NCGLNAC Newsletter

The NationalCenter for Great Lakes

Native American Culture, Inc.


Volume 5, Number 4 October 2005 Seventeenth Issue


2005 Fall Friendship

At the August 2005 NCGLNAC membership meeting held during the 10th Traditional Arts and Crafts workshops it was suggested that we change the name of our Fall Gathering to the Fall Friendship Fires to help eliminate some possible confusion from our calling two totally different events by the same name -- a Gathering. The new name describes our Fall event and activities by emphasizing the friendship and connection to each other and the land that is the purpose of this event. With the name change people will learn that our Gathering of Great Lakes Nations is essentially a Pow Wow that is held in June of each year and we will not be calling any other event a Gathering.

NCGLNAC Board Member Ray Lutz from near Pittsburgh, PA is again in charge of planning the events and activities at the 2005 Fall Friendship Fires Celebration, November 5 and 6 at the Women‘s Building of the Jay County Fairgrounds in Portland.

Activities planned include registration between 8 and 9 a.m. Saturday November 5, completing a small project, working on unfinished class projects, connecting and reconnecting with old friends and new ones, making tobacco ties while learning about theiruse, significance and tradition in Native American cultures, and spending time on the siteto connect more closely with the land and its spirit. Saturday evening will include a meal, followed by a program by Susan Snow-Willi who is Seneca and now lives in Peoria, IL,regarding the Seneca and the IroquoisConfederacy, their history, culture and traditions. The Iroquois Confederacy was formed centuries ago by the Five Nations: the Seneca, Mohawk, Oneida, Cayuga, and Onondaga. When the Tuscarora joined the Iroquois Confederacy in 1717 they were then called the Six Nations. Sue will also use her marvelous storytelling. Her presentation is free and open to the public.

The weekend will end with closing circle at 1 p.m. Sunday. All activities, materials, the Saturday evening meal and Susan’s talk are included in the $20 per person registration fee. Please mail in your registrations on the form which is included in this newsletter so they are received by October 26.

Camping is available at the Fairgrounds for $15 per night(electricity only) or primitive for $10. Full hook-ups are not available November through April. Please indicate on the registration form if you are camping and include the fee with your registration. Portland’s Hoosier Inn (260-726-7113) has reserved rooms for November 4 and 5 at $45 for one bed and $55 for two beds. Super 8 in Portland(260-726-8888) has reserved rooms for $60 for one bed and $65 for two beds. Please make your own motel reservations before October 31.

Susan Snow-Willi teaching Seneca beadwork

During the 2004 Summer Workshops

Thank You Wal-Mart

NCGLNAC, Inc. has been awarded a $500 grant from Wal-Mart in Portland for the purchase of enclosures (sides) for the 10’ by 20’ canopies and folding tables which will be used for future outdoor educational activities and future Gatherings of Great Lakes Nations. Those who attended this year’s Gathering know how nice those canopy enclosures would have been when the sudden thunderstorm soaked us in the middle of the afternoon. NCGLNAC is very grateful to Portland’s Wal-Mart for their support of our programs.

2005 Gathering set up crew – does anyone know where all these pieces go?

2005 Gathering of Great Lakes Nations

The NCGLNAC 2005 Gathering of Great Lakes Nations at the Jay County Fairgrounds June 25 was a great success in spite of being the 2nd hottest day of the year, surpassed only by the next day,June 26, and a thunderstorm during the middle of the dancing. Thanks to the canopies and the covered bleachers we managed to stay reasonably dry. The 15 singers of the Northern Miami Drum, brought to us by George Strack, Sr., resumed singingas soon as the rain and wind quit and the grass dried a little bit. Unfortunately, the rain didn’t cool the scorching hot day--it only raised the humidity more. Is there such a thing as 200% humidity?

