Extract relating to YOS

Safer Rotherham Partnership Board

Thursday 31 January 2013 at 10am

Springwell Gardens Community Centre, Eastwood View, Rotherham


Cllr Rose McNeely (Chair) - RMBC

Christine Brodhurst-Brown (for Dorothy Smith) - RMBC, Children & Young Peoples Services

Yvonne Cherry - Victim Support

Malc Chiddey - NHS Rotherham

Tom Cray - RMBC, Neighbourhoods & Adult Services

Steve Green - South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue

Paul Grimwood - RMBC, Youth Offending

Ch Supt Jason Harwin - South Yorkshire Police

Pamela Heydon - RMBC, Neighbourhoods & Adult Services

Mel Howard - NHS Rotherham

Charlotte Lees - South Yorkshire Police

Sarah Mainwaring - South Yorkshire Probation Service

Steve Parry - RMBC, Neighbourhoods & Adult Services

Gill Pell (minutes) - RMBC, Neighbourhoods & Adult Services

Matt Pollard - RDASH

Dave Richmond - RMBC, Neighbourhoods & Adult Services

Sgt Suzanne Snowden - South Yorkshire Police

David Wilson - South Yorkshire Police

Caroline England-Woodcock - South Yorkshire Police Comms


Marie Carroll - South Yorkshire Police Authority

Diana Clark - Rotherham Law Courts

Shafiq Hussain - Voluntary Action Rotherham

Linda Mayhew - South Yorkshire Criminal Justice Board

Dorothy Smith - RMBC, Children & Young Peoples Services

5.  Performance Management

(see attached)

7.  YOS Improvement Plan

Information had been circulated prior to the Meeting

Rotherham YOS have recently undergone a Short Quality Screening (SQS) Inspection by YJB/HMIP which highlighted the necessary areas for improvement in YOS. Following this, a request has been made to present a review of progress of the YOS Improvement Plan to the Safer Rotherham Partnership

Paul Grimwood reported that, despite timescales slipping by a month due to difficulties in getting hold of people over the Xmas period, progress on the Improvement Plan is on track. An Action Plan has been set up and staff training is arranged for 6 March 2013, to which Paul said action should be taken to ensure outcomes are embedded in Partner’s systems

Discussion took place and issues causing concern were raised eg. time-scales and the need for the SRP to strengthen their position of Governance. It was agreed that a smaller meeting is needed with regular people to discuss Governance and Management and whether the young people were given the right support. Paul said that Governance forms a large part and welcomes this together with more accountability. More support should be given to Paul to be prepared if and when an Inspection takes place

10.  Children and Young Peoples Issues

ACTION: Overview of the Integrated Youth Support Service developments to be presented at the next SRP Board meeting

11.  Offender Management/DIP

Youth Offending Service

Please refer to Agenda Item 7