Kathryn Stoczanyn | CI 403 | “Growth of a Nation (1783-1850)” Review | November 3, 2009


All terms

Adams-Onis Treaty

Stolen Base:What aspect of the Pickney Treaty does this treaty get rid of?

Cumberland Pass

John Sutter

Manifest Destiny

Oregon Trail

Stolen Base: How does this reflect the idea of Manifest Destiny?

Pinckney Treaty

Sam Houston

Seminole Wars

Treaty of Velasco

Eli Whitney

Jacksonian Democrats

Monroe Doctrine

Stolen base: what war were the European powers recovering from? (War of 1812)


Stolen base: explain how protecting our border against illegal immigrants is an example of nationalism

National Republicans

Samuel Slater


Frederick Douglas

Harriet Tubman

Stolen base: What was the purpose of the underground railroad? Was it successful?

Horace Mann



-What were the population trends during the 19th century? What was the result?

-Why was the Northeast an important manufacturing center? Stolen base: what is centralization?

-Did most people live in rural or urban areas?

-What was life like in the urban areas? (Living conditions)

-Were the patterns of settlement similar in the North and South?

-Where did people move in the 19th century? Who were they and why did they go? What enabled them to do so and who (if anyone) was left out?

-Why did Americans flock to settle in Texas?

-Manufacturing changed rural lifestyles in what ways?

-What was life like for Native Americans (specifically the 5 Civilized tribes) during this period? Stolen base: what were the 5 civilized tribes?



-Why is the Monroe doctrine so important? What did it say?

-Name at least 2 of the important court cases during the 19th century. What were they about? What is their significance?

  • Name the other 2 important cases discussed in this unit…

-Why was Eli Whitney an important individual during the Industrial Revolution? What was resulted from his inventions?

-How did Jackson justify the First Seminole War? What was the result of the war?

-In what way is the War for Texas Independence an example of nationalism?

-What effects did the Vesey and Turner rebellions have on the abolition movement?



-How would you categorize Andrew Jackson’s presidency? He was the first President from the West and many voted for him – but what did he actually do during his 2 terms? Consider the crises he faced.

-Explain the importance of the abolitionist movement – support, opposition, where and why?

-In what ways did the U.S. promote manifest destiny (movement westward, Texas, Florida)?

-What were the main differences between the Jacksonian Democrats and the National Republicans?