While waiting for the grass to dry,Migizi’s Nest vendor Paul Bouchard from Danville, IN entertained everyone with his storytelling and beautiful flute music. Mickie Mann kept people, especially the young ones, enthralled with his storytelling in the educational canopy. Sue Templin’s impersonation of Maconaquah (Frances Slocum) and the telling of her story wereenjoyed by a large crowd in the bleachers.

We are very grateful to our generous sponsors for the 2005 Gathering: Old National and MainSource Bank in Portland and Paper Clips and One Earth Gallery and Gifts in Lafayette.

The Silent Auctionwas also a success and NCGLNAC thanks the following for their generous donation of auction articles: Bonita Bent-Nelson, Robin McBride Scott, Paula Butcher and Rebecca and Dennis Martin of Bear Creek Gallery in Indianapolis. Thanks also to the successful bidders: Sue Templin, Jane Reynolds and Kay Neumayr.

Many thanks go to our set up and take down volunteers, the vendors, the living history encampment participants and to the Redkey and Pennville Boy Scouts for their help.

Mark your calendars for June 24, 2006 for the next Gathering of Great Lakes Nations which will feature extended hours and more educa-tional programs.

2005 Gathering dancers

Douglas Blue Feather Concert Benefits Future Scholarships

The flute concert August 11 by Cherokee Douglas Blue Feather was a great success. The Hall-Moser Theater at Arts Place turned out to be the perfect setting. NCGLNAC’s share of the net proceeds from the concert amounted to nearly $300, all of which is earmarked for youth and adult scholarships for future NCGLNAC workshops. The concert was co-presented by Arts Place and NCGLNAC and sponsored by First National Bank in Portland and was made possible, in part, through the support of the Portland Foundation, The Indiana Arts Commission, a state agency, and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.

2005 Summer Workshops

The NCGLNAC 10th Traditional Arts and Crafts Workshops were held at the beautiful Freeman Scouting Facility near Portland August 7 through 12. We are very grateful to the Jay County Scouts for the use of their facility for the last two years.

Some of the classes had to be cancelled because of illness or low numbers but the 11 classes held were: wampum beadwork by Robin McBride Scott – both sessions, Miami cradleboards by Eugene Brown – second session, Great Lakes style silver work by John Teegarden – first session, pre-contact stone carving by John Teegarden – second session, porcupine quill decoration by Boni Nelson – both sessions, pre-contact antler carving by Don Cochran – both sessions, personal gourd hand drums by Carolyn Rushton – first session and center seam moccasins by Jerry Cochrane – second session. Evelyn Bellmyer’s health wouldn’t allow the trip to Indiana this year, but the good news is that she had surgery and is feeling like a girl again.The children’s class held Wednesday by Paula Butcher had several enthusiastic participants. We will definitely plan this class again next year.

Janice Tierney did a great job planning the daily lunches and coordinating with the caterer for the evening meals. Several participants helped Janice with various tasks.

This year’s workshop brought nearly 50 participants from six states, many which have been coming for years, but also 12 new work-shop participants who said they would be coming back for future workshops.

This summer’s workshop was financed in part by an arts project support grant funded by the Regional Partnership Initiative. The monies for these grants are provided with support from Arts Place, Inc., the Indiana Arts Commission, a state agency, and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.

Next year’s summer workshops will be held in Portland at the Women’s Building and shelters at the Jay County Fairgrounds and the NCGLNAC site August 6 – 11, 2006.

John Teegarden’s silversmithing class

National Pow Wow XIII

NCGLNAC shared a booth with Paula Butcher and Boni Nelson at the National Pow Wow held in Danville, IL July 6 – 9. This large pow wow had nearly 400 dancers in Friday night’s Grand Entry. There was considerable interest in NCGLNAC, our mission and programs. NCGLNAC’s beautiful logo tee shirts and sweatshirts will be worn all over the country! Helpers were Ray and Linda Lutz, Linda Andrews, Zoe Carlson, Nick Poeppelman and Kay Neumayr, in addition to Paula and Boni.

