June 25, 2013

The School Board of Brevard County, Florida met in special session on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 at 9:00 a.m., at the Educational Services Facility, 2700 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Viera, Florida, for the purpose of evaluating the Superintendent. Notice of the meeting was advertised in The Eagle, Thursday, June 13, 2013 the affidavit of publication with a copy of the ad attached is filed in the Affidavit File in the Board Office.


Chairman Dr. Barbara Murray called the workshop to order at 9:22 a.m.

Members Present: Dr. Michael Krupp, Dr. Barbara Murray, Amy Kneessy, Karen Henderson, Andy Ziegler

Chairman Dr. Barbara Murray led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Part I: Superintendent’s Evaluation Board Members Only

Prior to beginning the workshop, Chairman Dr. Barbara Murray updated the audience in attendance on the extensive process of how the Superintendent’s evaluation is conducted.

Ms. Kneessy commented that each Board Member spent on least seven hours on their individual assessment of the Superintendent.

Mr. Ziegler added that this process is not standard procedure in local government.

Chairman Dr. Murray explained that the Board Members will be finalizing the evaluation and discussing Dr. Binggeli’s contract.

The Board discussed the Significant Achievements and Areas for Growth sections.

Significant Achievements (not in rank order):

  1. Maintained district solvency and credit rating (Target #3)
  2. Changes in top level personnel (Target #2)
  3. Continued quality educational opportunities for all children despite significant budget cuts (Target #1 and #3)
  4. Reorganized department and captured savings that improved opportunities for all students (Target #3)
  5. Proactively focused on 21st century skills, which aligned with the new Common Core Standards (Target #1)
  6. Improved Legislative influence (Target #1)

Areas for Growth (not in rank order):

  1. Formally align strategic plan with the projected budget
  2. Increase dialog with formal parent groups
  3. Increase proactive communication to the community and BPS employees
  4. Review and revise the assistant principal selection process
  5. Expand the monitoring of all expenses, (e.g., travel, p-card, etc.)
  6. Increase small group interaction with principals
  7. Increased involvement in HR issues concerning senior staff and principals (e.g., definitive evaluation criterion, growth plans)


Chairman Dr. Barbara Murray called for a break at 10:58a.m.

She reconvened the meeting at 11:35a.m.


The Board developed the following Summary section.


Dr. Binggeli is a well-informed superintendent. He is dedicated almost to a fault in terms of dealing with his duties and responsibilities. He has identified fiscal priorities that have long term implications for the mission of this district. Dr. Binggeli’s leadership style has encouraged open dialogue among employees. Due to operational strategies and efficiencies, Brevard County is one of the last districts in the state to close schools and cut programs. Dr. Binggeli’s tenacity for data has served as a foundation for comparative analysis of our programs and the students that are served in Brevard and the State of Florida.

The Board commends you for your hard work and dedication toward the students and employees throughout Brevard Public Schools.


The Board developed the targets and measurable outcomes to be accomplished by Dr. Binggeli during the next 12-months. These targets will best move the system forward in achieving the district’s long-term goals. They also reviewed each of the sections supporting evidence for continuity.
Discussion ensued relating to extending the Superintendent’s contract for an additional three years. There was a 4-1 consensus amongst the Board. Dr. Krupp refrained due to legal questions he had for School Board Attorney Harold Bistline.
The members of the Board discussed Mr. Bistline’s contract and using a yearly evaluation instrument.
Dr. Binggeli received a copy of the final evaluation for his review prior to Part II of the workshop.
Chairman Dr. Barbara Murray called for a break at 12:57p.m.

Part II: Superintendent’s Evaluation Board Members and Superintendent


Chairman Dr. Barbara Murray reconvened the meeting at 1:17p.m.


Chairman Dr. Barbara Murray welcomed Dr. Brian Binggeli and asked if he had any questions prior to beginning with his evaluation. Dr. Binggeli stated that he did not have any questions at that time.

Chairman Dr. Barbara Murray and the Board chose not to go over the evaluation line for line since Dr. Binggeli had already received a copy of the evaluation and reviewed it prior to the workshop.

On behalf of the Board, Dr. Murray reviewed the Overall Summary as it relates to the eight standards.

