October 16,2017

Get ready… Get set… Go… for the 10th Annual OFRS Walk-a-Thon to be held Monday, October 16, 2017!

The Walk-a-Thon has become one of the PTA’s largest fundraisers, allowing us to not only provide financial support for quality programs for our school, but also to provide students the opportunity to see how fun it can be to include walking as part of a healthy lifestyle. This year our goal is to raise $4,000 to invest in our school! The PTA will be purchasing additional technology for the school to be used by students with the money raised through last year’s fundraising efforts. Let’s continue raising funds to be used towards important initiatives for our children's school.

Although this is a fundraising event, all children may participate in the Walk-a-Thon, even if they do not seek donations. During the Walk-a-Thon, students will walk around the blacktop playground area during their regularly scheduled recess.


Oct. 6 - Oct. 16 Students collect pledges (see attached sponsor sheet)

Monday, Oct. 16 Walk-a-Thon (rain date Wednesday Oct. 18)

Friday, Nov. 3 Sponsor sheets with pledge money are DUE at school.
Please place in an envelope marked “PTA Walk-a-Thon” and submit to teacher.

CLASSROOM REWARDS: Each class has the opportunity to earn one of the following rewards based on total dollars raised.

v  $1 - $500 Additional recess period

v  $501 - $1,000 Additional recess period, $50 worth of playground equipment to be added to the class recess bag and classroom spirit day

v  $1,001 - $1,500 Additional recess period, $50 worth of playground equipment to be added to the class recess bag, classroom spirit day and a $1.00 Student Store Certificate for each student

The Golden Shoe Award Plaque: Awarded to the class who raises the most money.

Grand Champion: A trophy will be awarded to the student who raises the most money.

Grade-Level Champions: Gold, silver and bronze medals will be awarded to the top three fundraisers in each grade.

Because this event will take place during school hours, we are not able to accommodate spectators. We do, however, have a need for volunteer helpers, which is being coordinated through your child’s room rep. If you are interested in volunteering, please be sure to contact your child’s room rep.

Each grade level will be designated with a certain color t-shirt. The t-shirts are once again being supplied by the PTA. Please note these shirts are to be used for other events throughout the year, not just the walk-a-thon.

Grades K, 2, 4 - BLUE
Grades 1, 3, 5 - YELLOW

Further details, as well as additional sponsor sheets, can be found on the PTA website at www.ofrspta.org. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you!

Gretchen Decillis: