Saltaire Medical Practice
Patient Participation Report 2013/14
Description of the structure or process in place for regular engagement with the PPG:
The Practice meets with the existing Patient Participation Group (PPG) three or four times a year and has done so since 2008. The Group was established after a consultation exercise on the relocation of the Practice’s branch surgery at Cottingley. The Group has been involved in all aspects of Practice decision making from establishing a mission statement to reviewing additional services, for example, the Patient Self Help Booth.
In 2013 the PPG terms of reference changed considerably. We identified that some members of the group wish to meet more regularly and some members just wish to meet on an ad hoc basis at open events. A PPG Steering Group was establishedwith three key members evolving the group to become patient led with a Chairperson. The Steering Group meet monthly with a set agenda with attendance by the Practice Business Manager every second month. The group plan open forums three or four times a year for the wider patient population to attend. The Chairperson meets regularly with the Practice Business Manager.
The PPG have worked with the Practice with two major pieces of work in 2013 – the replacement of the 0844 telephone number with a local number and improving prescribing safety by changing the way in which repeat prescriptions can be ordered.
Description of the profile of the PPG members:
The Patient Steering Group comprises three full-time members and several part-time members and usually an equal number of staff, including GP and Nurse representatives, the Business Manager and administrative and receptionist staff. The profile of the group is predominantly middle aged but we do have a younger member on the group who has local council experience which is valuable in open events. The group does meet on an evening or afternoon to ensure that attendance is attractive to all interested parties.
The patient profile is now:
AgeGender / 18-30 / 31-50 / 51-75
F / 1 / 1 / 5
M / 1 / 6
Gender / British / Indian / Pakistani
F / 7 / 0 / 0
M / 5 / 1 / 1
PPG Representation
The Practice does feel that the group is not entirely representative and does wish to attract younger members and members who may represent other ethnicities. The Practice has established a notice board in the Practice waiting room which keeps the patient population up-to-date with meetings and information about changes in the NHS, including Clinical Commissioning Group news. News is shared in newsletters, waiting room displays and in face to face conversations with clinical and administrative staff. The Practice also features the group on the website and has positively reinforced new services such as online appointments and repeat prescriptions by using the group to positively endorse the services. The Business Manager continues to attend a local community group in Saltaire to profile the Practice.
We intend to target specific groups which may be under-represented by individual invitation by clinical and administrative staff during 2014.
At a meeting in October 2013 the PPG present completed a questionnaire about their own motivation for being involved in the group.
Patient / Burning Issues / Praise / Long-Term Issues / Areas of expertise / Comments1 / Listening skills, homing in on unspoken underlying issues
2 / Helpful staff / More ability to see specific GP
3 / General efficiency in all areas / Communication ability to see GP of your choice with reasonable timescale / Organisational skills
4 / Caring Doctors
5 / Booking online appts. Usually mainly telephone appointments, but coming into Practice one then finds appts with Drs / Medical Care excellent.
Telephone at last sensible
6 / Availability of appointments / The support from Doctors & staff when required / Previous work experiences as a GP’s receptionist
Carer of a patient
7 / Prescription request changes. Patients could text or email their requirements / Helpful, convenient, supportive.
Have mainly been able to find solutions to my medical problems / Very used to dealing with people + problems on a professional and voluntary basis. Also Committee work and experienced of hospital nursing
8 / Experience of/with family members with mental health/dementia issues 40 years working in schools, 35 in management. Numerous voluntary roles. / Yes, Agenda item about how the NHS changes will impact and how we can influence at Practice/District/National level
9 / 1.What support for people with ME or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome-vulnerable patients
2.Access to counselling / I have had excellent care from Doctors over last 2 years / As burning issues / 20 years management experience & HR and change management
10 / Professional experience. Health & Social Care commission, Mental Health, Autism, Substance misuse, Vulnerable Adults. / Governance, Scope of influence BD CCG
11 / 1.How does our Practice fit into the NHS
2.Liaison between medical & welfare services
3.Who decides the drug manufacturer for a particular drug / 1.Patient care
2.Ambiance of Practice and building / 1. Car parking & general access
2.Ability to attend at both Cottingley & Saltaire / 1. Building & Construction issues
2. Life experience in general
12 / 1.Keeping “for profit” organisations out of NHS
2.Too many telephone appointments & few physical ones
13 / Availability of appointments / Super support for Doctors and the Practice / Continuity of care, seeing too many Doctors / NHS committee experience
14 / 1.High level of missed appointments
2.Lack of confidentiality at reception / 1.Wide range of services
2.Greatly improved appointment system
3. OK Waiting Room / Are patient’s language needs being met? No ethnic minority on Reception. Nothing for Eastern European not just Asian / Have social work and welfare at schools experience
Practice Survey
The Patient Participation Group agreed the priorities and contents of the 2013/14 Patient Survey by focussing on the key areas they had identified during meetings of the PPG Steering Group and the Open Events held during 2013.
The Patient Survey was an addendum to the nationally approved CFEP Improving Practice Questionnaire Report (IPQR) undertaken in December 2013 and January 2014 and concentrated on the areas of Access and Continuity of Care. The Practice has a history of low usage of A&E services according to CCG data and we were interested to find out the services our patients were using and if our access and appointment planning was appropriate.
