/Initials in Minutes
4 March 2004Ms Rosanne Beal / Ms RB / Yes
Capt Roger Benison / RB / Apologies
Mr Mark Brunt / MB / Apologies
Capt Jeremy Butler / JB / Apologies
Capt Paddy Carver (Chairman) / PC / Yes
Capt Graham Cruse
(Deputy Chairman) / GC / Apologies
Lt Cdr Ian Daniels RN / ID / Apologies
Ms Jo Davies / JD / Apologies
Ms Hannah Dowson / HD / Apologies
Mr Carey Edwards / CE / Yes
Mr Cliff Edwards / CJE / Apologies
Dr Paul Emmerson / PE / Yes
Capt Paul Field / PF / Apologies
Capt Pete Griffiths / PG / Yes
Capt David Harrison / DH / Yes
Dr Tony Head / TH / Apologies
Mr Pieter Hemsley / PH / Yes
Mr Rick Heybroek (Treasurer) / RH / Apologies
Capt Steve Hunt / SH / Apologies
Ms Heather McIntyre / HMc / Apologies
Ms Fiona Merritt (Secretary) / FM / Yes
Wg Cdr Barry Neal RAF Retd / BN / Yes
Dr Ian Perry / IP / Apologies
Capt David Robinson / DR / Apologies
Mr Alan Simmons / ASi / Apologies
Dr Philip Smith / PS / Apologies
Dr Anthony Smoker / ASm / Apologies
Capt Mike Stonehewer / MS / Apologies
Ms Nicole Svatek / NS / Yes
Mr Arthur Thorning / AT / Apologies
Dr Peter Waugh / PWa / Apologies
Miss Nyree Jordan
(RAeS Conference Staff) / NJ / Apologies
Capt Paul Wilson (Observer FOG) / PWi / Yes
Human Factors Group Committee
Royal Aeronautical Society
Human Factors Group
Minutes of the Committee Meeting
held at RAeS, 4 Hamilton Place, London
on 4 March 2004
1 / Minutes from last meetingThe minutes were agreed with a couple of corrections being noted, one being to point out that there is no such membership category as 'corresponding member'. The previous minutes (4/12/03) have been corrected and distributed in conjunction with the minutes of this meeting (4/3/04).
2 / Roger Green Medal and CRM Practitioner Award nominations
There was some discussion about nominations for these two awards, and why two separate awards exist. It was agreed that anyone who has made a valuable contribution to human factors could be nominated for the Roger Green award, and whilst the emphasis would normally be on aviation it did not exclude someone working outside aviation from being nominated (eg. someone working in the field of human factors in medicine), nor did they necessarily have to be 'high profile' or even currently practising HF. A suggestion was made that HFG members who wish to nominate someone for this medal prepare a short argument to support the nomination (including industry back-up where appropriate) and bring this to the next meeting. / all
The CRM practitioner's award is designed more for practitioners who would not necessarily be as well known as the usual candidates for the Roger Green medal. Practitioners could come from any application area, not just CRM (eg. maintenance, ATC etc).
3 / JAA/EASA update
PG advised that it looks like control of Ops and Licensing are likely to remain separate from EASA for some time to come. As far as certification is concerned, it looks like EASA HQ (in Koln) are taking a larger role than previously expected, with NAAs having less of a role to play.
PE gave a quick update of the Harmonisation WG, and the status of their report (currently at draft 25). It is of some concern that EASA now appear to be intending to publish requirements by Sept 2005, along the lines of the draft Interim Policy, which the USA is concerned won't properly take into account the work of the HWG or result in proper harmonisation.
4 / LSB
PC will be attending a meeting of the LSB next week. Some of the committee members asked PC if he could raise the suggestion of better liaison and coordination between the various groups. There are some conferences and events which are arranged from time to time which, if made more widely known to other groups, might benefit from wider input (not to mention enable more people to plan attendance in advance). FM suggested that all groups could produce a short summary, after each meeting, of major points and planned activities (papers, conferences, etc), which could be circulated to other RAeS groups. PC was also asked to support, at the LSB meeting, the need for the Society and its committees to change with the times, and to better reflect the needs and concerns of industry.
