Welcome to St. John the Evangelist Parish


Saturday, Aug. 20th

5:00 pm. Marjorie Arvin. Gerri Schnaus,

Logan W. Craney, Alice C. Mattingly

Sunday, Aug. 21st

8:00 am. Eric J. Miller

10:00 am. Doris Traylor, Clyde (Whitey) Hawkins,

Jack & Winnie Campbell, Wilma (Billie) Bledsoe

Monday Mass at St Martin Aug.22nd

(W)12:00 noon Orvilla Bowling

Tuesday, Aug. 23rd

8:15 am. Mary Lou Lockhart

Wednesday, Aug. 24th

6:15 pm. Frank & Ann Marie Jones family

Thursday, Aug. 25th

8:15 am. For the People

Friday, Aug. 26th

8:15 am. Jesse Allen

Saturday, Aug. 27th

5:00 pm. Afra Green, Norman & Donna Arvin,

Jane Prather, Alice Walker

Sunday, Aug. 28th

8:00 am. Ernest J. Bradley

10:00 am Bob & Helen McAtee, Jack Howard

Charles & Dorothy Milligan, Ernest Mudd

Ministers for Aug. 20th /21st 2016 5


5:00 pm. Rachel Doyle

8:00 am. George Erler

10:00 am. Glenn McAtee


5:00 pm. Jamison Hennette, Cassidy/Madison Esch,

Maelee Hawkins

8:00 am. Brandon/Bryant Eckerle, Grace Foddrill,

Matthew Green

10:00 am. Nathaniel/John Paul Hart, Kylie VanHoy,

Luke Nonte


5:00 pm. FD- Barbara Stoll

SD- Judy Blackwell, Anne Marie Crays

8:00 am. FD-Doug/Peg Neidigh

SD- Greg/Dottie Potts

10:00 am. FD- Carolyn Norris

SD- Dan/Barbara Gregory


5:00 pm. Jace Toy, Jamison Hennette

8:00 am. Betty Huelsman, John Vaupel

10:00 am. Linda Cropp, John A. Walker


5:00 pm. Elaine Wade, Diane Schutte, Pat Daugherty,

Inger Johnson, Patrick Allbright, 2 Volunteers

8:00 am. Bruce/Lynn Hawkins, Donna Heshelman, Tom Peter,

Bernie Smith, George Erler, Jerry Lubbehusen

10:00 am. Greg/Lynn Bateman, Tom/Stephanie McAtee,

Brenda Mathias, Andy Ringwald, Volunteer

Sunday Collection Aug. 13th /14th 2016

St. John 244 Envelopes (869 families) $ 9,314.00

From Our Pastor

My dear friends in Christ,

Recently we celebrated the lives of Charles Bradley and Helen Hawkins. Charles retired from Traylor Fertilizer after many years of service and Helen was a civil servant within Martin county for 22 years. She was a dedicated member of St. Mary in Shoals while Charles was a solid member of St. Martin in Whitfield. They both were faithful Catholics who served their community well. Helen and Charles will be greatly missed by all of us. May they rest in peace. Amen.

A special thank-you to Debbie and Lee Christmas who have cleaned the St. Martin Hall for some months now. At this time they have decided to step away from this responsibility . Debbie and Lee have done a very fine job for which I am most grateful.

Our Youth Prayer Group is now meeting on Thursday afternoon at 3:30, since we are teaching religion classes on Monday afternoon. We meet at the Parish Center -- all Jr. & Senior High youth are invited and encouraged to attend.

On Wednesday, August 31, 2016, from 4:00-6:00 pm there will be an open house at the Martin County Community Building to celebrate and honor Don Bowling, former mayor of Loogootee, and one of our distinguished parishioners. It is truly fitting to pay tribute to Don for all that he has done for the betterment of Martin County through his public service and volunteerism. Please join us in celebrating his life-long accomplishments.

May the Lord bless and keep you,

Father Walker.

St. Martin Hog Roast – Aug. 28th - 11:00 to 1:30, a and the cost is $7.00 for adults and $4.00 for kids. Carry-outs will be available. Volunteers are needed Also, donations of desserts would be appreciated and can be delivered to the Hall at St. Martin Saturday evening after 4:00pm or Sunday morning.

