Biology Classroom Guidelines 2010-2011

Welcome to Biology at Sycamore High School. I look forward to the year ahead and the discoveries and connections that await within our classroom. The following information is meant to help students, parents, and teachers begin the year with a common understanding of academic and classroom expectations. There is a lot of information included below. Please take the time to read it thoroughly and discuss it with your parent/student. I sincerely hope this helps start our year smoothly and leads to success. If you have any questions, please contact me at any time for clarification or help.


Stephanie Swineheart (email: )

Grading Scale:

Assignment Values:

Homework = 10% of total grade

Laboratory Activities = 30% of total grade

Quizzes = 20% of total grade

Tests = 40% of total grade

Semester Grades:

Semester grades are calculated by combining:

Semester Work = 80% of semester grade

Final Exam = 20% of semester grade

*Semester grades are used to calculate student grade points and class ranks*

Grades are calculated and updated as frequently as possible. Current grades are posted via student ID within the classroom as they change. Students are encouraged to track their own progress to monitor their learning.


The following materials are required for class:

·  Textbook (issued by teacher)

·  3-Ring Binder (1 inch)

·  Loose-leaf paper for notes or notebook

·  Pen (Blue/Black) or pencil

·  Red Pen

·  A dry erase marker (probably 1 per quarter)

·  A simple calculator for basic math

·  A donation of Kleenex for the room is always appreciated!

Homework Policy:


o  Make-up work due to excused absences (ex: illness) will be accepted per the student handbook. (2days of makeup time per 1 day absence)

o  Make-up work for prearranged absences (Ex: vacation/ school functions) should be made PRIOR TO ABSENCE

·  Papers lacking/missing a student name will receive a zero.

·  Assignments/Tests announced or scheduled with a minimum of 5 days notice are expected to be completed on the day of return (If the student is absent the day of an announced test, they should be prepared to take it upon return)


Any student suspected of or caught cheating (this includes providing or aiding in answers) will receive a zero on that assignment. Copying work, allowing students to use your papers/work, texting or emailing answers are all considered cheating. NOTE: cell phone use is NOT allowed during the school day. Any use of a cell phone during a class period can automatically be considered cheating due to ability to text, photograph, etc.

Safety/Classroom Equipment Contracts:

1.  Textbook/CD:

All students will be issued a Biology: Exploring Life textbook. These textbooks cost $65.00 each, students are responsible for damages or loss of their textbook (they must turn in the textbook assigned to them at the end of the year in order to avoid paying the replacement cost). Any initial damage should be reported to the teacher upon checkout. A portion of our Biology curriculum is also technology based which will require students to have Internet and/or computer access outside of the classroom. Computers are available at the school in the library computer lab from 7:30 am, throughout the school day, and until 3:30pm daily. The Biology teachers will also provide additional computer access before and after school. If Internet access is not available to the student, CD-ROMs with the Internet activities are available for checkout. If you anticipate this being your situation, please contact the Biology teacher individually. The student is then responsible for the CD-ROM as an extension of their textbook and would be responsible for replacement at current catalog price.

NOTE: An online version of the textbook can be found at: . This has the entire text as well as review questions, appendices, and the glossary. This is a great tool for students who “forgot” their textbook at school or who would rather not carry a heavy textbook back and forth. It is accessible from any internet connection and students will use a username and password with the following pattern:

Username: (First Initial)(Last Initial) (4 digit SHS ID number)

Password: spartans

2.  Laptops:

Classroom laptops will be available for student use during selected activities. Students are responsible for appropriate computer usage. Appropriate use includes correct power on/off, participating in assigned programs only, maintaining default settings, etc. Students will be assigned a specific laptop for ongoing use. It is the student’s responsibility to alert the classroom teacher of any problems with maintenance or operation. All school technology/computer guidelines will be followed. Inappropriate behavior will result in loss of computer usage and/or student responsibility of repair costs.

3.  Lab Equipment:

Students are responsible for appropriate use of classroom equipment. Classroom equipment includes but is not limited to glassware, dissecting kits, microscopes, specimens, rulers, scissors etc. Students will be responsible to replace damaged equipment due to inappropriate behavior/usage.

4.  Safety Contract:

In order to participate in classroom lab activities all students must read and sign the lab safety contract. Additionally, all parents must read and sign classroom and safety guidelines. Unsafe behavior will result in a zero on the lab activity. Continued unsafe behavior may result in removal from all lab activities.

Additional Information on Classroom Routines:

*Papers are typically color coded using the following system:

Ö  White = notes or handouts

Ö  Gray = Guided Reading Study Workbook Pages (designed to accompany text)

Ö  Blue= Homework

Ö  Green = Lab Activities

Ö  Yellow = Review

Ö  Pink/Lavender = Quiz/Test

It is required that students use a 3-ring binder to assist their organization by including all Biology papers chapter by chapter. It is recommended that papers are listed in reverse order with the most recent work in front. The binder should consist solely of Biology content.

*Students will be assigned independent reading from their textbooks. They will also be instructed as to what format should be followed when taking notes. This will most likely require some time spent on Biology at home.

*Classroom schedules and assignments are posted within the classroom, as well as on the internet at If you are unable to access this site, please email me and I will give you access. Please use these to help keep abreast of happenings within the classroom. Students should use an assignment tracking system (assignment notebook, pocket card, calendar, planner, etc.) to keep track of assignments.

*Communication is an essential part of the student’s success. This includes but is not limited to communications between teacher and student, student and parent, parent and teacher as well as student to student. Please do not hesitate to ask questions or check in. The main office will route a phone call to my voicemail by calling 815-899-8160, you may email me directly at (this will most likely produce the quickest response) or check my website at for information, announcements, and schedules. Again, please email me if you don’t automatically have access.

Welcome to SHS!

Signature/Agreement Page


I, ______, have read and understand the full Biology Guidelines and Safety Contract. I agree to comply with the expectations set forth in the Guidelines and Contract.



I/We, ______, have read and understand the full Biology Guidelines and Safety Contract. I/we agree to comply and support the enforcement of the expectations set forth in the Guidelines and Contract.



Periodically the teacher may want/need to contact you with information, updates, ideas, praise, etc. The teachers have access to your student’s information. However, e-mail is becoming increasingly convenient. If you have an email address that you would like the teacher to be aware of, please list it below. Feel free to add any other additional contact information or student information that you feel may be beneficial to your student’s teacher.