(Please type or print legibly.)

Wedding announcements more than eight weeks after the wedding when submitted will not be published.

Wedding announcements to run In the Weekend Edition must be turned in to the newspaper office by 5 p.m. the preceding Wednesday. Due to space limitations, descriptive material may have to be reduced or eliminated. If you have questions, call the newspaper office at 870-234-5130. Announcements may be e-mailed to us at .

Name of the bride:

Daytime phone:


Name of the groom:

Daytime phone:


Names of bride’s parents


Names and addresses (city and state only) of the bride’s grandparents:

Names of groom’s parents


Names and addresses (city and state only) of the groom’s grandparents:

Wedding time and date:

Location of ceremony:


Musicians and special selections:

Bride escorted or given in marriage by whom? relationship?

Briefly describe the bride’s gown, veil and flowers:

Maid or matron of honor (circle one); name, color and fabric of dress, and flowers:

Bridesmaids (same information as above):

Name of best man:

Names of groomsmen:

Names of ushers

Other attendants: (flower girl, ring bearer, candlelighter, bride’s book etc.):

Reception (location, decorations, servers):

Honeymoon: (destination, length of stay):

Where will you live and what kind of work or study will you be doing after the wedding?

Signature of the person submitting the form:

Daytime phone:

( ) If this form is accompanied by a photo, please check. This newspaper is not responsible for unsolicited photos, which can be picked up at the office after publication, or returned by mail if a self-addressed, stamped envelope is included. Black and white glossies are best for newspaper reproduction, but good quality color photos can be used at the discretion of the editor. E-mail pictures need to be at 5 to 10 inches wide, saved in jpeg format, attached and e-mailed. Digital print-outs are not recommended. Polaroid-type photos are not acceptable.