St. Fagans Community Council
Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 1st July 2013
at 7.00pm in the St. Fagans Village Hall
Present: Councillors J. Griffiths (In the Chair),
S. Chedzoy, B. Critcher, J. Hughes,
F. Lewis, T. Pallier & C. Price.
In Attendance: Clerk D. Barnard
Apologies: Councillors M. Parry (Chairman) & J. Pugh
County Councillor G. Thomas
Police PC R. Richards
In the absence of both the Chairman and Vice Chairman, Cllr. Griffiths, as immediate past Chairman, took the Chair.
261.07.01 – Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 3rd June 2013
Members approved the Minutes of the meeting and Cllr. Griffiths signed them accordingly.
261.07.02 – Matters arising from the Minutes
No matters were raised.
261.07.03 – Police Reports & Neighbourhood Watch
The Clerk reported that he had not received any message or report from PC Thomas. He had received an email from PC Roberts thanking Members for the message of appreciation sent in response to the successful seizure of 5 off-road bikes the previous month. PC Roberts was unable to attend due to other commitments that evening but had advised that there were no issues to report in relation to the area of St Fagans south of the railway line.
Cllr. Griffiths commented that, apart from the odd occasion, the noise from off-road bikes had been much less noticeable. Cllr. Pallier agreed and added that the area had been generally quiet.
261.07.04 – Planning
a) Cardiff LDP
Cllr. Lewis reported on the joint meeting with Radyr and Pentyrch Councils on 18th June. The main issue related to the engagement of a Barrister to represent all three Councils. The Clerk at Radyr had made some provisional enquiries and established that Graham Walters was prepared to act initially on a 'Pro Bono' basis. Cllr. Lewis had spoken to Chris MacKay who had commented that Graham was well respected and a very good barrister. Members agreed that St Fagans would support his engagement. Cllr. Lewis advised that a further joint meeting had been provisionally arranged for Friday 19th July at 5.30pm in the Old Church Rooms at Radyr.
Cllr. Hughes referred to a report in the Echo noting that the company (Edge Analytics) engaged by Cardiff Council to provide forecasts of population growth, etc., had revised downwards the increase expected in the period to 2026. He posed the question – how did they get it wrong last time and how do we know it is still not wrong? He also questioned why the drop in population growth (25%) did not translate into an equivalent drop in the proposed growth in housing (10%).
The Clerk had circulated an email from County Cllr. Rod MacKerlich advising that a draft Deposit Plan would be available for perusal on the Cardiff Council web site on Tuesday 2nd July, but the consultation period would remain as per the original timetable following the publication of the final Deposit Plan in September.
b) Museum Development Plans
Cllr. Griffiths reported on the meeting with the Museum on 27th June. The development is still going ahead but progress has been delayed by issues with the solicitors representing the Plymouth Estate. It is now expected that works will commence in December or January. The Museum has extended an invitation to representatives of the Council to meet with the contractors and Cllr. Lewis said she thought the Museum were conscious of the need to keep a good relationship with the Village and the Community Council.
Cllr. Hughes agreed, saying that he thought the meeting had gone well and referred to other issues raised including funding for the Ely Trail and issues with the bus service. Cllr. Griffiths also mentioned that they were still considering whether and on what basis they would take the Sol Horometer.
c) Planning Applications at Clos-Y-Cwarra and Great House Farm
The Clerk reported that he had spoken to the case officer that morning and had been advised the Great House Farm application would be going to Committee on 17th July, the officer's recommendation thereon being made known on 14th July. A date for the Clos-Y-Cwarra application has not yet been set as more information is still awaited from the applicant.
d) Other Planning Applications
The Clerk reported on the following applications and decisions during the past four weeks:
13/01043/DCO – Cricket Club – Discharge of conditions in relation to the new nets facility.
13/01087/DCH – 2, Gilfach Cottages, Crofft-Y-Genau Road: Rendering and redecoration of the external walls. Members commented that these works would improve the property.
