Central Arizona WritingProject’s

Young Adult Writing Program (Y.A.W.P.)

What is YAWP?

A component of theCentral Arizona Writing Project, YAWP Young Adult Writing Program (formerly Rl Txt) is a program designed to offer young writers a non-evaluative environment in which to explore the power of writing.

What do Camps Look Like? Offering time and inspiration,YAWPsessions support writers in a collaborative atmosphere as they interact with other youth authors and share works in progress.YAWPsessions engages young writersin crafting a variety of writing forms, such as poems, autobiographical sketches, heart maps, short stories, arguments, nature/science observations, craft secrets,and daily writing workshops.Each camper chooses a piece of writing for publication in the camp anthology.

Who are the Teachers? YAWPhasa staff of outstanding, certified classroom teachers who have completed CAWP’s Invitational Summer Institute in teaching composition and critical literacy to become Teacher-Consultants. All Young Writers Camp teachers and staff members continually implement writing in their personal and professional lives.

Who Should Attend? YAWP is a space for those who enjoy writing and hope to spend time developing and honing their craft. Writers of all skill levels are welcome, with the only requirement that the students themselves must actively want to attend camp each day and be willing to maintain a positive, respectful attitude throughout. Our goal is to make sure that everyone involved is learning, having fun, and enjoying the process.

When/Where is YAWP?

YAWP will be held from 9:00am -12:00pm, Monday through Friday, at the following locations:

ASU Tempe Campus: for grades 3-12

Session A: June 5 – June 16 or

Session B: June 19 – June 30

ASU Poly Campus: June 5 – June 16 for grades 3-12

ASU West Campus: June 5 – June 16 for grades 3-8 only

Cost:Tuition for each YAWP two-week session is $300. Tuition is due at the YAWP orientation meeting on May 24, 2017 at the ASU Tempe Campus. There is a late registration fee of $50. We only accept cash or a check made payable to ASU.

YAWP Website:

Important Dates: Registration Deadline: Friday,May 19, 2017 by 5pm

YAWP Orientation: May 24, 2017, 7pm, ASU Tempe Campus

Send Registration To:


c/o Tina Norgren

Central Arizona Writing Project

Arizona State University

PO Box 870302

Tempe, AZ 85287-0302

Email Registration or Questions:

Fax: 480-965-0605

Arizona State University’s

Young Adult Writing Program


Please Circle Camp Session and Location of Choice:

ASU Tempe Campus
Session 1: June 5-16, 2017
9:00-noon / ASU Tempe Campus
Session 2: June 19 – June 30, 2017
9:00-noon / ASU Tempe Campus
Either session/no preference
ASU West (Grades 3-8 only)
June 5-16, 2017
9:00-noon / ASU Poly Campus
June 5-16m, 2017

Please Include the Following information:

Student Name:Home Phone:

Student Email Address:Student Cell Phone:

Student Address:

Date of Birth:Gender: M or F

Name of Current School Attending:

Name of School Attending Fall 2017:

Grade Entering Fall 2017

Name of Parent/ Guardian:

Parent Email Address:Parent Cell Phone:

Emergency Contact:

Please List Any Food Allergies or Important Health Information to Help Keep Your Child Safe:

*We will contact you by May 22, 2017 with information regarding the YAWP Orientation.