Managing underperformance
and misconduct for casual employees
Human Resources /


The principles of transparency and natural justice are to be observed in this process.

Guidelines for dealing with misconduct

Stage 1Supervisor to meet with employee to discuss the allegation of misconduct in order to gain an understanding of the events leading to the allegation and to ensure the employee is clear as to the nature of the allegations.

Stage 2Supervisor to meet the employee to provide the employee with an opportunity to respond to the allegations.

Stage 3 If on the balance of probability the allegations can be substantiated the Supervisor should enter into a counselling session with the employee to take the necessary corrective action to ensure the misconduct ceases.

Stage 4Meeting with employee to review whether progress has been made towards achieving the standards of performance/conduct. If the required performance/conduct has not been achieved a first written warning will be issued. .

Stage 5Meeting with employee to review the progress of the required outcomes as determined in 4 above. As final written warning may be issued if sufficient improvement has not been achieved.

Stage 6Following a further review of the required outcome with the employee, if the required standards have not been achieved termination of employment may occur.

A reasonable period of time should be allowed between meetings to assess progress.

During this process the supervisor may be assisted by a nominee of the Head of School/Director, the employee may choose to be assisted by a representative.

The Director, Human Resources must be consulted prior to the implementation of Stages 4,5, and 6.

Serious misconduct

In the case of serious misconduct, the allegations/matter will be immediately investigated, the staff member’s input and comments sought, if immediate resolution is not possible, suspension with pay should be considered. Disciplinary action including termination without notice, may be instigated where appropriate.

Warning: uncontrolled when printed.
Authorised by: / Director, Human Resources / Original Issue: / 06/07/2009
Document owner: / Manager, Human Resources / Current Version: / 15/07/2014


The principles of transparency and natural justice should also be observed in dealing with performance issues for casual employees.

Guidelines for dealing with underperformance

Underperformance on the part of casual employees should be dealt with in basically the same way as continuing and fixed term employees, with regular interactive discussions but may be on a less formal manner. As a guide, the following steps are recommended to supervisors/managers in this.

Guidelines for supervisors/managers

Stage 1Meeting with Supervisor involving a counselling process, identify the gap between required standard and current performance and a date for review established. This may include identification of training needs where appropriate.

Stage 2First written warning if the employee’s performance does not substantially improve following initial counselling at Stage 1. A date for further review should also be set.

Stage 3If standard required has not been reached, disciplinary action including termination of employment may occur.

The Director, Human Resources must be consulted prior to the implementation of Stages 2 and 3

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