Ms. Adkins’ Classroom Contract

2016-2017 Buna Junior High School

***To be kept in the back pocket of your binder***

  1. I will respect myself, my peers, and my teachers.
  1. I will be kind and courteous to my teachers and to my peers.
  1. I will come to class prepared (pencil, binder, homework and additional supplies), and understand that if I do not, points may be deducted from my overall grade.
  1. Personal electronics are prohibited unless approved for a specific reason by Ms. Adkins.
  1. Phones and other electronics will be kept zipped up in backpacks. If they are seen, there is a very good chance they will be taken up.
  1. Weekly Agendas will be handed out at the beginning of each week with a list of assignments and homework. It is my responsibility to copy down any changes to the agenda if Ms. Adkins makes changes to our schedule in class.
  1. Ms. Adkins reserves the right to give a pop quiz on relevant material that I should know at anytime. I will not whine, complain, and cry if she chooses to exercise this right.
  1. I will try to have fun and enjoy social studies because, really, it’s not that bad.


I,______, am aware of the rules, policies, and expectations of Ms. Adkins’ classroom and agree to uphold them for as long as I am a student in her class. I also understand that interpretation of the rules is subject to Ms. Adkins’ discretion, and she has the right to revise these regulations as she sees fit. Furthermore, I understand that violating these rules may lead to unfavorable consequences, and loss of privileges. While Ms. Adkins does not think this will be a problem because I am a fabulous student who is smart, kind, respectful, and loves to learn, it is important that I know what is expected of me in her classroom.

Student Signature:______Date:______

As the parent/guardian of ______, I have read the rules, policies, and expectations of Ms. Adkins’ classroom, and am aware that my child will be upheld to these standards.

Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date:______

Parent/Guardian email: ______