The new name for
Programme Officer
Job Description
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August 2011
Age UK Knowsley is the working name of Age UK Knowsley a registered charity no. 1113035, and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No. 05411456. Registered Office: 1 Griffiths Road, Huyton, Merseyside L36 6NA
Age UK Knowsley Services is the working name of Age UK Knowsley Trading Ltd (and the trading arm of Age UK Knowsley). It is a limited company registered in England & Wales no. 3036284. Registered office: 1 Griffiths Road, Huyton, Merseyside L36 6NA. Age UK Knowsley Trading Ltd is an Appointed Representative of Age UK Enterprises Limited which is authorized and
Job TitleOlder Peoples Involvement ProgrammeOfficer
LocationAge UK Knowsley, 1 Griffiths Road, Huyton
Responsible to:Involvement Programme Manager
Accountable to:Chief Executive
Hours:17.5 hours per week
(Normal hours between 9.00am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday)
Salary:Salary, pension, travel and other incurred expenses
£10072(pension at 5% employer’s contribution)
Purpose of the Job
Being supported by and working as a team member with the Involvement Programme Manager:-
To sustain significant partnership engagement, supporting the Older People’s Partnership, and the development and implementation of the Knowsley Older People’s Strategy and any other policy documents that may add or replace this.
To develop effective wider engagement for the Older People’s Partnership Board, to ensure that Older People in Knowsley are heard, and their views are acted upon.
To further develop and service the independent Knowsley Older People’s Voice within the Metropolitan Borough of Knowsley, to allow older people to come together to discuss issues of concern, to respond to consultation requests and to be actively involved in helping to shape services in the future, which are based upon identified needs.
To ensure that Age UK Knowsley, Health & Social Services and other partners seek the views and involvement of the widest possible number and range of older people
To ensure that Older People in Knowsley are well informed, and to promote their engagement and influence in policy and service developments.
To ensure that national/local policies/guidelines are considered and are reflected within the context of this project
Key Tasks
Knowsley Older People’s Voice
- To service all meetings of the Knowsley Older People’s Voice, and Steering Group (sending out agendas, taking minutes, following up issues, keeping records of membership etc). Appropriate Admin support will be available
- To plan agendas in consultation with the Chair, liaising with partners about issues.
- To liaise with the Chief Executive of Age UK Knowsley, and other partners about issues arising from statutory bodies.
- To promote KOPV, and to seek to extend the membership.
- To provide training (or other assistance) for representatives, to enable them to operate effectively in the various joint planning bodies.
- To find ways of involving those groups who are currently under-represented: younger older people,older people living in residential and nursing homes, ethnic minority elders, profoundly deaf and hearing impaired older people, blind and partially-sighted older people, deaf-blind older people, older people with learning disabilities or mental health difficulties.
- To produce accessible understandable publicity material about Knowsley Older People’s Voice, in a variety of media.
- To promote KOPV regionally and nationally, including support to the elected group members to carryout regional and national activity.
Older People’s Partnership Board
- To attend the Board, and sub-groups/implementation groups as required.
- To support the selection and involvement of Older People on the Board.
- To support the wider engagement of Older People in the Partnership, through the development of appropriate forums, including locality engagement, to inform the strategy, action plan and reviews.
- To ensure effective two way engagement between older people, and the Partnership Board, so that key issues from information and involvement activities appropriately influence the Partnership Board, and the content of the Older People’s Strategy and action plans.
- To develop a framework for effective engagement and involvement, with KOPV, in line with the work of the Partnership Board, and as outlined in the Age UK Involving Older Peoples’ Strategy.
- To undertake structured consultation with older people’s groups and individuals on specific issues as the need arises.
- To advise statutory bodies and other organisations on the best means of engaging with older people, providing assistance where appropriate.
- In conjunction with Age UK Knowsley Information and Advice Service, to develop new mechanisms for distributing information about Age UK Knowsley’s services and other services and information relevant to older people, with particular reference to socially isolated people.
- To agree work schedules with the Older People’s Involvement Manager.
- To keep and maintain all financial records pertaining to the Involvement project. On a regular basis a report summarising these records should made available to the Chief Executive and Board of Trustees.
- To ensure that all relevant Age UK Knowsley, Health & Safety policy and legislation framework is observed in relation to Involving Older People.
- To ensure the Age UK Knowsley Equal & Diversity policy is implemented at all times
- To ensure that all Age UK Knowsley Policies and Procedures are adhered to in the context of national quality standards
- To participate in Age UK Knowsley promotional & fundraising events and other activities as required.
- Such other duties as may be required and which are consistent with the duties and responsibilities of the post.
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