PRO-FIN-GRT-017.02 Released
Grant Revenue Recognition & Indirect Cost Recovery12/01/15
Grant Revenue Recognition & Indirect Cost Recovery
Document #: PRO-FIN-GRT-017.02Version #: 2.0
Document Owner: Office of FinanceDate of Last Update:12/01/15
Update: Angela GrigorianStatus: Released
General Description
To provide guidance regarding CRS’ standard practices for recording revenues and indirect cost recovery on cash grants.
This pronouncement covers the accounting treatment for recognizing revenue on all cash grants that are considered exchange transactions received by CRS from the following donors:
- United States Government (USG) Agencies and Departments
- Non-USG public donors, such as governments and multi-lateral organizations such as the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU)and The Global Fund (TGF)
- Foundations and other private organizations
To illustratefull flow of the processes, examples in this procedure begin with the receipts of donor funds.
This procedure does not apply to donated commodities and other in-kind contributions, which are addressed in Policy POL-FIN-IKD-019 and the related procedures. The procedure is also not intended to cover the revenue recognition for USAID contracts governed by FAR and AIDAR.
Overview of Steps
- Revenue Recognition, Other than on Indirect Cost Recovery
- Revenue Recognition on Indirect Cost Recovery
Detailed Steps
1.Revenue Recognition, Other than on Indirect Cost Recovery
When funding is awarded by a donor, a determination must be made as to whether the funding represents an exchange transaction (grant) or a contribution. (See the Definitions section of this procedure for the distinctions between the funding types.) Contributions usually come from private sources, such as individuals, foundations and corporations. Cash contributions are recorded in A/C 5150. Their treatment is not covered by this procedure. Refer to “Classification of Donor Funding as Grant or Contract vs. Contribution” policy POL-FIN-REV-016.
Funding received from public sources, such as governments,parastatals, the United Nations, the European Union, and the Global Fund is generally in the form of exchange transactions (grants). Funding received from other private organizations and from private foundations is normally in the form of exchange transactions(grants), but occasionally may be given by the donor as a contribution. Grant funding that is considered an exchange transaction is recorded as a liability in the respective donor source when received. Revenue is recognized when the funds have been expended on approved activities.
HQ prepares and records all entries for recognizing revenue on grants, other than those for program income. Office of Finance records revenue(RR) for all grants based on expenses charged during the period in the following manner:
- TE = Total allowable expense, excluding ICR, charged to the donor source/project
- PI = Less program income recorded in the donor source/project, where appropriate
Stated simply:
RR = TE – PI
The following chart shows the grant revenue and liability accounts used by CRS. Country Programs should never have balances on their books in Account 3031, Advances Received for Programs – USG. Entries to that account are only made at HQ and they are never transferred to the field.
Through the revenue recognition process, the Office of Finance (Finance) reduces (debits) the liability to the donor and increases (credits) grant revenue. CRS uses separate revenue and liability accounts to distinguish the source of the funding. Grant revenue activity is not transferred to the field office databases, but the entries that affect grant liability balances, excluding A/C 3031, are transferred.
The grant revenue accounts CRS regularly uses and their corresponding liability accounts are shown in the following table.
(See Notes) / Funding
Location / Revenue
Account Name / Revenue
Account Number / Liability
Account Name / Liability
Account Number / Liability
Entry Sent to Field?
Prime Award / HQ / Grant Revenue – USG / 5330 / Advances – USG Grants / 3031.200 / No
USG Sub Award / HQ / Grant Revenue - USG / 5330 / Advances - USG Subawards / 3036 / Yes
USG Monetization / HQ &
Locally / Grant Revenue - USG / 5330 / Monetization Grant Payable / 30334 / Yes
USG Non-Monetization Local Award / Locally / Grant Revenue - USG / 5330 / Local Grant Payable / 3034 / Yes
Nations2 / HQ / Grant Revenue – UN Agencies / 5331 / Advances – Other Grant Donors / 3032 / Yes
Union / HQ / Grant Revenue – EU Agencies / 5332 / Advances – Other Grant Donors / 3032 / Yes
Non-US Public Donor or Non-Profit3 / HQ / Grant Revenue – Other / 5340 / Advances – Other Grant Donors / 3032 / Yes
All Non-USG Local Awards / Locally / Various / Various / Local Grant Payable / 3034 / Yes
1 - Includes receipts from all USG agencies, departments and bureaus, such as: US Agency for International Development (USAID)/ Washington, local USAID missions, US embassies, US Department of State, and the US Department of Agriculture.
2 - Includes all United Nations agencies, such as: FAO, IMF, UNDP, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNITAID, WBG, WFP, and WHO.
3 - Includes all foreign governmental agencies and nonprofits.