There followed a discussion of how cross-the-board issues such as safety, safety management and human factors should be addressed within the RAeS groups. RH had previously proposed that it was about time the HFG had another 'brainstorming' session, and agreed that issues such as this would be best addressed at such a forum. It was proposed that the next meeting be set aside as a brainstorming session. Secretary's note: since the next CRMAP meeting has now been brought forward to May 6th, the whole day of 3rd June is now available for this session, from 10:00 to 17:00.
5 / Membership
PH advised that 8 individuals have expressed interest in joining the HFG. This includes Dan Gurney (ex Hd Safety at BAe Systems), Ray Dixon (ex Hd DASC), George Henderson (an engineer in military aviation), Patrick Caferkee (a freelance CRM instructor), Tom O'Kane (ex Air Lingus and soon to retire from BA), Vincent Karvouva, and Tony Segall (a medical doctor and glider pilot). Some of these individuals have been put in contact with the Chairs of the appropriate Standing Groups. Jerry Allen (human factors manager at Delta Airlines) had already been accepted as a member of the HFG. Also, like JA, a number of people wish to contribute but would not be able to attend meetings. All membership enquiries should continue to be directed via PH and GC.
In addition to the enquiries received via PH and GC, BN has received a request from Dave McCormack (ex Eng manager FLS, and ex DASC) to join the HFG. This request will be passed on to PH and GC for coordination.
RH has proposed a 'members at large' category whereby all those who have expressed interest in contributing to the work of the HFG could be consulted on various issues. All HFG members supported this idea. It was suggested that this could be best achieved via a bulletin board, structured around HF topics, and requiring minimal administration by any one individual. FM is currently administrator of such a bulletin board (based on one of the commercially available packages) for the JAA HF Steering Group, which requires very little administrative effort. PH and GH will liaise with RH on this proposal. / PH, GC, RH
6 / Financial statement
RH had emailed a copy to NJ, prior to the meeting.
7 / CRMSG report
RH had put together a draft programme for 2 CRM mini-conferences plus a 2 day CRM workshop/course to be given by Guy Smith and MaryJo O'Connell-Smith. Details are on the website, dates being 30 April, 28 May for the conferences and 26/27 May for the workshop. The next SRMSG meeting will discuss the finer detail of the events.
CE stated that he was looking to find another person to take over the role of chairman to the CRMSG.
8 / ATC
No report
9 / EMSG
Two new members have been recently recruited, bringing the size of the group to 14. The EMSG is formulating itself to offer advice by industry, to industry, on human factors in maintenance, in particular human factors training standards. The EMSG is planning to organise two mini-conferences this year, one on 26th April at Woodford (in response to previously expressed concerns that conferences are always held in the South, and difficult to get to for those located further north). A second mini-conference is planned for Nov 4/5 at Bentley Priory, on human factors training in maintenance. FM is coordinator and registrar for both events, and details are on the website.
The subject of possible accreditation for MHF trainers was discussed at a recent EMSG meeting. One of the main industry groups, the UKOTG, are not supportive of accreditation for trainers, therefore
10. / Research
No report
However, there was some discussion on the subject of potential funding sources for research projects - see separate heading.
11 / Training evaluation and ROI
No report
However, PE made mention of the DTi funded study on 'wealth creation and ROI' a report on which has been drafted (by Nickleby) and is currently being reviewed. The report should be available on the NAC website shortly.
There was a suggestion from NS that topics such as training evaluation, which are good ideas but unable to be progressed at any particular time, should be put on a 'clipboard' such that they remain visible but latent, and can be kicked into touch when an appropriate opportunity arises.
12 / Conference planning and publicity
The work of this group has already been partly discussed under separate headings
12a / Technology conference
There is limited HFG involvement in this conference.
12b / CRM Conferences and workshops
CE reported that the two days of conferences are being held in response to the concern that there is a lot of misinformation on CRM. It is an added bonus that RH has been able to arrange the 2 day workshop as well. RH has set the price based on cost coverage plus some contingency. CE proposed that the minutes record the fact that RH had put a considerable amount of work into the organisation of these events. PC thanked LMQ for handling the registrations for the CRM conferences.
PC asked whether he was still required to write formal invitation letters to some of the speakers, in which case, could someone provide him with the names and addresses.
Committee members were asked to publicise the conferences and workshop as widely as possible.