13/01113/DCO – Land at Heol St Y Nyll: Convert Barn and Shed to a Residential dwelling. The Clerk advised that he believed this property was just outside the St Fagans boundary but Members could still submit objections should they wish to do so. No comments.
13/01165/01166/01167/DCO – National History Museum: These applications relate to archaeological works and discharge of conditions in relation to the new developments.
12/00697/DCO – National History Museum: Alterations and refurbishments – granted.
12/00699/DCO – National History Museum: New Visitor Buildings – granted.
13/00701/DCH – 4, Prince of Wales Drive: Raising roof line to create new bedroom – granted.
The Clerk had circulated the report of the Planning Inspectorate in respect of Clive House, Crofft-Y-Genau Road, that set out the reasons why the appeal against the refusal of planning permission had been dismissed. Members welcomed the decision but wondered how the matter would be enforced. Cllr. Critcher expressed concern that the applicant would find loopholes to delay any action. Cllr. Lewis said she would raise the matter at the Conservation Group meeting on the following evening.
261.07.05 – Environmental Matters
a) Highways / Lighting / Traffic Concerns
The Clerk reported that Cllr. Pugh had made arrangements for the agreed section of the hedge around the Cricket Club to be cut back as soon as it was appropriate to do so at an estimated cost of £140.
The Clerk had circulated a letter from Cardiff Council enclosing a street plan that showed that the only section of Greenwood Lane that is adopted is the small triangle right at the junction with Crofft-Y-Genau Road. Cardiff Council would accordingly not take any responsibility for parking restrictions further up the Lane. Cardiff Council also rejected the request for a 'Keep Clear' box or 'yellow box' on Crofft-Y-Genau Road to make it easier for traffic trying to exit Greenwood Lane. Members expressed disappointment with this decision, Cllr. Lewis commenting that the traffic on Crofft-Y-Genau Road is getting worse.
The Clerk reported that he had received a reply from Cardiff Council in response to Members' request for additional signs on Michaelston Road indicating that it is unsuitable for HGV's. The letter advised that such signs are only used at locations where there are no existing weight restrictions in place and to use such signs would apparently be in direct contravention of the signs already in place. The Council has however agreed to upgrade the existing signs to further highlight that the road should only be used by HGV's needing access.
Cllr. Hughes and Cllr. Price reported on the condition of Michaelston Road and Persondy Lane both of which are in a bad state of repair. The Clerk was asked to report this to Cardiff Council and request that the roads be resurfaced and not just patched up. It was reported that the road had recently been closed but this was believed to be for repairs to the level crossing.
b) Street Cleansing / Litter
Cllr. Lewis reported on the Village clean-up carried out on the weekend of 29th/30th June. She considered it had been successful albeit that the amount of litter, etc. collected had been less that on previous occasions. Cllr. Hughes reported that bags of rubbish have been thrown in the hedges on Michaelston Road.
c) Village Walkabout
The Clerk had circulated a schedule of issues arising from the walkabout around the Village on 17th June. Cllr. Price expressed the view that things are getting better but referred specifically to weeds on the footpaths – does Cardiff Council have a policy on spraying? - maintenance of the hand rails on the river bridge, and that most of the gulleys in the Village seem to be blocked. The Clerk was asked to raise these matters with Cardiff Council. Members also commented on the entrance to the Castle that is looking very neglected.
Cllr. Price referred to the land adjacent to the flats on Castle Hill and said he would contact the solicitor who is looking in to the acquisition process. Cllr. Price also referred to the suggestion that the fence around the land should be re-erected and proposed that this be progressed. Members agreed to look at doing it themselves.
d) Other environmental issues
Cllr. Lewis referred to the small grassed area between Nos. 12 and 13 St Fagans Drive on which tree branches were in need of pruning. The Clerk has established from the Land Registry that the land is not registered to anyone. Cllr. Lewis said she would speak to the Tree Preservation Officer to establish whether and to what extent the trees could be pruned.
