2015/16 Page 1
Waybrook, Marsh Green, Devon EX5 2EX
Telephone: (01404) 822136
Clerk: Mrs Judy Morris
Perdon House, Middle Mill Lane, Cullompton, EX15 1JP Telephone: 01884 33869
16 FEBRUARY 2016 AT 7.30PM AT rockbeareVILLAGE HALL
PRESENT: Cllr David Mason (in the chair) and Cllrs: Jonathan Allen, Naomi Allen, Colin Please,
Mark Readman and Jeremy Wollen
Also in attendance:Cllr Peter Bowden (DCC), Paul Weston (Neighbourhood Plan Consultant), Andy Wood (East Devon Growth Point) and approximately nine members of the public.
Mrs J Morris: Clerk
- APOLOGIES accepted from: Cllr Naomi Allen (personal)
Mr Wood explained that the East Devon Local Plan has been published and will go forward for adoption. East Devon now has its 5 year land supply for housing and the Plan allocates land for employment, housing etc. to 2031. The strategy anticipates that Cranbrook will expand to about 8,000 homes (20,000 people) by 2031.
1250 dwellings have been completed in Cranbrook to-date and there are three planning applications for a total of 3,500 homes in the pipeline. It is anticipated that these planning applications will be decided in the summer once the Masterplan has been approved. EDDC hopes to publish the Cranbrook Issues and Options Report in March 2016 setting out how best to accommodate the extra houses.
The Plan includes accommodation for up to 30 gypsy pitches within the Cranbrook development, where to locate these pitches will be part of the process. These pitches will not all be in one place but spread across the area. Cllr Peter Bowden explained that EDDC is currently trying to identify existing gypsy/traveller sites within the district.
The Masterplan for Exeter airport anticipates an increase in passenger numbers and the land around the airport will be safeguarded to secure the future operation of the airport. There is a proposal to include a swimming pool and leisure centre within the Cranbrook development and possibly another station.
Discussion ensued about the increased flooding risk due to the large housing development and the knock-on effects of more hardened surfaces meaning that water is unable to drain away. Concern was also raised about the additional traffic passing through Rockbeare on their way to places such as Exmouth and Sidmouth. It was suggested that a 20mph traffic calming scheme is introduced through the centre of the village.
It was suggested that if there is insufficient land available in Cranbrook area then why not look to other areas of East Devon to accommodate the additional houses.
Mr Wood offered to attend the March meeting to provide an update on the Masterplanning exercise.
The Chairman thanked Andy Wood for attending and he left the meeting along with Cllr Peter Bowden.
Mr Weston gave a short powerpoint presentation to explain the Neighbourhood Plan process. He suggested that a Plan will take about a year to complete and, once completed and approved by the local community, it will have a strong influence on the planning decisions made. The purpose of the Plan is to put in place policies that can influence and control the development that takes place in the parish.
He suggested setting up a steering group of local people with a range of talents and backgrounds to move the process forward. Several of those present at the meeting offered their help.
101.MINUTES:The Minutes of the previous meeting of Rockbeare Parish Council held on Wednesday 9th December 2015 were approved and signed as a correct record of that meeting.
(i)Police Report: None
(ii)County/District Councillor Reports: Devon County Councillor Peter Bowden had responded to questions during the presentation from the Project Director for the East Devon Growth Point.
(iii)Any other reports: None
(i)To consider and make comment on the following planning applications
15/2729/FUL / Jameson Homes Ltd / Erection of 4 bedroom dwelling and garage at The Cedars (land off London Road) amended plans / Previously replied to as follows: Accept recommendations of Planning Officer but have concerns about over development of the site and inadequate access meaning that vehicles will need to reverse onto a main road.15/1872/MRES / Hall & Woodhouse / Construction of public house, car park and associated works (Reserved matters application seeking approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to Condition 1 of planning permission 03/P1900 at Cranbrook New Town Centre / No objections
15/1412/MFUL / Mr & Mrs Michael / Replacement of two existing egg laying units at Goose Green Farm, Whimple (Air Quality report) / No objections
15/2790/FUL / Mr Manvill / Re-positioning of machinery/general storage building at Stillwoods Farm, London Road / No objections
16/0022/OUT / Mr S Wimms / Outline application for the erection of 4 dwellings at The Elms, London Road / Recommend refusal for reasons of overdevelopment of site and inadequate access. Too many dwellings off a shared drive onto a main road with poor visibility. This site should be linked into the adjacent development with access from the rear through the adjacent development.
(ii)To consider and make comment on any planning applications received after the date of this agenda: None
(iii)To receive details of planning decisions and appeals:The appeal against refusal of a planning application for site at land east of High Bank, Bridge View, Rockbeare has been upheld, meaning that that the proposal for the construction of up to 9 no. dweliings can go ahead.
(iv)Caravan: Rockbeare Hill: It was reported that EDDC has taken enforcement action regarding the parking of a caravan on an unauthorised site. Concern from a local resident that this is detrimental to the local amenity and could become a home for other members of the travelling community.
(i)To receive financial statement for December 2015
RESOLVED: That the Financial Statement for December 2015 is approved.
(ii)Invoices for January 2016 were approved for payment as follows:
400375 / Dentacast (postage for Neighbourhood Plan surveys) / 49.00400376 / South West Highways (Marsh Green Village Hall sign) / 175.20
400377 / Mrs J Morris (salary) / 360.04
400378 / Rockbeare Village Hall (hall hire) / 105.00
(iii)Precept:To consider and approve 2016/17 budget and precept: The Clerk reported that the Council Tax Support Grant has been reduced from £1107 (2015/16) to £808 (2016/17). However as there are now more Band D equivalent properties in Rockbeare the Council can increase its precept income by £64 without any additional cost to the local Council Tax Payer. The 2016/17 annual cost to the Band D Council Tax payer will remain the same as 2015/16 i.e. £60.24
RESOLVED: That the 2016/17 precept is set at £20,300 plus a Council Tax Support Grant of £808 making a total precept income of £21108.00.
(iv)TAP Fund:To consider joining with Broadclyst to apply for a grant for a projector and parish maintenance.
RESOLVED: That the Council joins with Broadclyst and other surrounding parishes to apply for funding for a projector, shared PA system for outdoor events, river maintenance and litter bins.
(v)Rockbeare Mother and Toddler Group:To receive update and approve purchase of furniture and supplies: The Clerk circulated a list of items requested by the recently revived Mother & Toddler Group.
RESOLVED: That the Council purchases items on behalf of the Mother & Toddler Group, the tables and chairs to be retained as the property of the Parish Council and the sundry items to be donated to the Rockbeare Mother & Toddler Group. The total cost to be no more than £500 (see Minute 76 meeting 18 November 2016).
(vi)Transparency Fund:To approve grant application.
RESOLVED: That an application to the Transparency Fund for a total of £649.97 to include funding for a laptop and scanner is approved.
NOTE: Cllr Jonathan Allen offered to advise the Clerk re the purchase of a back-up system for the information held on the laptop. Agenda item for the next meeting.
(vii)Neighbourhood Planning
(a)To consider and approve applying for a grant.
RESOLVED: That the Council applies for a grant from the Department for Communities and Local Government to cover Neighbourhood Plan costs to 31 March 2016.
(b)To approve employment of consultant to assist with the Plan.Quote received from Paul Weston, Community Consultant for professional support for the Neighbourhood Plan for the period to 31 March 2016.
RESOLVED: That the Council accepts the quote of £2130 from Paul Weston to provide professional support for the Neighbourhood Plan to 31 March 2016.
NOTE: It was noted that the Council will apply for a grant to pay for the above professional support.
- FLOOD RISKS: A list of flood related incidents which had occurred during the past month has been sent to both EDDC and DCC. Devon County Council are taking action to resolve some of the blockage issues. It is hoped that the owner of the Manor will repair the broken pipe under the driveway to the Lawns as a goodwill gesture.
- Parish Council organisation: Discussion document
RESOLVED: That, due to shortage of time this item was deferred until the next meeting.
107. HIGHWAYS, FOOTPATHS: To accept items to report.
(a)Gribble Lane sign: It was reported that the sign has been lifted out of the ground and placed at the side of the road
As the time was 10pm is was agreed to defer all the remaining items until the next meeting
The meeting closed at 10.00pm
SIGNED ______Date: ______