Doc No:5: (4)
László Surján - Section III (Commission)
Vladimír Maňka - Other Sections
PARLIAMENT - 1stREADINGAmendments which have not been adopted by the Committee on Budgets
PARLIAMENT: FIRST READING / Page 1 / 1 / 5.0 - EN21 01 01 01 Expenditure related to staff in active employment of «Development» Directorates-General
Draft amendment 0296 / === DEVE/5407===< Committee on Development >
Amend figures as follows:
21 01 01 01 / Budget 2009 / PDB 2010 / DB 2010 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 54 861 644 / 54 861 644 / 55 388 778 / 55 388 778 / 55 207 542 / 55 207 542 / 181 236 / 181 236 / 55 388 778 / 55 388 778
Reserves / 812 945 / 812 945
Restore the PDB.
Administrative appropriations are vital to the smooth and effective running of the European Commission's external policies, including implementation of development cooperation activities.
PARLIAMENT: FIRST READING / Page 1 / 1 / 5.0 - EN21 01 01 02 Expenditure related to staff in active employment of «Development» delegations of the Commission of the European Communities
Draft amendment 0297 / === DEVE/5408===< Committee on Development >
Amend figures as follows:
21 01 01 02 / Budget 2009 / PDB 2010 / DB 2010 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 80 296 128 / 80 296 128 / 85 609 440 / 85 609 440 / 84 940 716 / 84 940 716 / 668 724 / 668 724 / 85 609 440 / 85 609 440
Restore the PDB.
Administrative appropriations are vital to the smooth and effective running of the European Commission's external policies, including implementation of development cooperation activities.
PARLIAMENT: FIRST READING / Page 1 / 1 / 5.0 - EN21 01 03 01 Expenditure related to equipment, furniture and services of «Development» Directorate-General
Draft amendment 0298 / === DEVE/5409===< Committee on Development >
Amend figures as follows:
21 01 03 01 / Budget 2009 / PDB 2010 / DB 2010 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 4 005 446 / 4 005 446 / 4 039 153 / 4 039 153 / 3 948 830 / 3 948 830 / 90 323 / 90 323 / 4 039 153 / 4 039 153
Restore the PDB.
Administrative appropriations are vital to the smooth and effective running of the European Commission's external policies, including implementation of development cooperation activities.
PARLIAMENT: FIRST READING / Page 1 / 1 / 5.0 - EN21 01 04 01 Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) — Expenditure on administrative management
Draft amendment 0284 / === DEVE/5503===< Committee on Development >
Amend figures as follows:
21 01 04 01 / Budget 2009 / PDB 2010 / DB 2010 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 32 173 200 / 32 173 200 / 38 853 000 / 38 853 000 / 35 853 000 / 35 853 000 / 3 000 000 / 3 000 000 / 38 853 000 / 38 853 000
Restore the PDB.
PARLIAMENT: FIRST READING / Page 1 / 1 / 4.0 - EN21 01 04 01 Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) — Expenditure on administrative management
Draft amendment 0475 / === VERT/7328===< Helga Trüpel, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance >
Amend figures as follows:
21 01 04 01 / Budget 2009 / PDB 2010 / DB 2010 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 32 173 200 / 32 173 200 / 38 853 000 / 38 853 000 / 35 853 000 / 35 853 000 / 3 000 000 / 3 000 000 / 38 853 000 / 38 853 000
Restore the PDB.
PARLIAMENT: FIRST READING / Page 1 / 1 / 4.0 - EN21 02 04 Pilot project — Finance for agricultural production
Draft amendment 0301 / === DEVE/5526===< Committee on Development >
Amend remarks and figures as follows:
21 02 04 / Budget 2009 / PDB 2010 / DB 2010 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 2 000 000 / 2 000 000 / p.m. / 1 500 000 / p.m. / 1 500 000 / 2 000 000 / 500 000 / 2 000 000 / 2 000 000
After paragraph
This pilot project is intended to facilitate access to smallholder ...... to recognised international standards of transparency, accountability and financial probity.
Add following text:
Taking into account the worldwide economic crisis, microfinance is more needed than ever before. The European Union should take responsibility and emphasize on facilitating microfinance in developing countries.
In the current economic crisis, it is very important to ensure an appropriate financing which can have a direct impact on the lives of people in developing countries.
PARLIAMENT: FIRST READING / Page 1 / 1 / 4.0 - EN21 04 01 Environment and sustainable management of natural resources, including energy
Draft amendment 0707 / === S-D//7056===< Göran Färm, Francesca Balzani, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament >
Amend figures as follows:
21 04 01 / Budget 2009 / PDB 2010 / DB 2010 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 140 409 150 / 137 369 050 / 150 345 000 / 127 800 000 / 150 345 000 / 127 800 000 / 70 000 000 / 19 200 000 / 220 345 000 / 147 000 000
Reserves / 21 689 850
Developping countires are particulerly affected by the climate change problem. In view of the Copenhagen summit to be held by the end of 2009 and in view of the latest Commission's Communication in that respect, appropriations on this budget line should be dramatically increased.
