(Full-time Site Management Only)
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Date revised: / June 2001
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This procedure details the method to be followed to compile a monthly progress report to monitor the progress of the works.
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The Contractor and RE are jointly responsible for compiling a monthly progress report and presenting it to the ENGINEER, OR, PM and PL.
Note:For Part-time site supervision only
Where referred to the RE it is implied that the Engineer will be the responsible party.
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3.1 /

Completing the monthly progress report

The monthly progress report consists of eight forms namely:
  • Form REP-01: Project Team, Program Dates, Funding Resources and Contract Cost Review .
  • Form REP-02: Additions and Omissions to Bill of Quantities.
  • Form REP-03: Summary of Variation Orders and Claims.
  • Form REP-04: Activity progress report.
  • Form REP-05: Expected/Estimated & Actual Expenditure
  • Form REP-06: Design and Specification Deficiencies Report
  • Form REP-07: Workforce Data, Contract Risks Analysis, Status Report and Comments
These forms are available in Excel format and should be thoroughly completed by the RE/Engineer.
The following instructions are applicable on specific forms:
3.1.1 Activity Report
(a)The Contractor, RE, ENGINEER and OR shall jointly decide which of the sections and items of the schedule of quantities are to be listed in column A of the Progress Form (see the Forms Manual). It is recommended that at least the relevant of the following sections be monitored:
  • Drainage (drains, culverts, structures, kerbing, erosion protection)
  • Mass Earthworks (roadbed, mass earthworks, finish)
  • Pavement (SSG, sub-base, base course)
  • Surfacing (prime coat, asphalt/seal)
  • Road furniture (road signs, fencing, markings)
  • Structures (base, columns, decks)
  • Water mains (trenching, pipes, valves, testing)
  • Sewers (trenching, pipes, manholes, testing)
  • Mechanical work
  • Electrical work
  • Electronic work
(b)The Contractor and RE shall complete column B of the Progress Form (see the Forms Manual) by inserting the “Total quantities scheduled” for each of the activities. These quantities are derived from the schedule of quantities and agreed to with the contractor.
(c)Each month the Contractor and RE shall determine the revised quantities for each of the selected activities and insert these under column C.
(d)From the contractor’s programme, the Contractor and RE shall obtain the “Production rate per week” and insert these values under column D.
(e)The contractor and RE shall obtain the duration of the time requirements for each activity and insert these values in columns E (original) and F (revised).
(f)From the contractor’s construction programme, insert the “Scheduled Progress, Quantity” in Column G. Calculate the “Scheduled Progress, %” as follows:
  • Column H = Column G ÷ Column C x 100
Report percentages to the nearest whole number.
(g)Agree on the “Actual Progress, Quantity” with the contractor and insert this in columnJ. Calculate the “Actual Progress, %” as follows:
  • Column K Column J ÷ Column C x 100
Report percentages to the nearest whole number.
(h)The Contractor and RE shall complete column L as follows:
  • If Column K = Column H, write “OK”
  • If Column K > Column H, write “OK”
If Column K < Column H, estimate the number of weeks (in whole weeks) required to complete the activity based on the contractors stated “Production rate per week” in column D.
(i)The Contractor and RE shall estimate and insert the “Time to complete” in columnM. This is an estimate of the time required to meet the scheduled progress.
(j)The Contractor and RE shall insert “Remarks” under column N, as appropriate.
The Contractor and RE, after the completion of (a) to (j) above, shall briefly summarize the monthly progress of the activities, emphasizing methods for improving poor progress. The RE shall also sign and date the report and file a copy on site using PROC-FT-SAD-01.
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Submission of the monthly progress report

The RE shall submit the monthly report to the ENGINEER not less than 5 days prior to the next progress meeting on site. The ENGINEER shall submit and discuss the report with the OR not less than 3 days prior to the next progress meeting.
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Sequence of presenting the monthly progress report

At the monthly site meeting, the Contractor shall submit the report formally to the meeting. The OR shall then formally comment on the progress and other issues in the report and he shall ensure that his comments are reflected in the minutes of the meeting.
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Corrective Actions

The Engineer shall discuss the design and specification deficiencies report with relevant designer and note his recommendations in the space provided on the form. The completed form shall be discussed at the management meeting with a view to analyze possible trends.
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PL-Project Leader
PM-Project Manager
OR - Official Representative
RE -Resident Engineer
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PROC-FT-SAD-01 Site filing system
Report forms: Form REP-01 ...Form REP-07
SM-REP-01 Monthly progress reports.doc