Daryl Baldwin Sr. and Angela at the Pow Wow

Mark Your Calendars

  • November 5 – 6, 2005. NCGLNAC Fall Friendship Fires, Women’s Building, Jay County Fairgrounds, Portland. See registration form in this Newsletter.
  • Date TBA, 2006. February, March and April, NCGLNAC Lectures Series on Great Lakes Native American Culture and Traditions, Portland.
  • March 25 - 26, 2006. NCGLNAC 11th Traditional Arts and Crafts Workshops co-sponsored by the Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art, Indianapolis.
  • June 24, 2006. NCGLNAC Gathering of Great Lakes Nations at the JayCounty Fairgrounds, Portland.
  • August 6 – 11, 2006. NCGLNAC 12th Traditional Arts and Crafts Workshops, Jay CountyFairgrounds, Portland.
  • November 4 –5, 2006. NCGLNAC Fall Friendship Fires, Jay CountyFairgrounds, Portland.

Miami-Peoria Dictionary

When Native American culture persisted in spite of wars and relocation efforts nearly two centuries ago, the Bureau of Indian Affairs forced assimilation of the tribes into white society by forbidding the celebration of the culture’s ceremonies, dances and the speaking of the native languages. The last fluent speakers of the Miami language died in the 1960’s.

Daryl Baldwin Jr. and co-editor David Costa have developed the first Miami-Peoria language dictionary which was published this summer through the Myaamia Project at MiamiUniversity, Oxford, Ohio. The dictionary is the culmination of many years of research into the restoration of the Miami language.

According to Baldwin, “We begin to ask, ‘What is Miami?’ Without speakers of the lan-guage, it’s hard to get a glimpse of what that means. Language is culture.”

-From Columbus Dispatch article by Rita Price and submitted by Pat Broom

Winchester Earth Works

On the edge of the RandolphCounty town ofWinchester lies the remnant of what once was the finest example of a pre-contact Native American earthwork in the state of Indiana. Pre-contact is the time before first Native American contact with Europeans.

Professor Donald R. Cochran, Director of the Archaeological Resources Management Services within the Department of Anthro-pology of BallStateUniversity and his staff conducted a survey of the site this past summer.

The archaeological site is known as the Fudge Site and at one time contained a mound that was 100 feet wide and 15 feet tall. The mound was enclosed by rectangular earthen walls 9 feet high. The entire site covered 31 acres and is the largest early Native American enclosure ever found in the state. Radiocarbon dating will reveal the date of the site, but it is con-sidered to be in the Adena-Hopewell or Early to Middle Woodland period. The mound was leveled in the 1920’s and the enclosure’s walls, which were more than 1,000 feet long, have been plowed down or hauled off and replaced by farm fields, roads, a gravel pit and several homes. There is a remnant of the north wall and parts of the south wall also survive, although drainage ditches have been dug through both of them.

When Squier and Davis made the first archaeological survey of early earthworks in Ohio in 1848, the Fudge site, because of its significance, was the only Indiana site included in their survey. A local newspaper article in the 1880’s pleaded for the preservation of the mound and enclosure and the promotion of it as a source of tourism income.

It is the hope of Professor Cochran and his staff that raising the public’s awareness of this significant archaeological treasure will help preserve what is left of it and perhaps help preserve the 80 or so remaining mounds and enclosures in this region of Indiana, out of over 300 sites originally documented.

-From The Star Press- Muncie article by Seth Slabaugh and submitted by Toni Wisener

Don Cochran’s antler carving class at 2005 summer workshops

Why Become a Member of NCGLNAC?

There are many reasons for maintaining a membership in NCGLNAC. Membership dues support the cost of printing and mailing the quarterly newsletter, they support the cost of many of the public programs sponsored by NCGLNAC, they support other operating expenses such as facilities rent, storage costs, insurance costs, purchase of new equipment, memberships in other organizations such as the Portland Chamber of Commerce, East Region Tourism, the National Museum of the American Indian, the cost of creating and printing resource materials, postage, adver-tising, photocopying and so on.