4 - All monetization proceeds received for a monetization consortium should be credited to A/C 3033. That liability account is debited when the revenue recognition entry is recorded. However, the portion of monetization proceeds received on behalf of other agencies when CRS serves as the lead agency for anumbrella monetization should be credited to Account 3035 – Umbrella Monetization Payable. The distribution of cash to the other agencies that partake in an umbrella monetization should be debited to Account 3035, along with the payment of any expenses associated with the administration of the sale. No corresponding revenue entries are made relating to this account since it is used only for pass-through purposes. CRS’ portion of anumbrella monetization's sale proceeds should be recorded in Account 3033. Refer to the Monetization Sales Accounting & Reporting Policy (POL-FIN-MTZ-021) for the distinction between an umbrella monetization and a monetization consortium.
1.1 Examples of Revenue Recognition Entries
Examples of revenue recognition entries for several types of grant awards appear below:
- Revenue recognition on an award funded by a UN agency through cash sent directly to the Country Program
In March, CRS/Niger receives a grant in local currency (CFA) directly from the World Food Programme (WFP). The grant is for 55,000,000 CFA, which equals $103,400 USD when received. The donor requires that the cash be maintained in a separate bank account. CRS/Niger submits a New Donor Source/Project Form (NDSPN) toset up Donor Source/Project Number (DSPN) 6775.6720493 in local currency for recording the grant activity. Upon receipt of approval to open a segregated bank account, the Country Program sets up A/C 1050.002 in its general ledger for that account.
a.The Country Program makes the following entry to book the receipt of cash, properly recording the credit to the Local Grant Payable liability account (Account 3034), not a revenue account.
T0 / T2 / T4Donor
Source Code / Project Number / G/L Account
Number / Vendor
Code / Description / Debit
Amount / Credit
6775 / 6720493 / 1050.002 / Cash received from WFP / 55,000,000
6775 / 6720493 / 3034 / Cash received from WFP / 55,000,000
For the month of April, CRS/Niger incurs allowable expenses against the award totaling 3,990,000 CFA or $7,500 at the rate of 532 CFA/$1. There is no program income.
b.Office of Finance makes the following entry on HQ’s books in April to record the revenue.
T0 / T2 / T4Donor
Source Code / Project Number / G/L Account
Number / Vendor
Code / Description / Debit
Amount / Credit USD
6775 / 6720493 / 3034 / April Revenue Recognition / 7,500
6775 / 6720493 / 5331 / April Revenue Recognition / 7,500
- The revenue remains on HQ's books in USD, but Office of Finance transfers the debit to the liability account via Intra-Agency to CRS/Niger and converts it to local currency as shown below.
T0 / T2 / T4
Source Code / Project Number / G/L Account
Number / Vendor
Code / Description / Debit
Amount / Credit L/C
6775 / 6720493 / 3034 / April RR –WFP / 3,990,000
6775 / 6720493 / 8505 / April RR –WFP / 3,990,000
B.Revenue recognition on an award funded through HQ drawdowns against the USG Letter of Credit
USAID awards CRS $5,400,000 for use in Niger. The USG funds the grant through the federal letter of credit. Office of Finance assigns DSN 8499 to the award and CRS/Niger submits a NDSPN form setting up 8499.6720487 for recording the grant activity. Office of Finance draws down $180,000 against the federal letter of credit, crediting liability A/C 3031.200, Advances – USG Grants.
- Office of Finance records the following entry on HQ’s books to record the receipt of cash from the USG.
T0 / T2 / T4
Source Code / Project Number / G/L Account
Number / Vendor
Code / Description / Debit
Amount / Credit USD
1050 / 9400000 / 1019.100 / Cash received from USAID / 180,000
8499 / 6720487 / 3031.200 / Cash received from USAID / 180,000
b.During the month of April, Financetransfers $500,000 (266,000,000 CFA) to CRS/Niger to cover all of the Country Program’s forecasted cash needs for the month. Office of Financerecords the entry shown below for the transfer of cash to CRS/Niger.
T0 / T2 / T4Donor
Source Code / Project Number / G/L Account
Number / Vendor
Code / Description / Debit
Amount / Credit USD
1050 / 6720000 / 1098 / CRS/Niger’s cash request for April / 500,000
1050 / 9400000 / 1019.200 / CRS/Niger’s cash request for April / 500,000
c.The Intra-Agency file sent to CRS/Nigerfor the cash transfer is automatically recorded in the Country Program's SunSystems general ledger as follows, assuming that the currency conversion rate is 532 CFA per $1 USD.
T0 / T2Donor
Source Code / Project Number / G/L Account
Number / Description / Debit
USD Amount / Credit
USD Amount / Credit
1050 / 6720000 / 8501 / HQ cash transfer / 500,000
1050 / 6720000 / 8505 / HQ cash transfer / 500,000 / 266,000,000
- Upon confirmation from its bank that the cash transferred from HQ has been received, CRS/Nigerrecords the following manual cash receipt journal entry. In the example, we assume that the Country Program's commingled local currency bank account transactions are booked in general ledger A/C 1040.001and the currency conversion rate is 532 CFA per $1 USD.