12c / The EMSG conferences have already been discussed briefly. As with the CRM conferences, assistance would be appreciated in publicising these events.
13 / Feedback on previous conferences
An analysis was carried out on the 105 responses received in terms of feedback from HFG conferences. The RAeS conference office did the initial analysis, and RB has carried out a further analysis - a summary will be attached to the next minutes. Topics which people would like to see more of include SMS, safety culture, practical examples, comparisons with other industries, maintenance, legal issues, PR.
14 / Website
RH's proposal, and associated modest costs, of rehosting the website for the next 5 years, were agreed, plus a contingency of £50 for possible additional costs involved to set up a bulletin board for the wider consultation discussed earlier.
16 / CRMAP
PC gave a quick briefing of the CRMAP meeting held that morning. The main task is how best to assist with the management and advice for those conducting tests.
17 / FOG
PW gave a briefing on recent FOG activity and concerns. The event the previous day had been as a result of having had to cancel a conference. There followed a short discussion about the liaison between the various groups and the RAeS itself.
PW gave a resume of the FOG meeting the previous day, highlighting the presentation by Kathy Abbott (FAA) on forthcoming FAA initiatives concerning human factors, in particular RNAV. There was also a good presentation on SMS.
At the FOG AGM, it was proposed that summaries of minutes of the various groups be circulated so that each group was aware of the others' activities and proposed activities. PC stated that he would certainly be happy for the HFG minutes to be circulated.
BN mentioned a forthcoming 2 day conference being organised by the FOG, and suggested that the HFG may have a useful contribution to make if the programme was not yet finalised. PW will pass on this suggestion to the FOG. / PW
18 / Flight Test Group
This group, previously called the test pilot group, have asked BN to be their HF contact person. BN is not planning to attend any more meetings this year, but is happy to be the point of contact. The FTG is hosting a 3 day European symposium in June, on flight test issues. Some of the issues include: lack of flight test training (in civil aviation), and little or no standardisation of flight test engineer training.
PE mentioned that this was addressed in new regulatory changes (the Interim Policy) to some extent.
19 / NAC
PE explained the background of the HF NAC for the benefit of those who were new to the committee. The HF NAC is one of several NACs jointly set up by the DTi and MoD to prioritise research activity and funding. Further information concerning the HF NAC can be found ion the HF NAC website
HF themes addressed by the NAC include:
- through life support
- certification
- error
Forthcoming enabling technologies include:
- datalink
- sociotechnical aspects of emerging technologies
- semi-autonomous decision making
The HFNAC make funding recommendations to the DTi on civil flight deck research matters. The size of the budget is £8 million - £4 million being DTi funding and £4 million being industry contributions.
The Nickleby report on human factors and increased wealth/ ROI is due to be published shortly. Whilst this will not be publicly available in its complete form, there will be a 12 page leaflet on ROI which will be published on the NAC website.
The NAC has a human factors database of research facilities and professional capabilities, and are looking to expand their industrial expertise. There is a sub-group looking at training for HF specialists, and this group is also looking at professional status for HF specialists.
Consideration is being given to a national plan for human factors (similar to that produced by the FAA) and input from the RAeS HFG would be welcome.
Any research needs which are identified by the HFG should be sent to the NAC via PE or Alison Starr, the NAC Chairman.
20 / AOB
BN asked whether the HFG constitution and protocol could be placed on the website, or if already there, made more easily accessible. / RH/ FM
21 / Next Meeting
It was agreed that the next meeting would be a brainstrorming session, looking at where the HFG ought to be going during the next few years. It is important that committee members and Chairmen of all standing groups attend this session if it is to be able to address the wide range of issues within the remit of the HFG. All other HFG members and SG members are also welcome to participate, within the constraints of the room size. It was agreed that, since the next CRMAP meeting had been moved to May 6th, the major part of the day of June 3rd could be put aside for the brainstorming session. FM will draft a working agenda, to be circulated in advance of the meeting. Ideas for topics should be submitted to FM, ccd to PC. / FM
The meeting will take place on 3rd June, and start at 10:00 with a short HFG meeting, followed by the brainstorming session. The meeting will continue until 17:00, re-convening at the Rose and Crown at 17:00 for further informal discussions.