This Week at St. John Parish .

Sunday, Aug. 21st

Liturgy of the Word at the 10:30 Mass

Monday, Aug. 22nd

(S) St. Mary Eucharistic Adoration- 9:00 am to 12:00

(B) St. Joseph Eucharistic Adoration- 9:00 am to 1:00

(W) Mass at St Martin- 12:00 noon

Circle of Peace Prayer Meeting- 1:00 pm

Quilters, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

Religion Classes at Elementary-3:30 to 4:30

K of C 4th Degree- 7:00 pm

Tuesday, Aug. 23rd

Rosary: 7:45-8:15am

Guitar Practice-7:30

Parish Nurse Council – 6:30pm at the Center

Wednesday, Aug. 24th

Parish Nurse Office will be open 9 am – 1 pm in the Center , Room # 5

Library opened from 9-12:00

(W) St. Martin Eucharistic Adoration-3:00 pm to 6:00

Religion Classes for Jr. Sr. High-7:00-8:15

Thursday, Aug. 25th

Rosary: 7:45-8:15am

(L) Eucharistic Adoration after 9:00 Mass to 4:30 pm. Youth Group-3:30 Prayer Group

Christian Mothers – 6:00 pm at the Center

Friday, Aug. 26th

Rosary: 7:45-8:15am .

Quilters, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm.

Saturday, Aug. 27th

Private Confessions-3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Sunday, Aug. 28th

Liturgy of the Word at the 10:30 Mass

Blood Pressure Clinic-9 am to 12pm. at the Center-

St. Martin Hog Roast – 11:00 to 1:30

Youth News with Mark Potts s

On Sunday August 28th, the Youth Group will be helping with our annual Hog Roast which is held at St. Martin Hall. We need students to volunteer and help with the event from 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM. We need to get at least 10 students, but are looking for as many as possible. If you would like to help, please report to the Hog Roast at 11:00 AM. Thank you!

On Tuesday, September 27th, we will begin our bingos at the nursing home once again. We will be calling at the Martin County Healthcare and Rehab Center at 6:30 PM. If you would like to volunteer and help please report there at 6:15 PM. Reminder: Confirmation students need to have their service hours completed by their Confirmation day. This would be a good opportunity to get started on those hours!!

We have already planned our next trip for the Youth Group. We will be going to Williamstown, Kentucky to go view the life size replica of Noah’s Ark. We will be going on Thursday, October 13th during the students fall break. During the trip we will tour Noah’s Ark and hopefully have time to visit the zoo and the other exhibits that they offer. We will have lunch at the restaurant they have on their grounds. Due to the time it takes to get there, we would leave around 7:00 AM and return between 7:00 – 8:00 PM. Times are not set in stone yet!

Lost 2 year old Black Cat- Please call 812-854-7379

Save the Date m

-Breakfast and a Movie (9:00) & Dinner and a Movie (6:00)-Sept. 1. “Mother Teresa” .

- Spaghetti Dinner sponsored by the Catholic War Veterans on Friday Sept. 9th from 5-8 in St. John’s Center lower level.

-Pilgrimage-St. Meinrad for the Doors of Mercy-

Thursday Sept. 22, leave at 9:00am, return around 4:00 or 5:00pm. Reservation forms at the doors of the church. Need at least 30 to go!

-Oct. 2nd Fall Festival

Mark your calendars: Plan to attend the 2nd annual Fall Homecoming Festival, Sunday, October 2nd. 12 noon Mass, food, musical entertainment, face painting, balloon animals, inflatables, kids game, Euchre tourney, Altar Society and Christian Mothers will have items for sale, Golf Cart and Quilt Raffle. Don’t miss the fellowship and fun!

