President Secretary
Neil Athorn John Kennett
03 54422851 03 55954432
Open: 1:07 pm
Attendees: -
90 delegates from 63 Federation member clubs and 22 visitors were present for the meeting.
Baw Baw Old Engine & Auto Club President Rob Tylee welcomed all present and spoke about the clubs shed which was assisted by 2 Federation capital grants. Rob also said that in April 2015 the club was to hold a tractor pull but it was washed out. He also pointed out that the members have worked hard to get ready for today’s meeting.
Rob then announced that it was Anne Drysdale’s birthday today and a small cake was brought out and Happy Birthday sung to Ann by those present. John Kennett asked if she was 21 today!
Neil Athorn gave credit to the club for their rooms and thanked them for hosting another delegates meeting. He also pointed out that the Presidents and Bendigo Swap reports along with the correspondence lists have been put out onto chairs prior to the meeting.
1. Apologies:
S Pater (Dandenong Valley), R Adler (Buick), A McDougall (Veteran and Alvis), E Shuttleworth (Trentham), D O’Doherty (Ballarat), R & F Hill (GHAC), L Wolfe & T Jordan (Military History), D Angus (Ford 8/10), J Paul (Riley Car Club), L Drysdale (VDC), M Tucker (Western District), Robinvale Euston Club, R Moors (Bendigo), D Doherty (Gippsland Vehicle), J & P Taylor (Sunraysia), M Bail & A Seamons (Mallee Steam Oil and Machinery Club.)
Moved B Kennedy (NT) seconded R Rowley (Gippsland Vehicle) that the apologies be accepted.
2. New Delegates:
New delegates were welcomed from the Studebaker, Deniliquin Collectors, Harry Ferguson Tractor, Cool Country Classics, Oldsmobile and Buick clubs.
3. Business Arising: Nil
4. Confirmation of Minutes:
Moved M Lindsay (Rootes Group) seconded H Reeves (Model A) that the minutes of the previous meeting be received and accepted as a true and correct record.
5. Correspondence:
Moved T Christie (Morris) seconded D Palmer (Hamilton) that the inwards correspondence is received and the outwards are endorsed.
6. Treasurers Report:
Brett Holloway presented a Treasurers report for the period 2 May – 7 August 2015.
2 x Federation trophy grants of $150 have been paid to the Wangaratta and Maryborough Clubs.
Delegates’ allowance payments for meeting attendance were posted out with membership notices. Brett reported that up to last night 19 clubs have not paid their membership to the Federation. He then asked if anyone present had any further accounts for payment.
Moved B Holloway (Ballarat) seconded J Steven (Wyndham) that the Treasurers Report is accepted and all accounts are passed for payment.
General Business:
(a) Trophy Applications – $150.00
(i) Motor Vehicle Enthusiasts, Darwin – 24th Annual Model A Ford Meeting on 22-28 May 2016 – this application has been withdrawn. Heather Reeves mentioned that the SA Model A club is running an event in Darwin;
Neil Athorn reported that the committee are still working on a badge board instead of a cheque for $150. Once ready there will be a new set of guidelines including that these must be collected from delegates meetings and won’t be posted out.
(c) Presidents Report –
PICNIC DAYS: MARONG - Don’t forget we have Marong on the 30th August and everyone with a VS133 or below level vehicle is welcome to come along and display at this event. I do not think that the grounds will have changed from last year as the proposed works by Council have stalled. We will NOT have the road slower traffic signs out this year and we ask as many people as possible to enter the display area from the Bendigo side and not the Calder Alternative or Golf Club side please. Please take care exiting these grounds. We also have the Veteran and Vintage preferred day on Saturday the 29th. We start with breakfast at the Bendigo Club rooms at 8:00am and travel from 9:30am to Castlemaine. The Bendigo Club is asking $5.00 from everyone who is coming to breakfast so numbers are important please.
P Ninnis (Swan Hill) asked about the return trip to Bendigo. Neil Athorn replied that we will leave at approx 2:30 pm and travel back up the freeway. Neil also mentioned that all vehicles were welcome but we are particularly looking for Veteran and Vintage vehicles.
MAFFRA – This event is on the 11th October and they will have an excellent display in the museum once more. Well worth the trip down to Maffra. Also all Clubs will have received information re the Rally to Maffra as well.
R Rowley (Gippsland Vehicle) mentioned that there will be American vehicles on display and TV’s will be running so those attending can watch Bathurst. This will also combine with the Melbourne to Maffra Rally.
CPS – You no doubt thought that this was behind you all but sadly not. Vic Roads met with the ASRF, AOMC and Federation on the 28th May re a few more things to tidy up on the scheme. We are asked to address the following 4 matters:
1. Club Structures
2. Vehicle age eligibility
3. Rally permit vehicles
4. Definition of replicas
Our reply was that Clubs should have more than one family as members, should not be used for hire and reward, should have Public Risk insurance and Voluntary workers insurance, should meet face to face with members at least quarterly, should belong to a State body so as they keep up with changes to CPS, no Club should profit from CPS and should respond to requests from VR as we all did at the end of January but 250 clubs did not.
We thought that we had agreement with VR that the eligibility years would go to 26 then 27 and so up to 30 and even as far back as 40 years rather than 25. Rally Vehicle Club Permits need sorting out to CAMS rules as they are competition vehicles. We do not see that Replicas should be on the CPS until they reach the required age for vehicles to join as they are not true replicas and we will be back to where we were before with modified vehicles soon enough. Hopefully this will be sorted soon so as our terrific CPS system is protected. We believe that all Federation Clubs do the right thing as far as CPS and keeping their members informed of the CPS rules and requirements and we do not subscribe to placing more burdens onto Committee members for reporting on a yearly of periodic basis. We do however subscribe that if a club is not doing the right thing under CPS requirements then they should have their CPS entitlement cancelled and that means all members Permits cancelled. Please also refer to letter from Vic Roads re filling in your Log Books.