PARLIAMENT: FIRST READING / Page 1 / 1 / 4.0 - EN21 04 01 Environment and sustainable management of natural resources, including energy
Draft amendment 0305 / === DEVE/5535===< Committee on Development >
Amend figures as follows:
21 04 01 / Budget 2009 / PDB 2010 / DB 2010 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 140 409 150 / 137 369 050 / 150 345 000 / 127 800 000 / 150 345 000 / 127 800 000 / 55 000 000 / 10 000 000 / 205 345 000 / 137 800 000
Reserves / 21 689 850
Appropriations for the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) require reinforcement in the light of the latest information on the scale of the climate change problem, which will principally affect developing countries. GCCA supports climate change adaptation in the world's poorest nations.
PARLIAMENT: FIRST READING / Page 1 / 1 / 4.0 - EN21 04 01 Environment and sustainable management of natural resources, including energy
Draft amendment 0608 / === EPP//7762===< Salvador Garriga Polledo, Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) >
Amend remarks and figures as follows:
21 04 01 / Budget 2009 / PDB 2010 / DB 2010 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 140 409 150 / 137 369 050 / 150 345 000 / 127 800 000 / 150 345 000 / 127 800 000 / 0 / 0 / 150 345 000 / 127 800 000
Reserves / 21 689 850 / 55 000 000 / 20 000 000 / 55 000 000 / 20 000 000
After paragraph
Any income from financial contributions from Member States and other ...... of the contributions for the corresponding programme for each Chapter.
Add following text:
Some appropriation should be in reserve. The reserve can be lifted when the actions and the amount are confirmed by the outcome of the Copenhagen Climate Conference in December 2009.
Before putting the appropriation proposed by the Commission in the Amending Letter 1/2010 on the line, the outcome of the Copenhagen Climate Conference in December 2009 should be clear. Therefore, the appropriation proposed in the Amending Letter 1/2010 and proposed by the Development Committee of the European Parliament should be only put into reserve.
PARLIAMENT: FIRST READING / Page 1 / 1 / 4.0 - EN21 04 01 Environment and sustainable management of natural resources, including energy
Draft amendment 0304 / === DEVE/5514===< Committee on Development >
Amend remarks as follows:
21 04 01 / Budget 2009 / PDB 2010 / DB 2010 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 140 409 150 / 137 369 050 / 150 345 000 / 127 800 000 / 150 345 000 / 127 800 000 / 150 345 000 / 127 800 000
Reserves / 21 689 850
After paragraph
Any income from financial contributions from Member States and other ...... of the contributions for the corresponding programme for each Chapter.
Add following text:
Appropriations under this Article are subject to evaluations as established in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation. These evaluations shall include aspects of input activities and chain of results (output, outcome, impact). The findings of the evaluations shall be used in the formulation of subsequent measures financed with these appropriations.
PARLIAMENT: FIRST READING / Page 1 / 1 / 4.0 - EN21 04 05 Global Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund (GEEREF)
Draft amendment 0307 / === DEVE/5527===< Committee on Development >
Amend remarks and figures as follows:
21 04 05 / Budget 2009 / PDB 2010 / DB 2010 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / p.m. / 2 200 000 / p.m. / 1 500 000 / p.m. / 1 500 000 / 2 200 000 / 700 000 / 2 200 000 / 2 200 000
After paragraph
This appropriation will be used to support the creation of ...... investment projects in developing countries, Europe and its neighbouring countries.
Amend text as follows:
In the context of climate change, the European Union needs to take the lead as regards measures to reduce the effects and causes of climate change. The exchange of good practices between the Member States in the area of energy efficiency will enable the European Union to act in a coordinated fashion, thus helping to lay down joint energy policy strategies and actions. The European Union should consider promoting energy efficiency as an instrument to combating the consequences of climate change and also stimulating the use of renewable energy resources in developing countries in making developing countries less energy dependent.
The European Union should take the lead in anticipating on the consequences of climate change for developing countries. By means of stimulating renewable energy resources, like solar energy, developing countries may develop their economies in a sustainable way to fight climate change and to stimulate energy independence.
PARLIAMENT: FIRST READING / Page 1 / 1 / 4.0 - EN21 04 05 Global Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund (GEEREF)
Draft amendment 0306 / === DEVE/5515===< Committee on Development >
Amend remarks as follows:
21 04 05 / Budget 2009 / PDB 2010 / DB 2010 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / p.m. / 2 200 000 / p.m. / 1 500 000 / p.m. / 1 500 000 / p.m. / 1 500 000
After paragraph
In the context of climate change, the European Union needs ...... helping to lay down joint energy policy strategies and actions.
