Principals’ Meeting

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Elementary Meeting Notes

Project TAP: Teachers and Administrators Partnering; Jean Joyner (NC State)

PowerPoint and handouts on Principal Wiki

Mathematics and Science Partnership Grant: Teacher/administrator professional development project- state wide

  • Lenses on Learning: focusing on Mathematical Thinking
  • Involves a principal and lead teacher partnership: 5.5 days of face to face
  • Pays for registration for the NCCTM Leadership Seminar and Fall Conference in September, including up to $500 of support for each lead teacher
  • March 2012 symposium at MeredithCollege
  • Includes documentation of current mathematics initiative and the implementation of one new initiative for the year
  • First in Math on-line program (focusing on developing computational fluency) in each TAP Math school
  • Focusing on new Common Core Standards

Fifth to Sixth Grade Math Acceleration (Wendy Carlyle, Crystal Cabral, and Kelly Steele, Patty Carr)

  • Implementation Guidelines: Compacted 5th/6th Mathematics (Power Point on Wiki, handouts provided in folders, and posted on Wiki)
  • Criteria for 4th graders: Level 4 Profile Card, AIG identification as Strong or Very Strong , SBCGE reviews each student individually
  • AIG and 5th grade teacher equally responsible for delivering content, working collaboratively
  • Transportation will not be provided, so eligible students must be served at base school
  • There is an expectation that students on compacted 5/6 math be clustered for instruction
  • There will be staff development provided for AIG and 5th grade teachers.
  • Suggestions for YR scheduling from Patty Carr:
  • Make AG teacher part of the 5th grade PLT
  • Have the AG teacher work as much as she can with students, but it my not be hands on every week.
  • Have the AG teacher plan with teachers on 5th grade team
  • Can create some independent work for 5/6 students
  • Curriculum is compacted, which means that students do not go to two separate grade level instruction. Curriculum guide is under development.
  • There were be specially constructed Blue Diamond assessments developed for 5/6 compacted math.
  • Lessons from existing resources will be identified. There will be online access to the teacher’s manuals that may not be available
  • Reminder, student has to really excel in compacted math to be successful at the next level.
  • There will be a special profile card for 5/6 compacted math.
  • Students can be switched to regular 5th grade math if they are not being successful in compacted math.

Principal Feedback

  • What more specific criteria for selecting students.
  • Concern that EVAAS Data is driving 6th grade math placement without using other criteria, which is inconsistent with the 5th grade selection process.
  • Concern about AG allotments and splitting positions.
  • Concern about how to schedule the delivery. Concerns about control of clustering on year round calendar
  • Need talking points to help principals with parent questions.
  • Who are the principals who have been doing this at schools already? Perhaps they can serve as a resource.
  • Keep in mind from prior years: Have to have the criteria tight and strong. Need to help parents see what the expectations are in high school.
  • If you have a teacher who is dually certified elementary teacher/AG teacher, look for placing those teachers in 5th grade.
  • Why are we rushing through this or can the process be slowed down, considering that changes will occur next with Common Core?
  • What if there are students who move in who need compacted? Students will need to be assessed to see if they meet the AIG criteria.
  • Need a common assessment that can be used in all schools.
  • Concern about lack of resources to meet student’s needs.

Darryl Fisher will take concerns back to Dr. Hargens for further discussion.

Elementary Programs at a Glance: Defining the “loose and tights” (Darryl Fisher)

  • Shared new overview document regarding the elementary program. (posted on the Principal Wiki)
  • Also posted on the Internet site for parents to view

Principal Questions:

  • Question about the amount of time on page 1. (Staff will look at this again.)

AIMSweb Implementation Plan (handout in packet, posted on Principal Wiki)

  • Optional professional development for principals is being offered on May 27th and June 3rd
  • System is providing reading, schools can opt to add other components using school-based funds

Textbooks: Meeting with IRTs, May 27th to discuss textbook distribution process. Darryl Fisher will send an email and try to schedule for the afternoon.

2011-12 IRT Principal Topics: Based on survey that IRTs and Principals completed. (Handout in packets and on Wiki)

Additional Questions:

  • Are there plans to change the elementary report card? (This process will take place next year in anticipation of the implementation of the Common Core.)
  • Would like to see some energy around looking at the assessments, scoring assessments, making them easier for teachers.

Year Round Information about Payroll Dropdowns: (Becky Hargraves, Kim Campbell)

There are new dropdowns for 11 month year teachers in year round schools.

Principals requested a copy of the Stack Calendar. Kim will look at getting this into a format that can be shared easily.

4/28/11: JJW1