NCPHA Statewide Conference Call
March 10, 2011
Conference Call Facilitated By: Hazel Moore, Executive Committee Chair
Featured Speakers:Lynette Tolson, Executive Director, NC Public Health Association
Dr. Joy Reed, Head, Public Health Nursing and Professional Development
Hot Topics: Public Health’s Legislative Agenda for 2011
NCPHA Nursing Section future statewide conferences will be:
June 9, 2011
August 18, 2011
CE’s will be available.
2nd Annual Spring NCPHA Conference will be held on May 17, 2011 @ HiltonRaleigh-DurhamAirport.
Preliminary plans are under way for the Annual Conference September 21-23, 2011 @the University Hilton in Charlotte. Possible topics suggested with joint efforts with WCH section toconsiderdoing a panel with Pregnancy Medical Home, Pregnancy Care Management (PCM) and Care Coordination for Children (CC4C) which was Child Service Coordination (CSC). Other suggestions included a representative from Community Care Network; Lynette suggested that we add Nurse Family Partnership. Another suggested adding DMA to discuss CC4C. We may try to add one other program TBA.
Joy Reed will join us for lunch and will present an update on current nursing events.
Members are urged to visit the website: NCPHA Nursing Section website at
and click on Section and then select Nursing. The site includes Bylaws, information about CE programs available in 2011, list of executive committee, information about scholarships and awards. A “Willingness to Serve” form is on the website all non-members were urged to join and everyone was urged to complete the willingness to serve form to help with the work/activities of the Section.
Scholarships and Awards: Date for submission is August 1, 2011.
Scholarship money in the amount of $500 is available for a student in advanced nursing program-BSN, MSN, etc. Margaret B. Dolan Award and direct service awards are due as well.
Speaker:Lynette Tolson spoke to the two year Policy Agenda.
- Alliance for Health getting legislatures to sign on.
- House budget and Senate budget one due by May 22-24 and the other is due June 14.
- As posted in N&O cuts proposed by DPH director Dr. J Engle
Eliminate oral health section
Decrease BCPEP funds
Decrease minority health funds
Eliminate school nurse funding initiative
The Governor did not follow all of the proposed cuts.
We need NCPHA folks to share cigarette tax funding alerts to be sent out.
Speaker: Joy Reed spoke to legislative issues and upcoming bills.
- Bill in Legislature to expand pharmacist to provide immunizations.
- Bill about HIS
- Bill regarding Childhood Obesity Task Force for funding one year.
- Governors budget Aid to County money to be cut will eliminate all new funding which puts the funding at the 2006 year level which was actually at the 1973 level.
- Governor’s budget if passed will eliminate Accreditation funding.
Information about securing continuing education credit for the program was shared.
Diane Boyd, NCPHA Secretary