Job Responsibilities: / Unsatisfactory
#1 / Needs
#2 / Meets
#3 / Exceeds
#4 / Exemplary
StandardA / 3.6
StandardB / 4.4
StandardC / 4.1
StandardD / 3.5
StandardE / 4.0
StandardF / 4.3
StandardG / 4.1
StandardH / 4.2

On behalf of the Board, Dr. Murray reviewed the Significant Achievements, Areas for Growth, and the Summary section as listed above.She then reviewed the 2013-14 Targets, Measureable Outcomes, and Comments with Dr. Binggeli (listed below).

9.1Target: Communication Practice – This target should be considered as on-going. Communication needs to be
broadened via stakeholders increased, and simplified (e.g., budget information and concerns, facilities, technology,
and curriculum issues, etc.)
Measurable Outcome: Documentation through newsletters, webpage updates, community survey, etc.
Comments: Communication should be continuous
9.2Target: Develop strategic plan for capital revenue (e.g., tax referendum, alternative plan for referendum failure.)
Measurable Outcome: Documented Plan
Comments: The Board recognizes that this area is controversial.
9.3Target: Develop a formalized selection process and training for assistant principals that includes all aspects of the principal’s role and responsibilities.
Measurable Outcome: Formalized documented programs with administrative procedures
Comments: Resist career assistant principal and promoting teachers within their own building
9.4Target: Formalize and implement senior staff evaluation tool and show evidence of increased oversight
Measurable Outcome: Documentation in personnel file
Comments: Include action oriented strategies developed by senior staff

Chairman Dr. Murray stated that the Board values the work that Dr. Binggeli does and have watched him grow. The Board recognized that he is highly respected in the State of Florida. With that being said, Chairman Dr. Barbara Murray stated that there was some consensus to offer of a three year contract for his next term of office.

In response of his evaluation, Dr. Binggeli stated that he appreciates the feedback and that he has worked hard to reach the target goals that were set. He spoke to the Board in regard to the Strategic Plan and the Gate’s Foundation. Dr. Binggeli stated that he continues to feel very honor to work for this organization.

Dr. Krupp stated to Dr. Binggeli that he has the most confidence in his abilities. Dr. Krupp has a question as it relates to the verbiage on page 2 of the existing contract which only stipulates for a one year extension. He asked Harold Bistline, School Board Attorney, if the Board as a whole decides to negate this contract and change it to a renewal how will it affect the existing the contract. Mr. Bistline stated that on page 9 paragraph 15 of the Superintendent’s contract it states: This Agreement may be amended or modified by the mutual written consent of the Board and the Superintendent. Mr. Bistline stated that is what the Board and Dr. Binggeli are doing. He noted that it should be followed up with a written document. Mr. Bistline stated that his is what has been done in the past with prior superintendents.

Dr. Krupp stated that his other concern would be with a potential changeup of a Board and pay for services not rendered. Mr. Bistline stated that there would be a 20 week period that would have to be paid out by state statute.

Dr. Murray stated that Dr. Binggeli has made it clear that he will not accept any additional compensation as spelled out in his contract. The contract states that he is to receive bonuses that everyone else receives. Dr. Murray asked Mr. Bistline if the Board should take it out of the contract totally or just cross out the language and initial it. Mr. Bistline stated that he is preparing a new contract and suggested leaving in the language and allowing him to decline it.

Dr. Binggeli stated that he is a little disadvantaged since someone worked on this contract with him initially and he would like the opportunity to get legal counsel. Discussion ensued as it relates to the language in the contract and having continuity for the district over the next three years.

Chairman Dr. Barbara Murray stated that there was a 5-0 consensus to offer Superintendent Dr. Binggeli and three year contract, if he so chooses to accept, effective July 1, 2013. It will be brought before the School Board on July 23, 2013.

Dr. Binggeli made it very clear that he wish to continue to be the superintendent of Brevard Public Schools. Dr. Murray stated the Board understands that he needs to protect himself by getting the advice of his own legal counsel.

A copy of the evaluation summary is filed in the Board office.

Chairman Dr. Barbara Murray adjourned the Superintendent’s Evaluation Workshop at 1:43 p.m.





Secretary and Superintendent of Schools