Add following text:
Appropriations under this Article are subject to evaluations as established in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation. These evaluations shall include aspects of input activities and chain of results (output, outcome, impact). The findings of the evaluations shall be used in the formulation of subsequent measures financed with these appropriations.
PARLIAMENT: FIRST READING / Page 1 / 1 / 4.0 - EN21 04 07 (New)
Draft amendment 0309 / === DEVE/5536===< Committee on Development >
Add: 21 04 07 — Pilot Project - Copenhagen Climate Change Agreement
Amend classification: NCE
Amend type: DA
21 04 07 / Budget 2009 / PDB 2010 / DB 2010 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 5 000 000 / 3 000 000 / 5 000 000 / 3 000 000
Pilot Project - Copenhagen Climate Change Agreement
Add following text:
This appropriation is intended to finance climate change mitigation and adaptation measures for developing countries as a result of obligations arising from the Copenhagen climate change agreement.
Add following text:
It is intended that this pilot project will be followed by legislation to provide for the substantial additional funding required to address the challenge of climate change, given that the European Parliament resolution said the collective contribution by the EU towards developing countries' mitigation efforts and adaptation needs should not be less than EUR 30 000 million per annum by 2020.
Legal basis:
Add following text:
Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49 paragraph 6 of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) N° 1605/2002 of 21 June 2002 on the financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p.1)
Reference acts:
Add following text:
European Parliament resolution of 11 March 2009 on an EU strategy for a comprehensive climate change agreement in Copenhagen and the adequate provision of financing for climate change policy.
A new line has to be created in view of obligations towards developing countries that will arise as a result of the foreseen Copenhagen climate change agreement. The European Union should contribute its fair share of mitigation and adaptation measures in those countries, it being understood that this funding is to be additional to already promised development funds.
This Pilot Project is intended to lead to legislation to provide the needed additional funding for climate change mitigation and adaptation.
PARLIAMENT: FIRST READING / Page 1 / 1 / 4.0 - EN21 04 07 (New)
Draft amendment 0485 / === VERT/7312===< Helga Trüpel, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance >
Add: 21 04 07 — Copenhagen Climate Change Agreement
Amend classification: NCE
Amend type: DA
21 04 07 / Budget 2009 / PDB 2010 / DB 2010 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 0 / p.m.
Copenhagen Climate Change Agreement
Add following text:
This appropriation is intended to finance climate change mitigation and adaptation measures for developing countries as a result of obligations arising from the Copenhagen climate change agreement.
A new line has to be created in view of obligations towards developing countries that will arise as a result of the foreseen Copenhagen climate change agreement. The European Union should contribute its fair share of mitigation and adaptation measures in those countries, it being understood that this funding is to be additional to already promised development funds.
PARLIAMENT: FIRST READING / Page 1 / 1 / 4.0 - EN21 05 01 01 Health
Draft amendment 0310 / === DEVE/5528===< Committee on Development >
Amend remarks and figures as follows:
21 05 01 01 / Budget 2009 / PDB 2010 / DB 2010 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 30 600 000 / 12 000 000 / 37 885 491 / 14 500 000 / 37 885 491 / 14 500 000 / 10 000 000 / 10 000 000 / 47 885 491 / 24 500 000
After paragraph
Financial support is provided to actions in four priority areas: ...... prevention, treatment and care, with prevention as a key priority.
Amend text as follows:
This appropriation will be made available for measures carried out by the Commission. It may not be made available to the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM).A certain percentage of the appropriation shall be provided to technical aid in recipient countries. This allocation will complement the financing role of the GFATM by ensuring that a coordinated and effective technical support mechanism is in place, resulting in effective implementation of Global Fund appropriations.
Budget allocated to health under Investing in People is considerably lower than in the past (e.g. 2003-2006).
Strengthening the overall health programmes is a must to reach the goals set. Commission support for
strengthening the health work force development and for tackling the critical shortage of health workers
deserves a follow-up in 2010.
PARLIAMENT: FIRST READING / Page 1 / 1 / 4.0 - EN21 05 01 03 Other aspects of human and social development
Draft amendment 0486 / === VERT/7353===< Helga Trüpel, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance >
Amend remarks and figures as follows:
21 05 01 03 / Budget 2009 / PDB 2010 / DB 2010 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 28 000 000 / 10 000 000 / 32 226 000 / 20 000 000 / 32 226 000 / 20 000 000 / 1 000 000 / 1 000 000 / 33 226 000 / 21 000 000
After paragraph
Financial support is provided for actions in three priority areas: ...... (2) employment and social cohesion; and (3) youth and children.