T0 / T2
Source Code / Project Number / G/L Account
Number / Description / Debit
Amount / Debit
USD Amount / Credit
1050 / 6720000 / 1040.001 / Receipt of cash from HQ / 266,000,000 / 500,000
1050 / 6720000 / 8501 / Receipt of cash from HQ / 500,000
e.CRS/Niger records 94,164,000 CFA ($177,000) in expenses pertaining to the grant in question in April. That sum includes expenses transferred via Intra-Agency, but excludes indirect cost recovery. In the month of April, Office of Finance records the following entry in the USD equivalent to recognize the grant revenue.
T0 / T2 / T4Donor
Source Code / Project Number / G/L Account
Number / Vendor
Code / Description / Debit
Amount / Credit
8499 / 6720487 / 3031.100 / April Revenue Recognition / 177,000
8499 / 6720487 / 5330 / April Revenue Recognition / 177,000
No entry is sent to the Country Program for this federally funded grant. The revenue recognition appears only on HQ’s books.
- Revenue Recognition on USG Monetization if sales proceeds are received by the Country Program
CRS/Niger arranges for a monetization sale to Céréales en Flocons de Niamey (CFN), a local buyer. Office of Finance assigns DSN 7996 upon receipt of a Donor Source Number Request, a copy of the grant agreement, a copy of the monetization sales agreement signed by both parties, and the budget from CRS/Niger. CRS/Niger sends Office of Finance a NDSPN form setting up local currency DSPN 79966720333 to capture the related transactions, along with a BMF. The Country Program also sets up a T4 vendor number (V2567-672) for CFN in SunSystems.
In accordance with the requirements of the Monetization Sales Accounting & Reporting Policy, POL-FIN-MTZ-021), CRS/Niger records a general journal entry to debit Accounts Receivable - Trade (A/C 1211) using the buyer's T4 code (V2567-672) and to credit Monetization Grant Payable (A/C 3033) as of the date the monetization sales agreement for 660,000,000 CFA is signed.
- CRS/Niger receives 660,000,000 CFA ($1,240,000) in March and deposits those proceeds into a separate local currency bank account. CRS/Niger makes the following cash receipt journal entry to record the receipt of the proceeds in local currency. To simplify this example, let us assume that CRS/Niger received the full amount of the sales price when the buyer took possession of the goods and that the quantities delivered agreed to those specified in the monetization sales agreement.
T0 / T2 / T4
Source Code / Project Number / G/L Account
Number / Vendor
Code / Description / Debit
L/C Amount / Credit
7996 / 6720333 / 1050.001 / Monet. proceeds from CFN / 660,000,000
7996 / 6720333 / 1211 / V2567-672 / Monet. proceeds from CFN / 660,000,000
- During April, CRS/Niger incurs expenses, excluding indirect cost recovery, totaling 41,496,000 CFA ($78,000). In our example, we are assuming that there is no program income. Office of Finance records revenue in USD at the end of April on HQ’s books as shown below.
T0 / T2 / T4
Source Code / Project Number / G/L Account
Number / Vendor
Code / Description / Debit
USD Amount / Credit
7996 / 6720333 / 3033 / April Revenue Recognition / 78,000
7996 / 6720333 / 5330 / April Revenue Recognition / 78,000
- Office of Finance transfers the portion of the revenue recognition entry that affects the monetization liability balance, but not the revenue, to CRS/Niger via Intra-Agency. The Intra-Agency file is converted to CFA, the currency in which the DSPN had been set up, as follows.
T0 / T2 / T4
Source Code / Project Number / G/L Account
Number / Vendor
Code / Description / Debit
Amount / Credit
7996 / 6720333 / 3033 / April Revenue Recognition / 41,496,000
7996 / 6720333 / 8505 / April Revenue Recognition / 41,496,000
D.Revenue Recognition on USG Monetization for which the sales proceeds were received and deposited at HQ
a.Assume the same facts as mentioned in 1.1.C, except that the proceeds are received in USD ($1,240,000) at HQ and the DSPN is set up in USD accordingly. Office of Finance records the receipt of cash as follows:
T0 / T2 / T4Donor
Source Code / Project Number / G/L Account
Number / Vendor
Code / Description / Debit
Amount / Credit USD
1050 / 9400000 / 1019.100 / CFN Mtz. proceeds- Niger / 1,240,000
7996 / 6720333 / 1211 / V2567-672 / CFN Mtz. proceeds- Niger / 1,240,000
b.Office of Finance subsequently transfers the cash received to a separate bank account at HQ to honor the donor’s requirements and records the following entry for that transfer. The monetization's Donor Source Number and the Country Program Number (as thecash subaccount code) are used for linkage purposes.
