Ottawa Photography Meetup

Ottawa Downtown Photography Scavenger Hunt

Rules: Have fun!

- The event is from 1pm to 5pm today.

- Respect the law.

- You can submit only 6 photos (Even if there are 8 topics).

- Only submit photos taken today (between 1 and 5 pm) Please be honest :-)

- You are not allowed to use other participants of the Scavenger Hunt as main subjects of any of the topics.

- Please follow the post-event guide (reverse of this page) for uploading your

photos to the Ottawa Photography Meetup website.

- Scoring of the hunt will be done in the following manner:

For each photo (6 total)

- 1 to 3 points awarded for composition.

- 1 to 3 points awarded for topic accuracy.

- 1 to 3 points awarded for originality/thinking outside the box.

For a maximum of 9 points per photos, and a total maximum of 54 points.

In this scavenger hunt you must take at a minimum 1 photo of at least 6 of the 8 following topics:

Photo 1. □ Food.

For human consumption only.

Photo 2. □ Interesting Structure.

The arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of something complex. construction - building - fabric - frame - edifice.

Photo 3.□ Candid Style.

That is captured without creating a posed appearance. By avoiding prior preparation of the subject and by either surprising the subject or by not distracting the subject during the process of taking photos.

Photo 4.□ Animal.

Dog, cat, squirrel, crocodile... anything that normal people would call an animal!

Photo 5.□ A Close-up/Macro.

So close that the main subject of the photo takes up most of the frame, and the subject is no more than approximately 6in/15cm big. (smaller is ok)

Photo 6.□ A Stranger in a pose!

You must convince a stranger to strike the pose for you! Funny, sexy, superhero, dance move pose!

Photo 7.□ Laughter.

Everybody should laugh! You must capture laughter in this photo.

Photo 8.□ Something Wet.

Drenched, soaked, drowned (well, not dead drowned..) with water!

ps: The fountain next to us, does not count! (that's too easy)

-You can wonder alone, in pairs or in groups (preferred for fun and social interaction).

- Every single person must submit their own photos.

-This is not a "race" type scavenger hunt. You basically will have 4 hrs to wonder around and hunt for the items/subjects.

A meet for beverages at 5pm will be at:______

ps: Have Fun, enjoy yourself!

Post-event guide

Please follow the following instructions for uploading your photos to the Ottawa Photography Meetup website.

1. You can submit only 6 photos. You chose which ones out of the 8 topics.

2. Only one photo per topic.

3. Submission deadline: You have until 11:59 pm on the 18 September to submit your 6 photos.

4. To use a photo on Meetup, the image needs to be in .jpg, .gif, or .png format. The file size limit is 10MB per photo.

5. Naming of your photos (adding caption): In order to identify it and to help the judges going through the hundreds of photos, you must name your photos and add caption according to the following:

- Your name(screen name that is) followed by topic number.jpg

- examples: BobBarker2.jpg, madonna07.gif, Reg Mercure1.png

Once the event is finished I will post a sample photo and caption on the site.

6. Image manipulation or alteration other than industry accepted darkroom techniques such as cropping, colour correction and tone adjustments (levels, curves, burning/dodging, and HDR), are not allowed.

7. The winner and runner-up will be announced in the "past meetups" ( on the 22 Sept 2013. Unfortunately there is no actual prizes (other than bragging rights) for this event. Perhaps the next one if there is time.

8. If this proves too difficult for you, you could send them to my e-mail address and I will post them up for you. If so, please send them to:

Hope you had fun!

Thank you.

Reg Mercure.