
DBQ—Georgia Colony: A Success or Failure?

Vocabulary—organized by Documents

Background Essay / Document A: The Charter of 1732
Debt (debtors, debt-ridden) / Amount of $ owed; someone who owes $; owing an abundance of $ / Maintenance / The necessities for sustaining a life
Defensive buffer / Something that provides a shield reducing the danger of interaction / Defray / To pay for some or all of one’s expenses
Charity / Actions or donations to aid the poor; something given to persons in need / Passage / The course by which one travels
Incident / Connected with or related to
Undertaking / Actions of someone starting a task / Provinces / Colonies or territories
Borrow against / To borrow money and agree to give valuable items to the organization who has lent it to you if you fail to pay it back / Cultivating / To prepare or work on land in order to grow crops
Paternalistic / Managing or governing individuals, businesses, or nationslike a father dealing kindly yet intrusively with his children / Desolate / Barren or uninhabited land
Representative assembly / Governing body with members who represent the total population; make decisions based on the desires of the population / Subsistence / Supporting life; making a living, livelihood
Townships / Local government consisting of a town and the area surrounding it / Realms / Part of the English kingdom
Idleness / The state of being lazy or inactive / Laid waste / To completely destroy something
Industrious / Working energetically; hard-working; being productive / Inhabitants / Person or animal living in a place
Prohibited / Not allowed; illegal; banned / Subjects / a person who lives or who has the right to live in a particular country, esp. a country with a king or queen
Fortifications / Military structure constructed for the purpose of strengthening a position; like a fort / Calamities / Event that causes much sufferingto many people
Grumble / To complain in a low, mumbled voice / Conducive / Having the right conditions for something to happen
Grievances / A complaint / Expulse / To force people out
Deprived / Lacking the necessities of life, such as adequate food or shelter
Over reaching / Defeat by overdoing matters, often by excessive eagerness / Detriment / Harm or damage
Utopian / Unrealistic ideas for a perfect society / Martial law / Temporary rule by the military
Provisions / Supplies of food or other necessary items
Patent / Legal
Document B: Georgia’s First Colonists Aboard the Ship Ann / Document C: Spanish Missions & English Fortifications Map
Carpenter / One who builds or repairs wooden structures / Friars / A member of a religious order; typically Roman Catholics, similar to a monk
Merchant / One who buys and sells things for profit / Slave-raids / Usually a military raid for capturing people and selling them into the slave trade
Tailor / One who makes, repairs or changes clothing items / Encroaching / To trespass upon the property of others usually by gradual and secretive advances
Upholsterer / One who designs, creates and/or repairs furniture with fabrics / Document E: Seal of the Trustees and Trustees Garden
Noble / A person born of a higher social ranking / Sericulture / The cultivation of silk
Midwife / A person who assists women in childbirth / Physic / Appearance
Stockingmaker / One who makes covering for the feet and lower leg (similar to socks) / Viniculture / The cultivating of grapes for wine
Yellow Fever / Infectious disease, usually high fever, spread by mosquitos / Supplant / Replace
Slave Sawyer / paid slaves who worked for a period of time / Fluctuations / Changes
Document D: Colonial Coastal Fortifications
Philanthropic / Benevolent, kind, generous person; may give to charity, humanitarian / Document F: Excerpt of Grievances
Rhetoric / The art of making persuasive speeches / Endeavor / effort
Fortifying / To protect or strengthen against attack / Exhibit / Show
Imperial / The rule or authority of a country over its territories; pertaining to an empire, like the British monarchy / Dispers’d / Distribute
Maritime / Related to the sea / Pine Barren / Poor, sandy, non-nutrient soil with low shrubs or small pines
Compelled / To force someone to give in or submit / “too flattering Colours” / Make something or someone sound or appear better than it really is
Galleons / A large sailing vessel usually used for fighting or trading / Contradicting / Opposite/opposing
Stipulated / To require as part of an agreement / Chiefly / Primarily or mainly
Thwarted / To prevent one from accomplishing a purpose / Remonstrated / argued
Siege / Surround and attack a fortified location in order to isolate it from help and supplies / Neglecting / Disregarding/avoiding
Liberal / Ample/generous
Document G: Hope of Israel / Inclination / Feelings/regard
Sepharidic / Jews from the Iberian Peninsula / Contempt / dislike
Ashkenazic / Jews from the Holy Roman Empire. Spoke Yiddish / Ridicule / Mock or scorn
Affluent / wealthy
Coreligionists / People of the same religion
Inquisition / Period of religious persecution of those with non-Catholic faiths

Use the space below to record any additional vocabulary words and their definitions for which you are not familiar with.