What are the member’s benefits? Members receive NCGLNAC’s quarterly newsletter, discounted registration fees for NCGLNAC workshops and events, and the opportunity to learn traditions, arts, crafts and the culture of Great Lakes Native American tribes. More membership benefits are in the planning stages.

AS NCGLNAC moves into the second stage of its development, a large membership base is more important than ever. If you haven’t done so already, please renew your membership or join the NCGLNAC family. Thank you.

Annual Fund Update

We are well on our way to reaching our goal of $15,000 for NCGLNAC’s first annual fund drive with more than 50% of the goal monies in hand. Donations postmarked by December 31, 2005 are fully tax deductible for the 2005 tax year as NCGLNAC is a federally recognized 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization.

YOU can help us provide programming and educational opportunities to thousands of youth and adults throughout the year by your generous financial support of NCGLNAC.

This newsletter mailing includes a self-addressed envelope ready for YOUR donation of $10, $25, $50 or more - YOU can help us reach our goal by sending in your gift today!

NCGLNAC Board of Directors and Members would like to recognize, at this time, an anonymous donor who sponsored the 2005 Annual Fund Mailings, including all materials used: ink, letterhead stationery, envelopes, and letter folding. The fund drive sponsorship means that 100% of your donation serves the membership and activities of NCGLNAC.

NCGLNAC Membership Registration

I wish to become a member of the National Center for Great Lakes Native American Culture, Inc. (NCGLNAC) to support the preservation and sharing of Great Lakes Native American traditions through my gifts and membership activities.

Name (s)______

Address ______

City ______

State ______Zip Code______


Email ______

NCGLNAC Membership Year is the Membership

Annual Standard Membership Categories

Student (Full time to age 23) $15

Individual (1 adult) $25

Family (2 adults & children to 18 yrs.) $40

Grandparent (2 adults & grandchildren

to 18 yrs.) $50

Annual Patron Membership Categories

Otter Circle $100

Corporate $100

Those interested in becoming patron members of NCGLNAC at other levels by making special donations are invited to contact Membership Chair Janice Tierney at

Please make checks payable to NCGLNAC, Inc. and send completed form and dues to:

Janice Tierney

Membership Chair


5361 Elmsford Drive

Flint, MI48532


2005 NCGLNAC Fall Friendship Fires

November 5 and 6, 2005

Women’s Building, JayCounty Fairgrounds

Portland, IN47371

Please join NCGLNAC members and friends at the 2005 Fall Friendship Fires. Activities planned include registration between 8 and 9 a.m. Saturday, November 5, completing a small craft project, working on unfinished class projects, connecting and reconnecting with old friends and new ones, making tobacco ties while learning about their use, significance and tradition in Native American cultures, and spending some time on the NCGLNAC site to connect more closely with the land and its spirit. Saturday lunch is on your own. The registration fee includes the 6 p.m.Saturday evening meal and the 7 p.m.presentation by Sue Snow-Willi, Seneca, who will include storytelling as she tells her listeners about the history and culture of the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy. Closing Circle will be at 1 p.m. Sunday.

Camping is available at the Fairgrounds for $15 per night (electricity only) or primitive for $10 per night. Please include the camping fee with your registration. Portland’s Hoosier Inn (260-726-7113) has reserved rooms for November 4 and 5 at $45 for one bed and $55 for two beds per night plus tax. Super 8 in Portland (260-726-8888) has reserved rooms for $60 for one bed and $65 for two beds per night plus tax. Please make your own motel reservations before October 31 to receive the group rate.

All activities, materials, the Saturday evening meal and Susan Snow-Willi’s presentation are included in the $20 per person registration fee for NCGLNAC members and $25 for non-members. Please mail your registrations so they are received by October 26. Send to Kay Neumayr, 4050 N. 750 East, Attica, IN47918. For more information contact Ray Lutz at 412-751-2304 or or Kay Neumayr at 765-572-2574 or .