Please order your newly designed Fall Festival

T-shirts which will be after each Mass starting August. 27. Payment is due at the time of the order. Youth $8; adults $10; adult 2x & ↑ $12

Religious Education News with Paula Ringwald FAITH FORMATION

The Loogootee Schools are graciously allowing us to again use the elementary for religion classes this year. We have switched from Wed. to Monday. We began on Monday August 15th from 3:30-4:30. Our Jr. Sr. High students returned to class on Wed. August 17th at their normal time of 7:00pm at St. John Center.

Now that religion classes are starting, donations of Kool-aide and snacks are greatly appreciated.

Ministers for Aug. 27th /28th 2016 5


5:00 pm. Judy Ader

8:00 am. George Erler

10:00 am. Samantha Nelson


5:00 pm. Jamison Hennettte, Jonathan Hager,

Jace Toy, Sebastian Toy

8:00 am. Adie Nolley, Olivia Wininger,

Wayden Wagoner, Olivia Dant

10:00 am. Carson Rayhill, Aaron Dant,

Rachel Robinson, Alex Bowling


5:00 pm. FD- Chuck and Carolyn Buxton

SD- Joyce Conlon, Mary Lou Harding

8:00 am. FD- Annette Taylor

SD- Bruce/Lynn Hawkins

10:00 am. FD- Jarrett Arvin

SD- Abbie Williams, Nancy Consley


5:00 pm. Helen Acton, Inger Johnson

8:00 am. Bruce Hawkins, Brandon Eckerle

10:00 am. Lynn Bateman, Mary Ringwald


5:00 pm. Chuck/Carolyn Buxton, John Crays, Linda Wickman, Janet Matthews, Donna Ader, Patrick Allbright

8:00 am. Peg Neidigh, Rita Divine, Kathy Wittmer, Annette Taylor, Richard Kluesner, Jan McDowell, Jill Wininger

10:00 am. Curt Johnson, Dayne Holder, Karen McAtee, Gayle Strange, Peter McDowell, Greg Rasico, Volunteer

Sick List for St. John the Evangelist Parish

Robert Allen

Lynette Arvin

Marilyn Arvin

Vivian Beard

Dee Bechtel

John Blanton

Dorothy Blessinger

Claudia & Jim Bennett

Michael Bowers

Barbara, Jr., Larry & Wyatt Boyd

Wanda Bradley

Clarence E. Bradley

Avaley Braun

Laura Ann Brown

Jane Bruner

Mary Charlene Burr

Don & Paul Cave

Jerry Craney

Virginia Craney

Wesley Crays

Linda Cresgy

Mary Jane Crew

Sr. Lorraine Devault

Joe and Vicky Doyle

Jim and Ruth Durlauf

Cindy Dwyer

Debbie Dyal

Curt Elliott

Julia Elliott

Patricia Ellis

Philip Erler

Kent Fellers

Betty, John, & Mike Ervin

Jill Ernst

Dorothy Flynn

Anne Gebhardt

Candy Gootee

Dianna Gottwalles

Amanda Grafton

Eli Grafton

Richard C. Green

John Griggs

Manfred Groemminger

Jeff Grube

Shanna, Shirley & Wanda Harding

Michael, Pat, & Roy Hawkins

Jenny Hembree

Kathye Henninger

Mila Hornstein

Paul Hornstein

Jane Hovis

David Johnson

Megan Johnson

JJ (Jim) Jones

Jeff & Mona Jones

Irene Kaiser

James Lannan

Patty Lannan

Mark Lehmkuhler

Kelly LeTourneau

Betty Lindley

Nancy (Miller) Marlow

Devon Marner

Bob McGuire

Jim & Sue Morrison

Alice Myrum

Jennifer Neumann

George Nolan

Phyllis Norris

Riley Osmon

Emil Oster

Pam Owens

John Padgett

Teresa Pevlor

Meg Pew

Betty and Jiggs Pieper

Georgia Anna Ragsdale

Charles Rasico

Judy Rasico

John Richardson

Kirk Sanders

Mary Grace Schnarr

Linda Schwager

Bill, Carson, Jonah, Kenley, & Terry Shaw

Eddie & Tony Sims

Mary Lou Sims

Rob Smith

Adam Sorensen

Leo Sorensen

Dale & Inez Sorrells

Marcia Stemle

Susie Stemle

Freda Stringer

Rosemary Stuckey

Bonnie and Joe Summers

George Templin

Maureen Thomas

Chelsea Tinkle

Kevin and Liz Tinkle

Troy Tow

Karcyn Trambaugh

Frances Trout

Bill Vaughan

Tom Wagner

Rita Weaver

Rob Webster

Bobbie White

Gerald & Ruby Wilcoxen

Alvin & Martha Wilheim

Rodney Wright

August Birthdays of St. John the Evangleist Parish

August 1:

John “ Pat” Brown

Kenny Inman

Inger Johnson

Brad Wade

August 2:

Bronson Holt

Michael Jones

Troy Smith

Jenner Strange

Miranda Taylor

August 3:

Norbert Burch

Gracelyn Bryer

Conner Combess

Faye Holland

Jeffery Horney

Holly Mathias

August 4:

Jim Chandler

Dan Christmas

Jonathan Krzesniak

Ethan Mathies

William Nonte

Sophia Toy

Taylor Truelove

Summer Wade

August 5:

Karen Mathias

Kelli Mathies

August 6:

Abbigail Bradley

Callie Browder

Mary Fowler

Rick Johnson

Justin Killion

August 7:

Stacy Berry

Kay Matthews

Brady Lents

August 8:

Cary Bledsoe

Meghan Mathies

Jeanette Templin

August 9:

Megan Ader

Bryant Eckerle

Jeffery Farrell

Jeff Hyllested

Nicholas Spurgeon

Waylee Wagoner

Rhett Whitney

August 10:

Therese Arvin

Toni Browder

Roberta Cooper

Vicki Doyle

Matthew Sward

August 11:

Jim Eckerle

Mike Mangin

Samantha Nelson

Kristi Thomas

August 12:

Steve Arvin

Keith Greenwell

Linda Hawkins

Edith Rehl

August 13:

Bob Bradley

Diana Dages

Jane Ann Davis Abbey Fuhrman

Richard Kluesner

John Lannan

Kristin Norris

Michael Slaven

Rita Wagler

August 14:

Steven Nolan

Todd Wittmer

Scott Woods

August 15:

William B. Ellis

Jordan Guinn

Gerald Wilcoxen

August 16:

Michael Arvin

Phyllis Arvin

Doug Bradley

Mary Merkel

August 17:

Tonya Mathies

Marley McAtee

Olivia Wininger

August 18:

Marylin Burch

Caden Chandler

Tylan Norris

Wayne Ritchey

Jeffery Wagler

August 19:

Gary Burch

Mary Jane Lengacher Clayton Miller

Bob VanHoy

Jean Walker

August 20:

Nicole Ader

Avrie Brown

Denise Craney

Jeff Giles

Aaron Mudd

Leo Padgett

Eric Ringwald

Steve Schnaus

Jody Seals

David Southard

August 21:

Megan Crays

Gary Cunningham

Tina Nolley Kent Summers

Paul Truelove

August 22:

Robert Dages

John Mathias

Mary Ann Smith

Mary Ann Vance

August 23:

William McAtee

Jenna Parsons

Paul Weiseit

Elijah Wittmer

August 24:

Eric Ackerman

Kimberly Bowling

Brendan Green

Karin Hodges

Karen McAtee

Sharon Michaels

Julie Peterson

Wyatt Roach

Eleanor Smith

August 25:

Colin Nelson

Scott Ruckriegel

Carol Strange

Leslie VanHoy

August 26:

Larry Gates

Jennifer Ridgway

Krista Sims

Chad Wade

Judith Walker

Kathy Wittmer

August 27:

Judd Bledsoe

Jason Browder

Eugene Burch

Abbigail Nonte

Wynter Wagoner

Cohen Walton

August 28:

Skip Ackerman

Alison Krzesniak

Tierlan Norris

David Strange

August 29:

Rob Blackwell

Earl Boyd

Tracie McAtee

Luke Nonte

Phillip Norris

Paul Strange

Sarah Wagler

August 30:

Ethan Fields

Ashton Summers

August 31:

Phyllis Lemo