Ruse, № 2“Nezavisimost” str.



by Dr. Ivan Ivanov - Intern in the MedicalOncology Department of Complex Oncology Center EOOD - Ruse city

SUBJECT:Received results of clinical observation regarding the effect of MAOLO during the chemotherapy.

The aim of this investigation is the study of the food supplement MAOLO used by patients during the chemotherapy and its effect for the stimulation of leucocytes, platelet, hemoglobin, and neutrophil, which are often suppressed with the chemotherapy.

The clinical observation was made on 356 hospitalized and ambulatory patients, men and women in the Medical Oncology consulting room of the Complex Oncology Center, Ruse, as well as into the homonimus department to it, for the period from 10th of August 2009 to 19.12.2014 . The product was applied in cases of mild and moderate leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia and neutropenia in patients with the following diagnosis:

1)Carcinoma of the breast – 182

2)Carcinoma of the cervix - 34

3)Colon carcinoma - 73

4)Lung carcinoma - 67

The output values of leucocytes in 304 patients, men and women, were between 1,7 and 2,9 g/l, whereupon we applied MAOLO one capsule 2-3 times a day .We tracked the results of the blood count within 7-10 days. It is established an increase of Leucocytes above the reference limit of 3.5 g/l. In cases when the intake continues 10 days or more with 2-3 capsules a day, the values of the leucocytes were increased individually to 6 g/l. Between the separate chemotherapy courses (intravenous infusion of chemotherapy under different schemes) MAOLO was applied in doses of 1-3 capsules a day, depending on the values of leucocytes, until the end of the chemotherapy. According to the values of the control blood tests, around the 10th day between two infusions of chemotherapeutic, in some cases the dosage had to be increased to 6 capsules in 24 hours.

It was observed a stabilization and an increase of the values of hemoglobin, platelet and neutrophils, that are below the reference limit.

Thus, the patients who received regularly MAOLO, controlled with it the problematic blood indicators and, with a correction of the dosage on the 10th day after another infusion of chemotherapeutic, they completed the course of chemotherapy without an interruption because of leukocytopenia, thrombocytopenia or neutropenia.

The tracking of the leukocytes values on outpatients once in 7-10 days showed a positive trend and stabilization of the leucocytes over 3,5 g/l with outgoing values of 1,7 and 2,8 g/l. The leucocytes got normalized and in certain cases their values reached 6g/l.

The accumulated clinical experience allowed us to use MAOLO, both on hospitalized and on outpatient patients.

MAOLO was administrated to 52 patients - men and women - whose indicators – leukocytes, hemoglobin, platelets and neutrophils, were in norm, before starting the chemotherapy treatments – etc. so called “ prophylactic group”. They started with the intake of 1 capsule of МАОLО once a day after meals. Each 10 days a control study of these indicators were recommended. According to the received results, the evaluation was made and, if a tendency of decrease of the values of the observed blood indicators below the reference rate was noticed, the dosage was increased with 1-2 capsules for 24 h., until the maximum dosage of 6 capsules for 24 h. In observation of anemia only with normal levels of iron, the recommended dosage in the beginning was 6 capsules for 24 h, for not less than a month in order to give effect.

The patients using МАОLО during chemotherapy treatments for 4 to 12 weeks didn´t report secondary effects.

The conclusion of this stage is that MAOLO can support the health status of the patient and has a favorably influenceon the hematopoietic function of the bodyand especially on the leukopoesis, thrombocytopoiesis and neutropoesis, if it is taken without interruption. It contributes to the effective LEUCOSTIMULATION (stimulation of the leukocytes) on patients with mild and moderate leukopenia, thrombocytopenia and neutropenia caused by the chemotherapy. It stabilizes the hemoglobin and gradually normalizes it for 1- 1,5 months, if there is no other reason, except the chemotherapeutic agent. It is well tolerated by patients - adverse side effects from the product were not observed.

The MAOLO samples were given to us by the Agency of quality and safety of goods “SMILO”, city of Sofia.

Ruse Dr. Ivan Ivanov,

23. 01. 2015 г. Specialist in medical oncology

Complex Oncology Center EOOD - Ruse city