2016 Teacher: Identify the learning targets for your program, commenting on what participants will be able to do with what they know by the end of the program.List the TELL Framework domains, STARTALK-endorsed Principles and instructional topics that will be the focus of your program. State the instructional topic in terms of what participants will be able to do.

Response 1

  • To update the participants with the latest theories and the best practices in teaching foreign languages and the xxxx language, to improve their knowledge and skills in instruction by emphasizing the STARTALK Principles and engaging them to teach language through the Five C's: Communication, Culture, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities
  • To provide opportunities for the teachers to experiment selected teaching approaches proven to be effective and different from the conventional ones with the guidance and coaching of the Lead Instructor
  • To use Coaching as a way to teach the xxxx language by modeling the Lead Instructor for teachers to learn simultaneous assessment in class and immediate feedback to students
  • To meet the three goals, we will include topics such as the latest research on foreign language instruction, innovative approaches to teach xxxx, the xxxx language as a field of study, and the relationship between teaching the language and xxxx culture will be selected with the recommendations of the Visiting Team in 2012 and 2013. Presentation of those topics will be made by invited speakers and the Lead Instructor.

Response 2

We have two major goals for our STARTALK program. The first is to engage teacher candidates in what we believe are the most essential concepts and best practices needed to be successful in their first year of full-time teaching. The second is to provide early-career Chinese language teachers with a meaningful professional development opportunity that deepens their own understanding of those same topics while nurturing their development as teacher-leaders.

By the end of the STARTALK program, participants will be able to:

  • use the backward design process to plan lessons that help students to meet unit performance objectives (TELL Framework, P6);
  • apply their understanding of comprehensible input to create language-learning opportunities that are contextualized, connect to prior learning, and require attention to meaning (TELL Framework, P7 and LE4); and
  • use their reflections on the similarities and differences in the U.S. and Chinese school cultures to build appropriate relationships with students to promote a safe and positive learning environment (TELL Framework, E1).

2016 Student: Provide a brief overview of your program. What theme will guide instruction and learning throughout the program? Describe how the curriculum of your program will address the goals outlined by the World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages.

Response 1

Thekeyprogramgoalsaretodevelopthestudents’practicalcommunicationskillsinthe targetlanguageandtoadvancetheirunderstandingofbothChina’sculturalheritageand itscontemporaryconnectionswiththerestoftheworld.TheAcademyplanstoemploy

variousmethodstocollectevidenceofstudentprogress.Studentswillmaintainanindividual MandarinChineseportfolio,inwhichtokeeptheirclassnotes,supplementarymaterials, classprojects,andartwork.Inaddition,studentswillberequiredtodocumenttheirprogress inMandarinChinesecommunicationskillsthroughLinguafolio.Also,teacherswillkeepclosetrackofstudents’learninggrowththroughvariousformativeandsummative assessments.TheAcademywillalsocontinueimplementingactivities,suchas“gametime”and“freestyleperformancetime,”forstudentstoexpressthemselvesinChineseand demonstratehowmuchChineselanguageandculturalunderstandingtheyhaveobtained. Fieldtripspresentanotheropportunitytoassesswhetherthegoalsarebeingmet.Students willbeaskedtoperformvarioustasks,coveringallthreemodesofcommunication,either individuallyoringroupspriorto,during,andaftereachfieldtrip.

Response 2

The theme of “Mulan and Other Legends of China” will allow students to learn to describe themselves, their families, favorite activities, travel, compare Chinese and American Autumn festivities and cultural traditions, sing traditional Chinese songs, and create paintings and clay representations of Terra Cotta army and the Great Wall. Elementary students will be able to retell the legends of Mulan, Chang Er, the Jade Rabbit and Wu Gang. Middle School students will be able to present a hero from China (e.g., Yo Yo Ma, Jackie Chen, Yao Ming). The program goals are to attain the novice level of Chinese and an understanding of the Chinese legends of Mulan, Chang Er. Wu Gang, and the Jade Rabbit in the Moon Palace, the Harvest Festival, Family, Favorite Activities, and Chinese monuments. Elementary School students will be able to tell the stories of the legends and reenact plays about them. Middle School students will be able to present a character or hero from Chinese history, folklore or popular culture. We will know that these goals have been met by reviewingthe student self-assessment of "Can do" statements in the Linguafolio, by observing their presentations on Chinese personalities, by formative assessments of proficiency, by reviewing the dossier or standards-based portfolio and by observing them perform for their parents on the last day of the program. Curricular goals will be developed according to ACTFL National Standards and Proficiency Guidelines.

Thomas Sauer— Advance Learning, Director of Design and Communication and Independent Consultant

Laura Terrill — Content Specialist, National Foreign Language Center and Independent Consultant