245 patients responded to the five questions in the Patient Survey. The results in graphical form are published in the report from CFEP on the Practice website. The profile of the patients completing the survey were captured by the CFEP IPQR and demonstrate that the views of a wide band of age and gender had been achieved.
Question 1
What is most important to you as a patient of Saltaire Medical Practice?
Continuity of Care / Access to any GP within 48 hours / Longer opening times / Blank94 / 114 / 26 / 11
Question 2
The Practice is open Monday to Friday 8am to 6.30pm with late surgeries (last appointment 7pm) on a Monday and Thursday. If the Practice had resources to open longer, of the following options what would you most prefer?
Saturday / Sunday / Open from 7am on some days / Close at 8pm on some days / Blank115 / 14 / 28 / 61 / 27
Question 3
If you ring the Practice on the day with a request for an urgent appointment are you usually seen:
On the same day / On the next day / Neither of these / Blank119 / 69 / 30 / 27
Question 4
If you answered “neither of these” in Q3 please advise what you would usually do?
Wait for next appointment / Go to A&E / Ring NHS 111 / Visit a minor injuries unit / Other / Blank42 / 6 / 17 / 4 / 4 / 172
Question 5
If you have a minor injury when the Practice is closed do you usually:
Go to A&E / Ring NHS 111 / Visit a minor injuries unit / Other / Blank70 / 69 / 17 / 62 / 27
Findings and Action Plan
The PPG reviewed the findings of both the Patient Survey and the IPQR to develop the Action Plan as there were distinct themes in both.
Action Plan - Patient Survey
Area of Improvement / Action / By / WhenContinuity of Care – 38% of patients considered this important. / To continue to try and ensure GP recruitment and appointment management are effective and complement a continuity of care model.
To complete PPG survey around helping patients achieve continuity of care with a GP of their choice. / Business Manager and Team
PPG / Ongoing
Access - 47% considered access within 48 hours as important / To continue to map appointments three months in advance and provide prebookable appointments within a 48 hour window where possible. / Practice / 2014
Opening Hours / In line with GP contract changes explore way in which we can provide convenient appointments/services. / Practice and other Practices in CCG District and PPG / 2014/15
Communication – reaching non-attending/well patients / To feature PPG in local newsletters – Saltaire Sentinel, Cottingley Connexions. / PPG/Business Manager / March/April 2014
Signage for Self Care Booth / Encourage patients to use the Self Care booth and what to do with the information they gather from it / Business Manager/Nursing Team / April 2014
Moving Screen / To explore as a useful tool to gain patient attention in waiting room. / Practice/members of PPG / 2014
“Changes” Notice Board / Use a notice board to aid effective communication between Practice and patient re signposting patients to services and notifying patients to change of services, personnel, opening times etc. / Business Manager/team / March 2014
Action Plan - Improving Patient Questionnaire Report (IPQR)
The PPG Steering Group reviewed the overall CFEP IPQR and in particular the patient comments as it was felt that these were the issues that people really care about.
The main concerns were around appointments and we have captured these in the Action Plan above. Other areas of feedback were:
Area of Improvement / Action / By / WhenAmount of time spent with GP – currently ten minutes. / This is a standard appointment length with longer appointments with Practice Nurses for chronic disease management. The Practice will continue to monitor this area in line with national standards and liaise with PPG. / Practice/PPG / Ongoing
Staff attitude and response. / A large number of very positive, complimentary comments but around 10 critical ones. We feel this reflects only a very small number of staff and in-house and external training will be regularly updated. / Business Manager / Ongoing with external training in June/July 2014.
Flexibility with Cottingley appointments. / Patients can be registered at either site and where possible we offer flexibility of where to be seen, particularly in urgent cases. To promote and review feedback. / Practice / Ongoing
The survey results have been placed on the Practice website in March 2014and featured in the Practice Newsletter.
Details of intended actions:
To keep the action points above on the Patient Steering Group Agenda throughout 2014. The Business Manager will be responsible for ensuring the actions identified are undertaken. Review will be undertaken at the Patient Steering Group throughout the year and will be reviewed at the end of the timeframe with results published in newsletter, website etc.
Opening Times
Monday / 8.00 am - *6.30 pm6.30 pm - 7.30 pm Access for pre-booked appts only
Tuesday / 8.00 am - *6.30 pm
Wednesday / 8.00 am - *6.30 pm
Thursday / 8.00 am - 1.00 pm
*3.00 pm - * 6.30 pm
6.30 pm - 7.30 pm Access for pre-booked appts only
Friday / 8.00 am - 6.00 pm
Monday / 8.00 am - 12.30 pm2.00 pm - * 6.00 pm
Tuesday / 8.00 am - 1.00 pm
2.00 pm - 5.00 pm
Wednesday / 8.00 am - 12.00 pm
1.00 pm - 6.00 pm
Thursday / 8.00 am - 11.30 am
*3.30 pm - *6.30 pm
Friday / 8.00 am - 12.00 pm
1.30 pm - 6.00 pm
*Telephone lines open at 4.00 pm
* Telephone access to OOH Service from 6.00 pm