Add following text:
This appropriation is also intended to support civil society projects on education, exchange of young people, health, access to employment for Tibetans in China and in exile.
This appropriation is also intended to support civil society projects on education, exchange of young people, health, access to employment for Tibetans in China and in exile.
PARLIAMENT: FIRST READING / Page 1 / 1 / 4.0 - EN21 05 01 06 Preparatory action — Pharmaceutical-related transfer of technology in favour of developing countries
Draft amendment 0200 / === INTA/6805===< Committee on International Trade >
Amend remarks and figures as follows:
21 05 01 06 / Budget 2009 / PDB 2010 / DB 2010 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 5 000 000 / 3 000 000 / p.m. / 2 073 000 / p.m. / 2 073 000 / 5 000 000 / 927 000 / 5 000 000 / 3 000 000
After list beginning with :
This is the third year of the preparatory action launched ...... the obligations established by Article 66(2) of the TRIPS Agreement.
and ending with :
provide concrete financial support for pharmaceutical-related transfer of technology and ...... the obligations established by Article 66(2) of the TRIPS Agreement.
Add following text:
The first results of the study, which should be released by the end of 2009, should be used to start financing in 2010 concrete projects aiming to improve access to technology, develop capacity building and increase local production capacity (including in the area of traditional medicine).
2010 will be the third year of implementation of this PA, meant to create an action program following adoption by EP of a resolution on 12.07.07 on the TRIPS Agreement and access to medicines. After launching a study in 2008 about transfer of technology, the EC should start capacity-building programs in 2009. As the first results of the study will be released by the end of 2009, year 2010 should be dedicated to launching concrete projects on transfer of technology for developing countries.
PARLIAMENT: FIRST READING / Page 1 / 1 / 4.0 - EN21 05 01 06 Preparatory action — Pharmaceutical-related transfer of technology in favour of developing countries
Draft amendment 0554 / === ALDE/7861===< Niccolò Rinaldi, Marielle De Sarnez, Metin Kazak, Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe >
Amend remarks and figures as follows:
21 05 01 06 / Budget 2009 / PDB 2010 / DB 2010 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 5 000 000 / 3 000 000 / p.m. / 2 073 000 / p.m. / 2 073 000 / 5 000 000 / 927 000 / 5 000 000 / 3 000 000
After list beginning with :
This is the third year of the preparatory action launched ...... the obligations established by Article 66(2) of the TRIPS Agreement.
and ending with :
provide concrete financial support for pharmaceutical-related transfer of technology and ...... the obligations established by Article 66(2) of the TRIPS Agreement.
Add following text:
The first results of the study, which should be released by the end of 2009, should be used to start financing in 2010 concrete projects aiming to improve access to technology, develop capacity building and increase local production capacity (including in the area of traditional medicine).
2010 will be the third year of implementation of this PA, meant to create an action program following adoption by EP of a resolution on 12.07.07 on the TRIPS Agreement and access to medicines. After launching a study in 2008 about transfer of technology, the EC should start capacity-building programs in 2009. As the first results of the study will be released by the end of 2009, year 2010 should be dedicated to launching concrete projects on transfer of technology for developing countries.
PARLIAMENT: FIRST READING / Page 1 / 1 / 4.0 - EN21 05 01 07 Preparatory action — Research and development on poverty-related, tropical and neglected diseases
Draft amendment 0201 / === INTA/6808===< Committee on International Trade >
Amend remarks and figures as follows:
21 05 01 07 / Budget 2009 / PDB 2010 / DB 2010 / AMENDMENT / DB+AMENDMENTCommitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 5 000 000 / 3 000 000 / p.m. / 2 500 000 / p.m. / 2 500 000 / 5 000 000 / 500 000 / 5 000 000 / 3 000 000
After paragraph
This is the third year of the preparatory action launched ...... locally adapted solutions to the lack of access to medicines.
Add following text:
The first results of the study should be released by the end of 2009. The continuation of the study in 2010 should ensure that emphasis remains on active participation and pivotal roles of developing country scientists, decision makers and institutions in this process.
Add following text:
Year 2010 should be dedicated to financing concrete actions, such as support to research networks and research institutes in developing countries. In all these projects, the consultation and leading role of developing countries' stakeholders (regional, national and local experts, scientists and institutions) should be ensured.
2010 will be the third year of implementation of this PA, meant to create an action program following adoption by EP of a resolution on 12.07.07 on the TRIPS Agreement and access to medicines. After launching a study in 2008 in collaboration with the WHO to identify the needs in research and development on poverty-related, tropical and neglected diseases, the EC should start supporting research networks in 2009. 2010 should see the consolidation and expansion of this program to new initiatives.