More info about the Centre for Student Involvement

Solent SU has undergone vastchanges over the past two years, resulting in a student consultation process reviewing the services we offer to students. The Union Plan was produced, which took more than 12 months to deliver, with student consultation being the primary focus. The Union Plan identifies several Key Themes and aims for the Students’ Union, which ensure that it is focused on delivering services that are relevant to our students.

One of these major developments will be the initiation of a Centre for Student Involvement. This is in partnership with the University, which has co-funded the Centre. It will focus on employability, volunteering in the community and portfolio enhancement and ultimately, supporting students throughout their time at University in gaining skills that will help them when they enter industry.

The Centre for Student Involvement will focus on providing students with opportunities to enhance their skills for employment through offering opportunities, both academic and extra curricular. These include;

-Peer to peer activities, i.e. mentoring, peer assisted learning, buddying

-Student representation opportunities, including Course Reps, Faculty Reps, Halls Reps

-Guest lectures from industry professionals

-Volunteering in the community

-Student-led projects: students wanting to set up and run their own events or voluntary projects can apply to the SU for funding and support

-Opportunities to get involved with planning and running SU events

-Opportunity fairs; a chance to meet external companies

The Centre will be a place where students can find out about opportunities to get involved at University, whether is it signposting to University departments (like Employability and Enterprise, Student Ambassador roles or part-time employment opportunities), Societies or getting other students involved with their own opportunities.

Areas we want to develop include;

-Increased opportunities for students to get involved with the local community

-Increased role for student volunteers in employability (helping other students to get good jobs)

-Regular communication of opportunities to interested students

The Students’ Union will be focusing on continual student research to ensure that the activities we offer are what you want, are relevant to your needs and are accessible to all students, including part-time students and students at the WMA campus. On behalf of the University, Dr Richard Blackwell Deputy Vice-Chancellor said, ‘I am delighted that the Centre has now been agreed. It will add significantly to our joint volunteering efforts and enhance students’ job prospects. It is underpinned by an unusual if not unique co-investment model (with both sides investing to create the new centre), which shows what can be done when we work closely together’.