Snowmobile permit sign up will be available at the Annual Meeting each July.

Those unable to attend the Annual Meeting may contact the Snowmobile Coordinator by August 15 to be added to the list.

Only one permit is allowed per Fulford Association membership.

Owners must be current in paying annual dues to be eligible for a permit.


Roby Forsyth is the Snowmobile Coordinator. He may be reached at .


Permits will be distributed at a mandatory meeting each year.

The meeting date, time and location will be provided at the Annual Meeting and will usually be held at the beginning of November.

Only owners who attend the meeting will be eligible for a permit.

The actual permit holder must be present at the meeting. No representatives may be sent.

Should there be more owners interested than permits available, the permits will be assigned according to the lottery process detailed below.


Your snowmobile must have a current Colorado Parks & Wildlife Snowmobile Registration.

Sitting on your snowmobile, the Fulford sticker placement is on the upper RIGHT side as close to theColoradoPermit as possible.

Permit stickers must be attached to a snowmobile registered in your name.

They may not be transferred to a friend or neighbors snowmobile.

Stickers may not be copied or reproduced.

If your sticker is damaged, disfigured or unreadable you will need to contact theSnowmobile Coordinator to purchase a new one. The cost for a replacement sticker is likely to be considerably more than the original sticker cost.


The Fulford permit snowmobile parking area is a short ways past the Yeoman gate on the hillside on the left as you head to Fulford.

Per the US Forest Service, snowmobile parking is permitted from November 23rd to May 20th.

You are responsible for removing your snowmobile before the deadline.


All snowmobiles must have a cover while parked.

No hauling sled or other equipment may be attached to back of snowmobile while parked.

Please try to park snowmobiles in a straight row.

Please help keep our snowmobile parking area clean.

If you need to remove your snowmobile from the parking area for an unusual amount of time, please let the Snowmobile Coordinator know how long you expect it to be gone.

Your snowmobile must be taken to your Fulford cabin at least twice a month.

Permit holders who fail to make regular use of the permit may be ineligible to receive a permit in future years.

Fulford Residents are prohibited from parking in the trailer lot at Yeoman on weekends and holidays throughout the season unless they have a trailer attached to their vehicle.

The parking area to the right near the restrooms should be used instead.



One permit will be reserved for Bob Levine’s use as long as he is grooming the road to Fulford.

The Association will cover the cost of his permit.


One permit will be reserved for handicap/ADA owners.

If no such owners sign up, that permit will be included in the general pool.

If more than one such owner is interested, a lottery drawing will be held amongst the handicap/ADA owners to determine who will receive the permit. Any owners who do not receive a permit in the handicap/ADA lottery drawing will then be included in the pool for the remaining permits. No special preferences will be given to any owners that are included in the general pool.


If there are more remaining owners interested in permits than there are permits available, a lottery drawing will be held to determine who will receive the remaining permits.

If there are any owners who do not receive a permit, they may sign up for a permit for the following year, however they will not receive any preference in any future year.

Thanks everyone! Have a great, safe winter!