Discussion then ensued about parking of vehicles on the roadway.
J Welsh (Warrnambool) asked about the transfer of a CPS vehicle to a spouse. Neil Athorn will follow this up with John Lewis from VicRoads and report back to the next meeting. The questions of members having plates on self retention and a list of CPS vehicles registered to that club will also be asked.
Neil Athorn pointed out that you don’t have to be a club member to drive the vehicle; you only need to be to register the vehicle.
CPS CLUB REGISTER- I hope that all our Clubs continue to keep your CPS register up to date with all the vehicles you have attached to your club on that register. I have again asked VR to send out what they have for all Federation Clubs but their records provided back are scant but you can work out from the information provided if you are on top of it or not as far as your records go.
FED NEWS and WWW –Thanks to the handful of Clubs who responded to Mal’s request for articles and information and general items for Fed News. Thanks to the 6 Clubs that have sent their Newsletters to Dawn for the WWW and to the few who have looked at them. I do not for the life of me know why you and your members do not support these two free avenues to promote activities and items of interest from within your Clubs.
Mal asked for any input from clubs. Kevin Holloway mentioned that the Ballarat Club is turning 50 this year.
R Unkles (Fiat) will be forwarding an article from a NZ magazine once permission is given to reprint.
The Echuca Club will forward an article relating to how they spent the Federation Capital Grant.
GOLDEN OLDIES – John and Margaret will provide an update but I believe that all is in hand and everything is ready for the start at Marong Picnic. Thanks to RACV for being our sponsor once more and for providing a backup Service Patrol person.
John Davis reported that there are 48 entrants, further entries will be accepted and the routes have been organised. He also stated that all entrants must be in a Vintage vehicle. H Reeves (Model A) asked what if you break down and then have to come in a modern. John replied that you must start the tour in a Vintage.
AHMF – We have suggested that this years Agenda include a discussion on stolen vehicles, what we need to do prior to an event to cover Work Cover requirements, a National Rally to celebrate the 100th year of the change from Veteran to Vintage classifications and exporting heritage vehicles out of Australia. Plus the normal matters. However we were one of 4 Councils out of 9 that had their reports in on time and have indicated attendance. Thus I continue to ask why we do this every year if State and Territory bodies are not interested.
The meeting will be held in Brisbane this year and Neil Athorn, John Kennett and Neville Launer will attend on behalf of the Federation.
Neil asked if any delegates present wanted the Federation to vote in favour of following the FIVA rules. Nobody expressed that they wanted to so Neil Athorn will fight against this.
Neil commented that there my possibly be a national rally next year and he also mentioned that insurance costs will be lower if you class your event as a Tour and not a Rally.
NATIONAL MOTORING DAY – I have received excellent reports on events held at Heyfield, Gisborne, Barham, Castlemaine and the Morris register. Well done to you all. Please start planning next year’s events soon.
It was reported that in Darwin there were approx 300 vehicles and 3 clubs met up at Mornington with 140 vehicles present.
RISK AND INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS – I have raised this before and I hope that you as Delegates have passed this on at your Club meetings and especially those who have events. The other matter to ensure is that if Members are going on a run with another club or if a number of your fellow members decide to go for a private run in their Club Vehicles then is it recorded in the Club Calendar to make sure that there is Public Risk cover in place.
LOCAL LAW RE STORAGE OF UNREGISTERED VEHICLES – We have discussed this before that all Councils and Shire’s have a Local Law in relation of storage of unregistered vehicles on private residential property. This would include your CPS vehicle as they are unregistered. From what we can find out Council/Shire’s only use this if the vehicles are unsightly, causing a nuisance in the local area or if there is a commercial business being run without a permit. Members who have a number of vehicles on residential property should really check with their local Council/Shire as you can apply for permits as well to cover this situation. But by all means keep the vehicles tidy and clean around.
(d) Marong Raffle –
20 books are available to collect today, please see Tim Christie or Deb Gercovich after the meeting but remember these must be returned by the end of this month.
(e) Australia Day 2016 –
Notification has been received from the Premiers Department this week however the committee feels that there may not be enough time to organise the event. The 2 options are –
(i) We don’t hold the event; and
(ii) We find a club to run it with John Kennett coordinating;
Neil Athorn pointed out that John and Margaret Davis are willing to assist any clubs who wish to assist in running the event or any delegates who wish to be involved.
John Kennett spoke on the long association Federation has had with the event and the almost 20 years involvement that RACV have had. John went on to comment that it would be a tremendous loss if we lose this event. Please see John Kennett after the meeting if you wish to assist with Australia Day 2016.
Neil Athorn stated that this is a great legacy left by John and Margaret Davis and there has been no feature vehicle decided on for 2016. Please do consider this request for assistance as Federations does profit from the event and it doesn’t cost us to run it. A round of applause was given for John and Margaret Davis in recognition of their efforts in running this event and Neil pointed out that thanks must also go to the RACV Public Affairs Department.
(f) Bendigo Swap –
· Magazine – Harry and Lyn are doing a Magazine again and we thank them very much for taking on that task again. They are after more articles and if you can please ask at your next meeting as they are required urgently. Contra advertising deals are being done with 2 different car magazines.