Honors English 11: Ms. Stevenson
Late Work/ Make-up Work
The following policy regarding late & make-up work will begin this ______day of ______.
- All work is due at the beginning of the block. If you turn it in any time after it is collected, it is late.
- Essays should already be printed, stapled, and ready for submission. You may not print in class; you may not email it to me (unless approved prior).
- Major projects/essays will be accepted up to ONE class periodlate (meaning by the next block) for NO MORE THAN HALF CREDIT. After that, I will NOT accept it. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- All other assignments: class work, homework, etc. will NOT be accepted late. You will receive a ZERO.
- If you are ABSENT on the day an assignment is due, you should turn it in on the day of your return.
- If you are ABSENT, you will have up to ONE class period (meaning the next block) to turn in Make-Up work for full credit. (This goes for quizzes/tests taken on the day of an absence too!) After one class period has passed, refer to Rules 3 and 4.
- For extended and pre-approved absences: SEE ME and I will deal with you on a case by case basis.
- If you are in school for any reason the day an essay or major assignment is due, it is STILL due.
Honors English 11: Ms. Stevenson
Late Work/ Make-up Work
The following policy regarding late & make-up work will begin this ______day of ______.
- All work is due at the beginning of the block. If you turn it in any time after it is collected, it is late.
- Essays should already be printed, stapled, and ready for submission. You may not print in class; you may not email it to me (unless approved prior).
- Major projects/essays will be accepted up to ONE class periodlate (meaning by the next block) for NO MORE THAN HALF CREDIT. After that, I will NOT accept it. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- All other assignments: class work, homework, etc. will NOT be accepted late. You will receive a ZERO.
- If you are ABSENT on the day an assignment is due, you should turn it in on the day of your return.
- If you are ABSENT, you will have up to ONE class period (meaning the next block) to turn in Make-Up work for full credit. (This goes for quizzes/tests taken on the day of an absence too!) After one class period has passed, refer to Rules 3 and 4.
- For extended and pre-approved absences: SEE ME and I will deal with you on a case by case basis.
- If you are in school for any reason the day an essay or major assignment is due, it is STILL due.