Mrs. Lakin and Miss. Allen’s Classroom Expectations
Every studentdeserves the right to learn…Every teacher deserves the right to teach…And no one willbe allowed to disrupt this process of learning and teaching.
Responsible Studentsfollow… the classroom and school rules by doing what they are supposed to do.
I will show my Responsibility by...
1. Staying focused on my task during work time.
2. Finishing my assignments on time and turning them in.
3. Keeping my cell phone off and out of sight.
4. Doing my personal best.
Respectful Students are…polite, well-manneredand are considerate to othersduring learning and teaching.
I will show my Respect by...
I. Treating otherskindly and respectfullythe way I like to be treated.
2. Listening and learning when others are speaking.
3. Taking care of borrowed supplies and school property.
4. Keeping my hands to myself.
5. Cleaning up after myself.
Ready Students attend… school and class ready and prepared to learn.
I will show my Readiness by...
1. Having my ID visible and around my neck.
2. Following the dress code
3.Arriving to school and class on time with school materials ready and prepared to learn.
Outcomes when Classroom Expectations for behaviorare notmet in addition to loss of daily points:
1. First Offense - Verbal Warning - Teacher models which Classroom Expectation needs to be followed and creates a Classroom Discipline Record Form for that specific behavior.
2. Second OffenseTeachers will conference privately with student about Classroom Expectations.
3. Third Offense–Phone call to the parent to reinforce Classroom Expectations. Behavior Plan and lunch Detention - Student will complete a Behavior Packet during Classroom Detention
4. Fourth-DAR - AdministrativeDiscipline.
1.1st offense= Warning / Restate expectations
2.2nd offense=Warning / Restate expectations/ parent contact
3.3rd offense=Warning / Restate expectations/Lunch Detention
4.4th offense =Disciplinary Action Referral(DAR)
Additional offenses =DAR
Behavior Point Levels-
Level 1-90% and up- has all privileges
Level 2-80% to 89% loss of passing period and parent letter
Level 3-70% to 79% lunch detention, letter to parent and behavior packet/ Ripple Effects assigned.
Level 4- first week below 69% conference with administrator and all consequences listed above.
Level 5- two weeks below 69% parent conference will be requested.
Cell Phone Expectations- I do not want to see or hear your cell phone. If I see or hear it you will be asked to take it to your locker. It will be noted as a cell phone violation on a behavior tracker. If you refuse to take it to your locker you will be written up for insubordination.
I understand this list of Classroom Expectations and agree to accept the outcomes when these Classroom Expectations are not met. Also, Iunderstand that by not following these Classroom Expectations,there may be negative outcomes that directly affect my success.
Student Signature______Date______
Parent Signature______Date______