UKLFI Ltd (company no. 07396781) Registered office: 3 Stone Buildings,

Lincoln's Inn, London WC2A 3XL

Please download or print and complete this form, then email or post it to Caroline / 35 Shirlock Road, London NW3 2HR

Title (e.g. Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr. Etc...)
Address (including full postcode)
Primary E-mail address
Secondary E-mail address
Contact Telephone
Organisation where you work
Position in that organisation
Legal Qualification or Vocation (e.g. Solicitor, Barrister, Lecturer)
Are you current, retired, practising, non-practising etc...?
Jurisdictions in which you are qualified to practice or of which you have knowledge and experience
Legal Specialisms
Who introduced you to UKLFI?
If no introducer, please state how you came to know about UKLFI and provide contact details of someone likely to be known to us who can confirm that you support our objects
Any further information in support of your application (e.g. relevant experience, willingness to volunteer for casework)
Payment – please put a “X” next to the applicable fee / Standard - £50.00
Students - £30.00
By Bank Transfer
Account name: UKLFI Ltd
Bank: Barclays
Sort Code: 20-45-45
Account No. 13789748
IBAN: GB04 BARC 204545 13789748
SWIFT: BARC GB22 / By cheque
Payable to UKLFI Ltd
Please send to Caroline Turner
35 Shirlock Road, London NW3 2HR
By credit card via PayPal to
Please give your name as a reference
I confirm that I have read the Membership Information below and that I support the objectives of UKLFI. / Please sign and date

Membership Information

1. By completing and returning this form, you agree to accept the Articles of Association of UKLFI Ltd and our Data Protection Policy (see below).

2. We may request further information to confirm that you support our aims and/or any statements made in your application.

3. Please say if you wish us to use our discretion to vary or waive your subscription fee.

4. Payment will be refunded in full if you application is declined. We do not issue invoices or receipts.

5. Your membership will begin on the date that we notify you of the Board’s decision to accept you as a member or (if later) at the start of the period to which your payment relates.

6. UKLFI Ltd is registered under the Data Protection Act with Registration Number Z3621300. Your personal information is collected only when voluntarily submitted by you or when obtained from your (or your organisation’s) website. We will use your personal information to decide (for the purpose of the Company’s objects) whether or not to invite you to advise or represent us or third parties, or to manage any of our projects or campaigns; and to provide you with news and other information about UKLFI’s activities and related matters which we consider may be of interest to you. We may disclose your personal information to the person who introduced you to UKLFI, or to our members and supporters, so far as may be necessary to confirm (a) that you are a bona fide supporter of our aims or (b) any statements made in your application. We will neither sell your personal information, nor (save as aforesaid or with your consent) deliberately transfer or otherwise disclose it, to any third party unless required by law or court order.