Assumptions for Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Testing

1 sample mean (matched pairs) Normal/Z

a. Random sample, with independent sample members.

b. Population has an approximately Normal distribution or sample size > 30.

c. Standard deviation, σ, of the population is known.

d. Sample size is < .10 of population size.

2 sample means Normal/Z

a. Random sample, with independent sample members.

b. Samples are independent

b. Populations have an approximately Normal distribution or sample sizes > 30.

c. Standard deviations, σ, of the populations are known.

d. Sample sizes are < .10 of population sizes.

1 sample mean t-distribution

a. Random sample, with independent sample members.

b. Population has an approximately Normal distribution or sample size > 30.

c. Standard deviation, σ, of the population is unknown.

d. Sample size is < .10 of population size.

2 sample means t-distribution

a. Random sample, with independent sample members.

b. Samples are independent

c. Populations have an approximately Normal distribution or sample sizes > 30.

d. Standard deviations, σ, of the populations are unknown.

e. Sample sizes are < .10 of population sizes.

1 sample proportion Normal/Z

a. Random sample, with independent sample members.

b. np or n and n(1 – p) or n(1 - ) are greater than 5.

c. Sample size is < .10 of population size.

2 sample proportions Normal/Z

a. Random sample, with independent sample members.

b. n1p1 or n1, n1(1 – p1) or n1(1 - ), n 2p2 or n2, n 2(1 – p2) or n2(1 - ) are all greater than 5.

c. Sample size is < .10 of population size.

d. Samples are independent

χ2 Goodness of Fit Test and χ2 Test for Independence

a. Random sample, with independent sample members.

b. All expected counts are > 5.

c. Sample size is < .10 of population size.

d. Data is in counts, not percentages.

Linear Regression Test (β1 = 0)

a. Random sample, with independent sample members.

bRelationship of variables is linear.

c σy (σe) are equal for all x

d the y-values (errors) are approximately normal for all x.

e The y-values are independent among all values of x.