How Science Works:

Finding Natural Resources/

Underground Topography


1) The English word “Science” comes from a Latin word “Scientia” that means to know. Modern Science is a very detailed and systematic process of learning information about the natural world through observation and experimentation. Science looks for repetition or patterns in nature and tries to figure out what they mean. Earth Scientists look for patterns in the rocks, air, ocean, and ice layers to help them find natural resources. Engineers and doctors make things by copying nature and combining old things in new ways.

2) Proof is the evidence or facts that show an idea to be true. A fact is something that is known to be 100% absolutely true or real because it has been directly observed. A hypothesis is an educated but uncertain guess about the natural world. It is a starting point backed by observations. A theory is a guess (hypothesis) that is backed by facts from experiments. Some theories are better (more accurate and reliable) than others because they are backed by more facts. When a theory is directly proven 100%, then it is called a law.

3) Observations can be either direct or indirect. Direct: you or someone else observes something physical using at least one of your five senses in the present time. No faith is required here. Indirect: you or someone else observes at least part of it, what it does, or how it interacts with other objects - the effects of it. There must be something else in nature to directly compare at least part of it to – a control. Includes empirical evidence which uses math -the numbers say it must be like this. Since science cannot be everywhere at all times, most scientific topics/theories use indirect proof. Indirect observations lead to questions and theories which must require at least some amount of faith. Therefore, science can never totally answer every question and can never totally prove everything 100%. There are many more questions than there are proven facts.

4) Remote sensing is the observation and measurement of objects from a distance using instruments or recorders that are not in direct contact with objects under investigation. Remote sensing depends upon measuring some kind of energy that is emitted, transmitted, or reflected from an object in order to determine certain physical properties of the object. These energies include electromagnetic radiation such as visible light and invisible thermal infrared (heat) energy and acoustical or sound energy. One of the most common types of remote sensing is photography. Radar/Sonar as well as the human eye and ear are examples of remote sensing data collection devices. Remote sensing differs from in situ sensing, where the instruments are immersed in, or physically touch the objects of measurement. A common example of an in situ instrument is the seismograph (earthquake wave detector) or the soil thermometer. These methods help make pictures and help us understand places that we cannot physically go.

Materials Needed For Each Group:

ametric ruler a2 pieces of graph paper per person acolored pencils

adrawing compass aone tube drill arubber stopper

aone prepared 1gallon bucket with ground materials


aWork in groups of 3-4. Help each other, but each person should make their own


aPlace your drawings on a graph paper. Staple your graph papers behind this packet.

aComplete the conclusion questions at the end of the lab. Each person, turn in this lab packet

for a grade.

aMeasure in centimeters to one decimal place.

1) Ask the instructor for a prepared one gallon bucket filled will various types of ground materials (sand, gravel, dirt). Notice that each bucket is labeled with North, South, East and West.

2) Pretend that you are a geologist looking for a natural resource to mine underground such as sand&gravel or limestone. Your bucket is a model of an area that you are considering mining. Your money is limited so you need to know where to mine and how much material you can get out of the ground. Your goal is to determine the average thickness of the underground layers found in your bucket and make a map that shows their position.

3) To find out what is underground, you will drill holes, pull the material out of the holes, and examine it to determine the type and thickness of the underground layers. Pretend that the tube is an auger drill rig that will allow you to drill a 2.2 cm diameter hole from the surface down to the bedrock. Since your money is limited, you may drill only three holes. Carefully decide where to place your drill holes that will give you an accurate map of the whole area. On one side of the graph paper make a map showing from the top where you will place your holes. Label each drill hole and the directions (N, S, E, W). Include an explanation why you chose these locations. (This is worth 2 points.) Each bucket has a special geological treasure buried in one of the layers. If you find this treasure with your drilling methods, notify the instructor immediately for bonus points.

