Team Leader of Concession Stand 1 Supervise and Run One Concession Stand
- Band Camp Hydration –Chairpersoncoordinates the organization of a tent, water, ice, and first aid. The Hydration Station supports the students by providing cold water or Gatorade during breaks. Hydration generally works each day of band camp (10 days) and remains at the practice location(s); typically the practice field. There are normally two shifts of 2-4 personnel each day.
- Volunteers – Chairperson oversees recruitment and assignment of volunteers throughout school year. Directors, Board Members and Committee Chairs are responsible to provide the Volunteer Coordinator their volunteer needs 1-2 weeks in advance. The Chairperson posts volunteer needs to Charms and provide Committee Chairs their list of volunteers.
- Concessions–Chairperson overseas orders and deliveries to ensure stands are ready for sales. Additionally, the Chairperson arranges for approximately.30 volunteersper home football game. Concessions generally begin food preparation approximately two hours before the game begins. Volunteer needs include grillers, wrappers, runners, people to work the two stands, and clean up crew.
- Team Leader of Concession Stand 1 – Supervise and run one concession stand
- Team Leader of Concession Stand 2 – Supervise and run one concession stand
- Grill Chairman – Responsible for readying grills for game nights, including making sure there is gas for grills, getting started around 5:00 for each home game.
- Feeding Frenzy – Chairperson coordinates for water, drinks, snacks, and meals as needed for competitions and football games, home and away. The Chairperson will work with the Directors and Board to determine requirements for feeding the band during different events. Snacks and meals may be purchased or donated by parents or businesses, depending on the event.
- Field Maintenance – Chairperson leads a group of volunteers to mow and water the grass and mark the two practice fields. At least one, sometimes both fields, are mowed and marked once each week from later July through October.
- Guard (Sewing) – Marching & Winter – Chairperson coordinates the efforts of volunteers to create the patterns from flag designs provided by the Guard Staff. The Chair orders the fabric, arranges for work space at the school during the summer, and arranges time for the group to work together on sewing the flags. Flag making normally occurs during band camp and is complete by the beginning of school.
- Hospitality/Special Events – Chairperson organizes band parties and hospitality events for judges and directors during competitions held at the school.
- Fundraising – Chairperson overseas all individual fundraiser chairs and reports directly to the Vice President, `Ways and Means. The Chairperson may personally coordinate individual fundraiser events or utilize other parent volunteers to run them. Common fundraisers include:.
- Yankee Candle Fundraiser – Fall/spring
- Fruit sale Fundraiser – Fall
- Dining Out – monthly all year
- Concerts flower raffles – winter and spring concerts
- Craft Show – Feb
- Car Show – Apr
- Bingo Family Night -- May
- Pancake Breakfast/Yardsale July
- SCRIP – Oversees collection of orders and money for gift card sales and delivers orders to parents.
- Spirit Wear– Responsible for ordering spirit wear items and accessories for sale to parents and students. Spirit Wear Chairperson is also responsible to order uniform shirts, marching band show-shirts, and guard windsuits..
- PIT – Chairperson coordinates the movement of percussion and other large instruments when the band travels. The Pit Crew works with the students to move equipment onto the field during marching band performances (football games and competitions).The Pit Crew Chairperson is also responsible to manage and take care of maintenance of the band’s trailer. Additionally, the Pit Crew Chairperson coordinates the building/repairing of props for marching band shows and guard competitions. The Pit Crew Chair may recruit Colorguard parents to perform these roles during Winter Guard performances.
- Uniforms – Chairperson measures, sizes and fits marching uniforms for students. This effort includes measuring, hemming, dry cleaning prep, and repairs. Although this position works throughout marching season, most work is accomplished during July and August.
- Concert Uniforms –Chairperson coordinates the measuring and fitting of concert attire for the Concert and Symphonic bands. Most work is accomplished in Sep/Oct when new concert uniforms are ordered.
- Scholarships–Chairperson coordinates the effort of a small committee to select from Seniorstudent-applicants for the awarding of band scholarships in May/June. The Chairperson works with the Board and Directors to develop the grading rubric for scoring applicants, establishes due dates for applications, organizes the review and scoring of applications, and announces the winners of the scholarships.
- Marching Classic – Chairperson coordinates all efforts to plan for and run the annual marching competition. Duties include creating schedules, developing and printing programs, ordering awards, supporting judges with transportation and lodging, arranging for registration, hydration, warmup areas, concessions, judges/directors hospitality, etc.