(Replaces Section II-16, in the Policy and Procedure Handbook for University Extension)
University Outreach and Extension employees shall faithfully discharge their duties and shall refrain from knowingly engaging in any outside matters of financial interest incompatible with the impartial, objective and effective performance of their duties. They shall not realize personal gain in any form that would influence improperly the conduct of their University Outreach and Extension duties. They shall not knowingly use University or University Outreach and Extension property, funds, position or power for personal or political gain. They shall inform their supervisors in writing of reasonably foreseen potential conflicts.
Conflict of interest relates to several activities: consulting, ownership and operation of a business, teaching outside the University, serving as an expert witness, private sector support of programming, commodity trading, activity in political parties, and election or appointment to public office. The University of Missouri Collected Rules and Regulations < > address several, but not all, of these activities. University Outreach and Extension policies are consistent with Universitypolicies but in some instances go beyond University policy because of the unique nature of the outreach and extension function and the requirements of the federal partner, CSREES/USDA.
Consultation, whether income producing or otherwise, is the application of professional and scholarly expertise in the external community. It is a significant means of professional improvement as well as a form of community service. However, consultation also may constitute a business interest requiring disclosure. Following are examples of when disclosure is required:
- When the entity for which the employee consults transacts business with the University or with University Outreach and Extension
- When the entity is in competition with the University or with University Outreach and Extension
- When the consultation itself competes with the work of the University or with University Outreach and Extension.
It is the policy of the University and of University Outreach and Extension to permit consulting activities that meet all of the following conditions. The activities:
- Have been reviewed by the immediate supervisor
- Are outside the state of Missouri
- Do not interfere with regular duties
- Do not use University or University Outreach and Extension materials, facilities or resources except as provided in the University Business Policy and Procedure Classification Code 01-21 dated May 1, 1979
- Are done on a person's own time or approved leave
- Contribute to the person's professional development
- Do not compete with the work of the University or with University Outreach and Extension, and are not otherwise contrary to the best interest of the University or University Outreach and Extension
- Do not violate federal or state law, and
- Do not represent a conflict of interest under other policies of the University or UniversityOutreach and Extension.
An annual report is made to the Director of Cooperative Extension indicating the aggregate time and nature of the service performed for each individual engaged in consulting, including the area of technological transfer. These reports shall be transmitted annually to the President.
Ownership/Operation of a Business
Determination should be made of employee time commitments to manage, operate or be involved in a commercial business (including farming). If appreciable employee time is required away from the University Outreach and Extension job, suitable arrangements need to be made (i.e., time arrangements, business divestiture or employee termination). Outside employment or business ventures that may conflict with the employee’s job requirements, or appear to conflict, require the review of the Director of Cooperative Extension or his/her designee. The time spent on outside employment or business must be done on the employee's personal time. The employee's business must not compete unfairly with similar private businesses. The employee must not have an unfair advantage over other businesses because of special University Outreach and Extension job-related knowledge.
Selling articles or programs to media about work-related programs should be avoided.
If the employee’s business might do business with the University of Missouri, Lincoln University or County Outreach and Extension Councils, he/she should refer to the Collected Rules and Regulations, University of Missouri.
Teaching Outside the University
An employee of the University who teaches either credit or non-credit courses not connected with the University may have a conflict of interest. To avoid conflicts of interest, an employee must disclose the proposed teaching activity and secure written approval in advance from her or his department chairperson/supervisor and dean/director, or in the case of regional faculty from the Director of Cooperative Extension. Approval for such teaching shall be granted unless the proposed teaching is not in the best interests of the University. In reaching this decision, the department chairperson/supervisor and dean/director or Director of Cooperative Extension will consider all relevant matters, including such concerns as duplication of University courses or programs, accreditation standards and the employee’s current work assignment.
Serving as an Expert Witness
Any staff member may serve as an expert witness inside or outside Missouri with or without subpoena, provided that if serving under subpoena, he/she shall report to his/her superior. If serving without subpoena, arrangements shall first be made with the staff member's immediate superior for leave from his/her duties during the time required to serve as such witness.
All staff members serving as an expert witness shall be entitled to retain all compensation received as such, and no deduction shall be made from their regular compensation. Any staff member serving as an expert witness shall report the compensation received as such to his/her immediate superior, who shall in turn report it to the Director of Cooperative Extension.
Private Sector Support
Employees must exercise caution and professional judgement when using any brand name in any service, work product or program.
Clarification of potential conflicts should be sought from the immediate supervisor. It is appropriate to recognize and acknowledge private sector support publicly; however, no endorsement of product or services should be provided.
It is appropriate to accept monies from the private sector to support programs and objectives of University Outreach and Extension. While it is appropriate to recognize organizations' contributions, it is important to state that acceptance of support is not an endorsement of contributors' products or services by the University or by University Outreach and Extension.
Commodity Trading (Buying and Selling)
If the employee's job assignment closely involves the commodities in question, the employee needs to disclose involvement in trading activities. A determination must be made regarding whether the employee's involvement presents unfair competition to others trading such commodities. If the activity appears to conflict with the employee's job time or assignment, a review by the Director of Cooperative Extension or his/her designee is required before further activity is undertaken.
Issues of Public Debate
University Outreach and Extension employees must be objective in dealing with issues that are controversial or of public debate. Employees have a responsibility to provide facts of the issue equally to all interested members of the public, regardless of their views concerning such issue. Employees primarily involved with one client group are governed by the same requirements of objectivity as those with varied clientele.
Activity in Political Party Organizations
University Outreach and Extension employees may engage in lawful political activities:
- Of organizations of political parties qualified to place candidates on the ballot in accordance with Missouri Statutes or of political parties seeking such qualification
- Of non-partisan or bipartisan groups seeking the election of candidates to public office or the approval or disapproval of issues that are or may be submitted to the voters for approval, or
- On behalf of individual candidates for public office, including candidates for membership of any political committee established by Chapter 120, R.S. Mo.
Such activity, like any other personal, non-official undertaking, must be done on the individual's own time and should not interfere with University duties.
Employees may contribute personal funds to any of the above parties, groups or candidates or expend funds on behalf of the above parties, groups, candidates or issues, subject to state and federal laws that regulate political contributions.
Election to or Holding Public Office
Any staff member, before he/she announces officially as a candidate for or accepts any elective office, must inform his/her superior officer of such intention, and such officer must make the fact known to the President of the University through the Director of Cooperative Extension. If the regulations permit, the President will offer no objection to the candidacy, provided it does not require time or attention that should be given to University or University Outreach and Extension duties.
- Subject to the requirements of notice to the President, a member may, without permission of the President, become a candidate for and hold a position as a member of a school board, city council, county legislative body, or other local school or municipal office, which is part time. In case of doubt, the President shall decide if the candidacy is permissible under the University of Missouri Collected Rules and Regulations. Such activity must be conducted on the individual's own time, and shall not interfere with University or University Outreach and Extension duties.
- The holding of any elective full-time office in local, county, state or federal government is forbidden while the person is serving on the University Outreach and Extension staff. Before accepting such an office, a person is required to resign his/her University post. A person seeking election to such an office must resign or request a leave of absence as of the date of filing in the primary.
(Revised: December 1999)
(Revised: March, 1998)
Replaces: II-16 (4-90)
II-17 (4-90)
II-18 (11-84)