.

Applications from schools or partners interested in increasing students’ use of active travel to school are encouraged to contact Suzy Jurgensen at or phone (02) 6205 1452 to discuss ways to align or complement the existing work in this area.

Healthy Food at Sport

Healthy Food at Sport aims to provide online information to encourage community sporting clubs to increase healthy food and drink choices and move away from unhealthy food advertising and sponsorship. In addition, the Australian Drug Foundation is implementing the Good Sports healthy eating initiative to provide hands on support to clubs to increase the provision and consumption of healthy food at clubs and sporting events.

Applications from sporting clubs or partners are encouraged to contact or phone (02) 6205 3627 or or phone 0497 920 086, to discuss ways to complement the existing work in this area.

It’s Your Move ACT

It's Your Move ACT works in ACT high schools to develop new and innovative solutions to improve the health of students which can then be promoted to other high schools across the ACT.

Applicants interested in working with high school students are encouraged to contact or phone (02) 6205 3627 to discuss ways to complement the existing work.

Applications that demonstrate alignment with, or that complement these programs will be considered for funding.

For further information on each of the ACT Healthy Children’s Initiative programs, please visit the Healthy Children and Young People web page. If you are considering applying for a project that may align with one of the above programs, we encourage you to discuss your ideas with a staff member from the ACT Healthy Children’s Initiative team (see phone numbers and email above) before submitting your application.

Reducing smoking-related harm

Applications are encouraged for innovative projects to reduce smoking-related harm. Innovative projects which tackle smoking and pregnancy are particularly encouraged. Applications should be consistent with the National Tobacco Strategy 2012-2018, and ACT Health’s ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Tobacco Control Strategy 2010-2014. ACT Health’s ‘Beyond Today…it’s up to you’ social marketing campaign also has resources that may be useful for projects supporting this aim with a focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. For more information visit Beyond Today.

Reducing alcohol-related harm

Applications are encouraged for innovative projects that support reduction in the harmful and hazardous consumption of alcohol. Projects should be consistent with the aims of the Australian Guidelines to Reduce Health Risks from Drinking Alcohol.

Supporting healthy active ageing

Applications are encouraged for innovative projects that support healthy active ageing through appropriate physical activity opportunities consistent with the National Physical Activity Recommendations for Older Australians. Improving physical activity outcomes contributes to the prevention of overweight and obesity, as well as improving muscular strength and balance. This assists in the prevention of falls in older people.

3.  Available funding and project delivery time frame

Available funding

The total amount available in this funding opportunity is up to $70,000. Applications are invited for projects of up to 12 months duration with a maximum value of $15,000 per application.

Applicants considering larger scale programs should note that the ACT Health Promotion Grants Program also provides Healthy Canberra Grants - larger value, multi-year funding opportunities. More information can be found at Healthy Canberra Grants.

Project delivery timeframe

Funding is available for projects delivered from June 2016 to May 2017 (see Section 6 for more detail about timelines).

4.  Eligibility requirements and funding exclusions

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible, applicants must meet all of the following criteria:

1.  The applicant organisation must be one of the following types:

a.  a not-for-profit (see Note 1 below) incorporated association or company;

b.  a not-for-profit (see Note 1 below) organisation with other legal status;

c.  a government agency or statutory body;

d.  an ACT Government school, Independent school, Catholic Systemic or Catholic Non-systemic school;

e.  an accredited early childhood education and care centre or out of school hours program; or

f.  a not-for-profit organisation in an auspice arrangement (see Note 2 below) with one of the above.

2.  Applicants (or auspice organisations) must have a current public liability insurance policy with cover of a minimum of $10 million per event. Applicants (or auspice organisations) without current insurance must provide evidence of a public liability insurance quote.

3.  Applicants (or auspice organisations) must have an ABN or provide evidence they have applied for one.

4.  Applicants must deliver all funded activities in the ACT for ACT residents.

5.  Applicants must ensure that the declaration at the end of the application is made by the CEO or equivalent of the applicant organisation (or the auspice organisation if applicable).This person must have ultimate financial and management responsibility for the organisation.

6.  Applicants (and auspice organisations) must not have overdue reporting requirements including financial acquittal for any previous ACT Government grant.

7.  Applicants (or auspice organisations) must be a viable legal entity as defined by the ATO. Applicants will be asked to provide copies of recent Audited Financial Statements to help support their claim of financial viability.

8.  Applicants (or auspice organisations) must not be a political party.

Funding exclusions: activities and budget items that will not be funded.

·  Projects that do not contribute to the strategic intent of the ACT Health Promotion Grants Program.

·  Projects which are primarily research-based. Applicants are however encouraged to consider linkages with research institutions and ongoing translational research in chronic disease prevention within ACT Health.

·  Projects which are primarily training-based. Training will be considered for funding to a limited extent only in the context of a larger project and training is essential to the outcome of that project.

·  Projects that are primarily involved with fundraising, prizes, competitions, awards or conducting conferences and events.

·  Overseas and interstate travel and accommodation, attendance at conferences and trade exhibitions.

·  Applications seeking funding for equipment only. Equipment will be considered for funding to a limited extent in the context of a larger project where it is essential to the outcome. Equipment only (or predominantly) applications will not be assessed.

·  Capital works, vehicles, building works such as kitchens, decks etc.

·  The purchase of food which is not associated with a food skills or nutrition education program. Food for breakfast programs or catering will not be funded.

·  Applications for food skills or nutrition education training projects that do not demonstrate the involvement of an appropriately qualified nutritionist or dietitian.

·  Projects that have already taken place.

·  Costs of products or activities which are core business of the organisation. These include the infrastructure costs associated with running an organisation (e.g. employment of core staff, equipment, core programs, leasing or property maintenance).

Please note: applications seeking substantial amounts for excluded activities and items will not be assessed.

5.  Assessment criteria: how your application will be assessed

Applications will be assessed against the following criteria. Please note that assessment criteria 1-5 are considered the most important and you are strongly encouraged to address these when developing your application.

1.  Contribution to improvement in health and wellbeing

·  The proposal delivers innovative solutions which will contribute to improvements in the priority funding areas listed in section two.

·  The proposal demonstrates the ability to improve health and wellbeing knowledge, attitudes and behaviours.

·  The proposal contributes to at least one of the Health Improvement Branch benchmarks listed at Appendix A.

2.  Evidence of need

The proposal provides evidence of need in a local context where the project will be delivered. (Please note: you do not need to restate ‘need’ in a general way, for example providing statistics about the seriousness of obesity; as we already have that information).

3.  Innovation

The proposal shows innovation in its approach. Innovation may include new ideas or practices or proposals to pilot and test a new approach; it does not need to be entirely novel or ground breaking, it may be something that you have not tried before to tackle a particular health issue.

4.  Value for money