MCSA Summer Conference 2013
Charlotte, North Carolina
The Major Country Sheriffs’ Association completed a very productive conference in Charlotte, North Carolina assisted by MCSA member Sheriff Chip Bailey, Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Office.
Highlights from the conference:
- Election of officers for the term being in January 2014 was conducted during an executive session and the following individuals will lead the MCSA:
President Donny Youngblood, Kern County Sheriff’s Office
Vice President Sandra Hutchinson, Orange County (CA) Sheriff’s Office
Vice President of Governmental Affairs Michael Bouchard, Oakland County Sheriff’s Office
Secretary David Mahoney, Dane County Sheriff’s Office
Treasure John Aubrey, Jefferson County (KY) Sheriff’s Office
Current President Rich Stanek will become the Immediate Past President
- Executive Director Joseph R. Wolfinger announced his retirement earlier this year effective July 1st. Joe’s 13 years of voluntary service was celebrated at the Thursday night dinner at the NASCAR Hall of Fame. Commenting on Joe’s service were former Sheriff Patrick McGowan, who, while president of the MCSA, brought Joe to the Association as the Executive Director and Sheriff Rich Stanek, current president of the MCSA who recognized Joe for his years of service. Joe was presented with the first MCSA Badge recently commissioned by the Executive Board and a print entitled Wisdom reflecting what Joe has been known for thought out his term in office.
- The Executive Board announced after a national search, assisted by Association Strategies, Inc., Michael Ferrence Jr. would assume the position of Executive Director. Mike has served as the volunteer Associate Executive Director for the past eight years.
- The agenda included:
- Standing committee reports
- Development and approval of the MCSA position on Immigration reform (see website for a copy of the approved position document.)
- Election of Officers
- Report on the National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund by John Shanks
- Mexican Drug Cartels update by JoEllenBaloglou, DEA
- DHS Issues and Opportunities by Louie Quijas
- Sheriff’s Round Table Discussion
- Town Hall Session, facilitated by Chuck Wexler PERF (attended by MCSA and NSA members, focused on Violence in America, Immigration, Mental Health and the Criminal Justice System, Jail overcrowding, and Contract and Consolidated Services.
- The MCSA Intel Commanders Group, chaired by Sheriff Dave Mahoney met to discuss further development of the group and moving forward. Undersheriff Mitch Lucas, Charleston County Sheriff’s Office volunteered to head up a project to survey MCSA members regarding Jail Intelligence programs. The project is designed to identify efforts of MCSA members with jail operations to systematically collect actionable intelligence regarding criminal and terrorist activities.
- Taser International organized and delivered a presentation on Video Digital Evidence and the Cloud prior to the start of the conference. The event was well attended.
- The next MCSA event will be the Training Conference on Mackinac Island, hosted by Sheriff Michael Bouchard, Oakland County Sheriff’s Office. See the MCSA website, for conference details, registration and hotel accommodations.
- More details about the conference and the Town Hall Meeting will be posted shortly.
- Approximately 80 individuals (Sheriffs, members of their staff, sponsors and guests), attended the conference.