4) Before you drill, make sure that the rubber stopper is not on the end of the tube. For each drill hole carefully twist the tube as you push down. Record how deep you are able to drill. Once at the bottom, place the rubber stopper in the end of the tube and pull straight out. Examine your core sample by measuring the thickness of each layer. Record the depth and thicknesses in your data chart. After you measure, dump the drill materials on a paper towel to better describe the material type, texture, and color on your data chart. On the back side of your graph paper or on another piece of graph paper draw a scaled picture of each drill tube with materials. Make your own symbols for the materials. You should have three pictures – one for each core sample. Label your pictures with the depth and descriptions of each layer. Use the drawings below only as an example. Every group’s picture will be different. (This is worth 3 points – 1 point for each picture.)


DRILL HOLE A – 16 cm deep

Layer Depth Top to Bottom / Layer Thickness / Layer Description
ground to 4 cm / 4 cm / Dirt/Black Topsoil
4 cm to 7 cm / 3 cm / Course Red Gravel
7 cm to 12 cm / 5 cm / Fine White Sand
12 cm to 16 cm / 4 cm / Fine Red Sand

5) Based upon your data, you should now be able to make a profile (picture from the side) of the approximate underground topography. All you have to do is connect the layers of your three core samples. Notice that you are making a new drawing from your three core sample drawings. On a second piece of graph paper, make a color picture that shows your bucket from an angle that shows all three core samples. Your profile picture should show the depth and slope of each layer starting with the ground as 0. Use your data table to determine the average thickness of each layer. Label each layer on your drawing with the material type and average thickness. Include the direction on your drawing (N, S, E, W). Use the drawings below only as an example. (profile picture=5 points: 1 pt. color; 4 pts. labeled layers, average thickness, depth, direction)

( Graph Papers=10 pts: 2 pts. drill location and explanation, 3 pts. drill pics, 5 pts. profile pic)


Use your core sample pictures to get started by lining up the layers. (You may draw them again lightly, but you must erase them.) Now remove the core samples to get the final picture.

Bonus Challenge

This is optional for students wishing bonus and an additional challenge. Make a second profile picture on another piece of graph paper. Make this picture at a 90° angle from first. For example if your first profile pic was centered on the north, then draw your second pic from the east or west. Draw your second pic the same way you drew your first. Make sure to color and label. Ask the instructor to check the orientation of your profile pictures. (bonus 2 to 5 points)

6) When you are finished with your pictures, ask the instructor for help emptying the buckets. Find the geological treasure and give it to the instructor. Look at the bedrock in the empty bucket. Answer the conclusion questions using your notes and textbook. Staple your graphs behind this paper and turn it into the assignment tray for a grade.

Layer Depth
Top to Bottom / Layer Thickness / Layer Description / Layer Depth
Top to Bottom / Layer Thickness / Layer Description / Layer Depth
Top to Bottom / Layer Thickness / Layer Description

Conclusion Questions:

(11 points)

1) Which underground layer do you think had the most material (largest overall volume)? Explain. How might you find the actual volume of each layer?

2) Think of at least two ways that scientists/engineers might improve this kind of mining technology to make underground picture maps more reliable and realistic.

3) What do you think would happen if the thickest layer (one with the most volume of stuff) was also the deepest? Do you think the mining companies would still want to get it? Explain.

4) How do you think scientists know where to find coal, oil, metals, rocks, and other natural resources below the ground if they can’t actually go there or see them before they drill/mine? (hint – They want to save money, so they won’t look everywhere - they look only in specific places.)


5) Look up the word “reclamation”. What does it mean in regards to mining?

6) What is meant by the term “remote sensing”? Give real examples of this term that you might see today.

7) Why must most ideas/concepts in science be indirectly proven or observed indirectly?

8) List four things that you observe indirectly every day.

1) 2)

3) 4)

9) Explain why science and technology cannot answer every question that everyone has even if it is given an unlimited amount of time.

10) Explain why some theories or concepts in science can be more believable or realistic than others.