T0 / T2 / T4Donor
Source Code / Project Number / G/L Account
Number / Vendor
Code / Description / Debit
Amount / Credit USD
7996 / 9400000 / 1020.672 / CFN Mtz. proceeds-Niger / 1,240,000
1050 / 9400000 / 1019.200 / CFN Mtz. proceeds-Niger / 1,240,000
c.Office of Financetransfers the USD credit to Accounts Receivable - Trade (A/C 1211) to the Country Program via an Intra-Agency (I-A) file as shown below.
T0 / T2 / T4Donor
Source Code / Project Number / G/L Account
Number / Vendor
Code / Description / Debit
Amount / Credit USD
1050 / 6720000 / 8505 / CFNmtz. sale proceeds / 1,240,000
7996 / 6720333 / 1211 / V2567-672 / CFNmtz. sale proceeds / 1,240,000
d.During April, CRS/Niger incurs expenses, excluding indirect cost recovery, totaling 41,496,000 CFA ($78,000). Office of Finance records revenue at the end of April on HQ’s books as shown below.
T0 / T2 / T4Donor
Source Code / Project Number / G/L Account
Number / Vendor
Code / Description / Debit
USD Amount / Credit
7996 / 6720333 / 3033 / April Revenue Recognition / 78,000
7996 / 6720333 / 5330 / April Revenue Recognition / 78,000
- Office of Financethen sends the entry to reduce the monetization grant payable to CRS/Niger via the Intra-Agency process. The entry is inUSD, the DSPN's functional currency.
T0 / T2 / T4
Source Code / Project Number / G/L Account
Number / Vendor
Code / Description / Debit
Amount / Credit USD
7996 / 6720333 / 3033 / April Revenue Recognition / 78,000
7996 / 6720333 / 8505 / April Revenue Recognition / 78,000
If the Country Program has monetization sales in more than one currency, it must set up a separate DSPN for each currency, even if the sales were to the same buyer. If the Country Program has more than one sale in a given fiscal year in a single currency, the Country Program should combine the sales in the same DSPN if the goods were obtained through the sameUSG grant agreement. Our examplesare based on the assumption that there is a single sale through a single monetization sales agreement.
E.Revenue recognition on an award funded by a foreign nonprofit through cash transfers to HQ
In February, CRS/Niger obtains a grant from Cordaid, an international organization based in the Netherlands. For the purpose of this example, assume that the donor does not require CRS to keep the grant cash in a segregated bank account. CRS/Niger’s Finance Manager arranges for the following to take place:
- A copy of the signed grant agreement is sent to Overseas Finance Grants Analysts
- Project number 6720388is assigned to the grant project and a NDSPN form for DSPN 6782.6720388is sent to HQ indicating that the project should be set up as a USD business unit
a.At the end of March, Cordaid sends $350,000 to HQ to fund the project. Office of Financerecords the receipt of cash, crediting the liability A/C 3032, Advances-Other, in DSPN 67826720388.
T0 / T2 / T4Donor
Source Code / Project Number / G/L Account
Number / Vendor
Code / Description / Debit
Amount / Credit USD
1050 / 9400000 / 1019.100 / Cash received from Cordaid / 350,000
6782 / 6720388 / 3032 / Cash received from Cordaid / 350,000
In April,Office of Finance transfers cash to CRS/Niger. See Steps1.1 B.c and 1.1 B.d for the related entries. During April, CRS/Niger incurs expenses of 19,551,000 CFA ($36,750) against the grant. There is no program income and the award does not provide for indirect cost recovery.
b.Office of Financerecords the revenue recognition in April as follows.
T0 / T2 / T4Donor
Source Code / Project Number / G/L Account
Number / Vendor
Code / Description / Debit
Amount / Credit USD
6782 / 6720388 / 3032 / April Revenue Recognition / 36,750
6782 / 6720388 / 5340 / April Revenue Recognition / 36,750
c.The entry to the liability account is transferred to the Country Program in USD, the DSPN's designated currency, as follows.
T0 / T2 / T4Donor
Source Code / Project Number / G/L Account
Number / Vendor
Code / Description / Debit
Amount / Credit USD
6782 / 6720388 / 3032 / April Revenue Recognition / 36,750
6782 / 6720388 / 8505 / April Revenue Recognition / 36,750
2.Revenue Recognition on Indirect Cost Recovery
Most grant donors allow their recipients to recover indirect costs incurred to administer the award. The amount is usually expressed as a percentage of the total allowable direct costs charged to the award. To arrive at the allowable costs, the donor may stipulate that selected expenses must be excluded from the total expense for calculation of the indirect cost recovery. (Refer to the Annotated Chart of Accounts for the list of expenses excluded from Indirect Cost Recovery on U.S. Government awards).