PADA Board Meeting Minutes, March18th, 2013, 7PM

Location: Clubhouse, 4001 Edgely Drive, Philadelphia, PA


2)Board of Directors (BD)

i)Mike Zargham (MZ) (Via Phone)

ii)VinnyMcCrink (VM)

iii)Rick Atkins (PD)

iv)Jackie Freedmen (JF)

v)Jay Soda (JS)

vi)Jim Brose (JB)

vii)Darrell Thomas (DT)

viii)Stacey Spencer (SZ)

ix)Brittany Bigley (BB)

x)Chris Vanni (CV)

xi)Additional Members:


4)0) HIghlighted Elements from Rick's PD report
-volunteer programs
-proposed tournaments
-PHUEL dues covering PADAmembership ?
-City WL follow up
-still more extra shirts: give them away/ ask for donations ?
1) Registration issues update
- discuss UC relationship: customer service?
2) Discussion of the Ultimate Indoor Championships offer/options
-Board should decide on a level of involvement with this event
-sponsorship of event as outlined by Trent: yes/no (could be great or a waste of effort/money)
-should we try to send a PADA indoor team to the event: yes/no (awesome for community but might be too late)
3) Handbook development update
-Both Captains and Coordinators handbooks have gotten attention over the last two months
4) FPSL plans update
-We need 2 coordinators. Coordinators report directly to Rick and run the league as per previous years.
- Brainstorm potential coordinators so we can give Wiggles a list work on.
-Wiggles knows to work with Rick in selecting from potential coordinators.
-Any other issues/concerns regarding FPSL?
5) PADAYO update
-Britt, is everything on track with Spring YO?
-update on summer events, youth pickup?
6) Synopsis of pro Collaboration meeting
-Stacey, Jackie, Darrell, Brit and I were present
-productive meeting, anyone who was there can share thoughts they feel are relevant to the whole board
7) PADA WO update
-Stacey, women's outreach initiative launched
8) Tenant Situation
-Mark has promised to move out this weekend on saturday the 22nd
- Mark has now submitted a written consent to be waitlisted, with the caveat that he will be returned to the league upon moving out on saturday
9) Meeting Wrap up
- Choose a captain of the Month
- Choose a date for next months board meetingMM due to be out by 3/1.

5)PD Report:

6)- I have been working with Michelle on getting our volunteer program up and running. She used WL finals as a test run and we plan to use Mixed Spring as a full scale test run for some of our ideas. We are meeting with the Coordinators to set things up this Wednesday 3/19.

7)- The registration page for Bell Crack should be up any day now. In short, 16 teams, Oaks, $350, party at Sly Fox Saturday night.

8)-Evan is very close to completing the Captain of the Month shirt design. The Disc Store will have a very fast turn around time for us when it is ready.

9)-As an FYI I am looking into having our TD Bank card provide rewards. I will bring any issues involved with the switch to the board's attention.

10)-Corrine has agreed to run Mikey Spring Thing again in honor of LCV. Details are on blog and there is a Facebook page.

11)-A friend of Sean Johnston's has offered to run a Memorial day tournament in memory of her father who passed away from prostate cancer. I am in favor of it.

12)- Sean would like us to help him out with a summer open and mixed tournament at Oaks. He would be looking for things like insurance and promotional help. Sean has proven to be a very reliable partner in the past and I am in favor of this as well.


14)-As reported earlier there was a request to allow PHUEL dues to cover PADA membership fees for PHUEL players. My recommendation would be to raise PHUEL'sPADA dues slightly and waive PHUEL player's membership fees. This not only promotes youth ultimate but helps to bring the next generation into PADA leagues.

15)-City WL Update. Early exit survey reports are positive on most counts. There were very few complaints about AMPRO but I found them so difficult to work with and given their higher cost I would prefer to play all games at Tee's. We should be able to get earlier times since we have put in our request so early and we are a great customer. I am also recommending making MapleZone finals one day and coupled with the lower prices at TEE's reducing the league fees.

16)- Despite my best efforts we still have an incredible number of leftover women's shirts from past leagues. Even at rock bottom prices I don't see them disappearing anytime soon. I would like to propose in addition to selling them at PHUEL events we look to give them away at women's clinics. I would propose letting whoever wants one take one and allow them to take several in return for a donation to YO or WO.


7- PD report

Approved the Shirts to new women

Approved SJ tournaments

Memorial day tournament for Kris

Fun tourney 10men 10 mixed at oaks 7/12/14

Discussed raising PHUEL membership to include PADA membership and let plays play in both who are eligible.

Winter City discussion: overall good responses (field usages was discussed. Decided it was a coordinator discussion but felt the fields should be taped.])

Decided to use Maple Zone only one day and save money

JB suggested to improve key situation for next year. Suggested that we contact realtor to see if a key box can be purchased. (Or make sure a person close to Tee’s has Key.)

Working with Wiggles to test run VC program at winter finals (meeting on 3/19)

Will use Raffles for big items instead of giving everyone little items.

Registration UD

Servers went down. 1/18. So they lost everyone’s data that sign up at that time.

Darrell Thomas discussed changing provided from UC

MZ suggested that we look contract for UC and decided based on that at later date.

JB noted that BD couldn’t find it last time we looked

PD noted that thereitit written that contract goes price goes up in 3-5 years.


Darrell Thomas explained his involvement IUC

Suggested that we PADA can put a post on it FB and Twitter

VM said IUCcan request a post in PR request.

JB noted this sets a president that PADA will advertise for groups

MZ suggested that anyone go through BD for information and submit with Communications Request.

Hand Book: JB

Discussed handbook being too long:

JF/JS/CV suggested having a short list to help keep the handbook from looking over baring.

JB noted his fears of going back and forth on having others see hand book.

JB suggested he put out Handbook and let captains submit issues as they come up.

JB volunteered to make a shorter hand book cliff notes document.

FPSL Coordinators

Discussion on process of communicating to the PD about BD going to coordinators without contacting PD 1st.

[You want something done, ask a busy person]

Policy: Reiterated that communication on league coordinator issue be discussed with PD 1st.

PD suggested that he work with Wiggle an Brit to find replacements.

JB suggested that we have 3 coordinators to make it easier on BB.

CV stated he could help BB a bit.

YO. See her email

Pro collaboration

Darrell Thomas updated to events

Discussed Dates for clinics (3 in Philly and 3 in DE)

Discusses PHUEL events.

Discussed improved behavior at Hip Hop/Kit Kat

Next meeting in June.


Changed FFB page to a Group.

JF disagreed (VM stated this should be discussed with PR team)

VM offered his help make a an email group

PD offered to use constant contact

Ileana has been doing well with women’s league.

Kat is making progress with Woman’s out reach


Mark plans to be out be by 3/22. Want Mark to leave this weekend.

Discuss everything else after that.

Photos VM

Ask Brian for some photos to be donated from Brain for the club house.

VM will contact him


Finish via email

Discussed more issues for recognizing senior captains

VM wanted make sure that there was a separate place to celebrate veteran captains

Next meeting: 4/14/14