The Clerk had circulated an email from Cooke & Arkwright advising that it is the intention to give the White House Restaurant a full, deep clean and redecoration with a view to putting it to the market. Noted.
The Clerk had collected the two signs showing the location of the Village Hall and Cllr. Lewis agreed to arrange for them to be put in place.
261.07.06 – Westfield Park Estate
Cllr. Pallier said there were no issues to report and the area had been very quiet.
261.07.07 – Parc Rhydlafar
Cllr. Chedzoy reported that the new 'No Fly-Tipping' sign in the lay-by on Crofft-Y-Genau Road was now almost covered by foliage and she would attend to it in due course. No issues had arisen in the area and it had also been very quiet.
261.07.08 – Wales National History Museum / St Fagans Castle
The Clerk reported that Matthew Davies, who had been the main contact at the Museum for many years was leaving this week and had sent his best wishes to Members. The Clerk had responded appropriately.
The Clerk had also had a message from Mared Maggs advising that a short re-enactment demonstration would be taking place at the Museum on both 10th and 11th of August, when there will be some noise from gunfire in the afternoons.
261.07.09 – One Voice Wales
Cllr. Hughes reported that he had attended a meeting of the NEC on the 14th June and gave a brief synopsis of the issues discussed. More new members have joined the organisation generating additional income. The training programme is ongoing and a new course on planning is being developed. A lot of work is going on and the meeting concluded on a positive note.
The Clerk had circulated details of the 2013 AGM and Conference, which this year is being held in Builth Wells. Cllr. Hughes, as the Council's OVW representative, said he would like to attend, the attendance fee being £65.00. This was agreed.
The Clerk reported receipt of the latest issue of The Voice and passed copies to Cllr. Lewis and Cllr. Pallier.
261.07.10 – St Fagans Family Fun Day
Cllr. Lewis reported that two PCSOs had attended a recent planning meeting and had shown an interest in ensuring there would be a police presence on the day. There had also been contact with Highways regarding traffic issues. Cllr. Lewis said that the Museum had agreed that certain fields could be used for additional parking but would need approval from Cooke & Arkwright. The Clerk had contacted Chris Hyde but his original email had not been received and he needed additional information to identify the relevant fields.
261.07.11 – Correspondence and other communications
The Clerk reported on the following:
+ (undated) Cardiff Conservation Volunteers. Providing details of the work carried out by the charity group and inviting the Council to contact them if there are any tasks with which they could assist. A nominal fee of £140 is charged to cover the basic essential costs. Cllr. Griffiths commented that this group had previously carried out some work on footpaths in the St Fagans area.
+ 14/06/13 Welsh Government: Commission on Public Service Governance and Delivery. Inviting submission of views on how public services are governed, i.e. held accountable for their performance and delivered most effectively for the public. People are invited to answer 8 specific questions in a survey available on the Commission's website. Responses are requested by 31st August. A number of 'drop-in' sessions are also being held to hear peoples' views, the local event being on 7th August (12 noon – 17.30pm) at Cardiff Central Library.
+ 20/06/13 Public Services Ombudsman: Annual Report 2012/13. Enclosing a copy of the report on the activities of the Ombudsman during the past year.
Email 11/06/13: Welsh Government: Economic Development – Inviting views on a proposed draft Technical Advice Note to provide more detailed guidance to Councils in preparing Local Development Plans and making planning decisions.
Email 14/06/13: Welsh Government: Police & Crime Commissioners. A one-off session of the Welsh Affairs Committee on this subject will be held on Thursday 11th July at 11 am in Committee Room 4, Ty Hywel. It is open to the public and the press.
Email 28/06/13: Welsh Affairs Committee – Work Programme in Wales. (to help long-term unemployed) A final evidence session will be held on 3rd July in Portcullis House.