Honors English 11: Ms. Stevenson


Late Work/ Make-up Work

The following policy regarding late & make-up work will begin this ______day of ______.

  1. All work is due at the beginning of the block. If you turn it in any time after it is collected, it is late.
  2. Essays should already be printed, stapled, and ready for submission. You may not print in class; you may not email it to me (unless approved prior).
  3. Major projects/essays will be accepted up to ONE class periodlate (meaning by the next block) for NO MORE THAN HALF CREDIT. After that, I will NOT accept it. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  4. All other assignments: class work, homework, etc. will NOT be accepted late. You will receive a ZERO.
  5. If you are ABSENT on the day an assignment is due, you should turn it in on the day of your return.
  6. If you are ABSENT, you will have up to ONE class period (meaning the next block) to turn in Make-Up work for full credit. (This goes for quizzes/tests taken on the day of an absence too!) After one class period has passed, refer to Rules 3 and 4.
  7. For extended and pre-approved absences: SEE ME and I will deal with you on a case by case basis.
  8. If you are in school for any reason the day an essay or major assignment is due, it is STILL due.

Honors English 11: Ms. Stevenson


Late Work/ Make-up Work

The following policy regarding late & make-up work will begin this ______day of ______.

  1. All work is due at the beginning of the block. If you turn it in any time after it is collected, it is late.
  2. Essays should already be printed, stapled, and ready for submission. You may not print in class; you may not email it to me (unless approved prior).
  3. Major projects/essays will be accepted up to ONE class periodlate (meaning by the next block) for NO MORE THAN HALF CREDIT. After that, I will NOT accept it. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  4. All other assignments: class work, homework, etc. will NOT be accepted late. You will receive a ZERO.
  5. If you are ABSENT on the day an assignment is due, you should turn it in on the day of your return.
  6. If you are ABSENT, you will have up to ONE class period (meaning the next block) to turn in Make-Up work for full credit. (This goes for quizzes/tests taken on the day of an absence too!) After one class period has passed, refer to Rules 3 and 4.
  7. For extended and pre-approved absences: SEE ME and I will deal with you on a case by case basis.
  8. If you are in school for any reason the day an essay or major assignment is due, it is STILL due.