Psychology 273Fall 2009

WritingCenter Assignment

For this assignment you need to schedule a meeting with a writing center advisor in Howarth Hall Room 109. The web address of the center is:

The purpose of this assignment is three-fold. First, I want you to see how important getting another person’s feedback on writing assignments can be. Second, I want you to realize that feedback from others is not a painful, but rather, a positive experience. And third, I want you to become better writers.

You will need to bring a copy of the assignment, your rough draft,and 5 empirical articles with you to the meeting and in the time you meet with them, develop a writing plan for how you are going to approach the concerns you have about your paper.

Additionally, you will need to turn the following information to me on 1 typed, double spaced page.

  • Which writing center advisor did you meet with?
  • What time and date did you meet with him/her?
  • Write one paragraph about what you discussed in this meeting and explain the plan that the two of you developed for re-writing your paper.

The writing center staff only has a limited span of time slots when you can meet with them, so it is imperative that you schedule your meeting ASAP.

This assignment is to be handed no later than 2 school days after your appointment and is worth 15 points extra credit. Assignments turned in more than 2 school days after the appointment will automatically loose ½ of the points and no writing assignment will be accepted after 12/7. Keep in mind, that this means you may not schedule a writing center appointment on or after 12/7. You may turn this assignment in via email if you prefer.

If you cannot get an appointment with the writing center another option (though for less points) is to do the…

Peer Review Option

For this assignment you need to meet with a friend or acquaintance (whose writing ability you respect) who has agreed to read your paper and provide feedback both to and with you.

The purpose of this assignment is three-fold. First, I want you to see how important getting another person’s feedback on writing assignments can be. Second, I want you to realize that feedback from others is not a painful, but rather, a positive experience. And third, I want you to become better writers.

You will need to bring a copy of the assignment, your rough draft,and 5 empirical articles with you to the meeting and in the time you meet with him/her and develop a writing plan for how you are going to approach the concerns you have about your paper.

Additionally, you will need to turn the following information to me on 1 typed, double spaced page.

  • Who did you meet with and how do you know this person?
  • What time and date did you meet with him/her?
  • Write one paragraph about what you discussed in this meeting and explain the plan that the two of you developed for re-writing your paper.
  • Please show me a copy of the paper that your peer read (and commented on) and have him or her sign the front of it. The copy should have his/her comments/corrections/etc written on it.

This assignment is to be handed in no later than 2 school days after you meet with your friend and is worth 10 extra credit points. Assignments turned in more than 2 days after your meeting will automatically loose 5 points and no peer review assignments will be accepted after 12/7. This cannot be turned in via email. You must turn this in to me in person.