Agenda for the East Hanney Parish Council–1st February 2017 – 8pm
To Members of the East Hanney Parish Council YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to attend the Meeting commencing at 8pm on Wednesday 1stFebruary 2017 to be held in the Old Hanney Room, Hanney War Memorial Hall for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business set out in the following agenda.
Press and members of the public: You are welcome to attend the meeting.
- Apologies for absence.
- Members Declarations of Interest.
- To confirm: The minutes of the January 2017 meeting of the Parish Council (P1 (02.17))
- To receive: Update on matters arising from the minutes not otherwise on the agenda.
- Public Participation Period.
Up to 15 minutes are allowed for public participation. Participants are restricted to 3 minutes each.
- To receive: Reports from District and County Councillors (if available).
- To confirm / consider: The Parish Council’s response to the following applications:
- P16/V3100/HH – Mill Bank, Mill Orchard.
- P16/V3226/FUL – Variation to conditions, Steventon Road.
- P16/V3242/FUL (including P16/V3243/LB) – Pryor House, Snuggs Lane.
- P17/V0029/DIS – Half Acre – Discharge of conditions.
- P17/V0081/HH – Borley Bank, Main Street.
- To consider: the Council’s response to the proposed closure of Steventon railway bridge.
- To consider: The position of the Council with regards to potential traffic lights at La Fontana,
East Hanney. (Cllr Kirk)
- To consider: The course of action concerning the use of Cow Lane access by developers for
servicing buildings on Home Farm Orchard.
- Submission of planning permission to change the use of the field north of the
playing field and proposals for future use of the field. (Cllrs Scott and Aram) (P2 (02.17))
- To receive: an update on the Neighbourhood Plan. (Cllr Scott)
- To receive: an update on Swan Lifeline. (Cllr McKechnie)
- To receive: Invoices paid since last meeting and current statement of account (P3 (02.17))
Guy Langton, Clerk to East Hanney Parish Council ()1